The script has the following functions
Function Type | Description | Version |
abs | Get absolute value. | |
acos | Get the value of arccosine. | |
AiCurr | Get the current calue of the analog Input tag. | |
AiHigh | Get the High setting of the analog input tag. | |
AiHiHi | Get the HIHI setting of the analog input tag. | |
AiLoLo | Get the LoLo setting of the analog input tag. | |
AiLow | Get the Low setting of the analog input tag. | |
AiSetCurr | Set the current value of the analog input tag. | |
AiSumTotal | Get the totalization value of the analog input tag. | |
AlarmEventConfirmAll | Confirm all event alerts. | 10.3.0 |
AlarmEventDeleteAll | Delete all event alerts. | 10.3.0 |
AlarmGetEventCount | Get the number of alarms that are displayed in the Alarm Events window. | |
AlarmGetSoundFlag | Get the alarm sound ON/OFF. | |
AlarmGetTotalCount | Get the number of alarms that are currently being raised. | 10.3.1 |
AlarmListConfirm | Confirm the alarm in the Alarm Window. | |
AlarmListDelete | Delete the alarm in the Alarm Window. | |
AlarmListGetCursor | Get the current cursor position of the Alarm Window. | |
AlarmListGetValue | Get the alarm contents of the current cursor position of the Alarm Window. | |
AlarmListSetCursor | Move the current cursor of the Alarm Window to a specific position. | |
AlarmListSetFilter | Set the search conditions for the Alarm Window. | |
AlarmListSetFilterPrepare | Add the necessary conditions for the search and set it. | 9.5.0 |
AlarmListSetFilterTimeTo | Set the endtime conditions required for the search. | 10.2.5 |
AlarmSetSoundFlag | Turn the alarm sound ON/OFF. | |
AlarmSoundConfirm | Turn off the alarm sound of the event that is currently occurring. | |
AnimationSetFile | Change the picture of an animation element to its file. | CTLX |
ApplicationGetProductName | Get the name of the currently running program. | 10.3.5 |
ARGB | Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue values to 32-bit color values. | CTLX |
asin | Get the value of the arcsine. | |
atan | Get the value of the arctangent. | |
atan2 | Get the arctangent value of X,Y coordinates. | |
atof | Replace strings with float values. | |
atoi | Replace a string with an integer. | |
atox | Replace a hexadecimal string with an integer. | |
AtsSetLcdBrightness | Controls the brightness of the ATS LCD. | 10.3.4 |
AtsSetLcdPower | Turn the ATS LCD ON/OFF. | 10.3.0 |
AtsSetPowerReset | Reset the ATS power. | 10.3.0 |
BitmapSetFile | Change the picture of a bitmap element to its file. | CTLX |
CheckBoxGetCheck | Get the current value of the Check Box. | |
CheckBoxSetCheck | Set the current value of the Check Box. | |
CircleSetAngle | Set the starting angle and the angle of movement of a cone or arc. | 10.2.1 |
CircleSetType | Set the type of circle/pie/arc. | 10.2.1 |
clock | Returns time of milli-second. | |
CloseModule | Close the current graphics module. | |
ComboBoxAddString | Add data to the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxDeleteString | Delete the data to the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxGetCurSel | Get the index of the selected data in the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxGetImeMode | Get the IME Mode of the ComboBox. | 10.2.1 |
ComboBoxGetItemCount | Get the number of items in the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxGetItemText | Get the text of the specified item in the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxGetText | Get the text of the currently selected data from the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxResetContent | Delete all data registered in the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxSetCurSel | Get the data for the corresponding Index of the ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxSetImeMode | Change the IME Mode of the ComboBox. | 10.2.1 |
ComboBoxSetText | Change the text of the ComboBox. | |
CommandLineGetCount | Get the number of factors used to execute the Local Server. | CTLX |
CommandLineGetString | Get the string value of the argument used when executing the Local Server. | CTLX |
ContextMenuAddItem | Add a menu item to a shortened menu. | 10.2.5 |
ContextMenuAddSubItem | Add a menu item as a sub of another menu item. | 10.2.5 |
ContextMenuNew | Create a shortcut menu. | 10.2.5 |
ContextMenuNewItem | Create a shortcut menu item. | 10.2.5 |
ContextMenuShow | Create a prepared shortcut menu on the screen. | 10.2.5 |
ControlBox | Create a dialog box to control. | |
cos | Get a cosine value. | |
CreateDirectory | Create a directory. | |
CsvBlockDelete | Deletes a specific column from the comma block memory. | |
CsvBlockFree | Free up comma block memory. | |
CsvBlockGet | Copy the tag value to commablock memory. | |
CsvBlockGetText | Read the value of a specific row/column from commablock memory. | |
CsvBlockInsert | Insert a new column into a specific column in the commablock memory. | |
CsvBlockLoad | Read the comma-separated text file and prepare it in memory. | |
CsvBlockNew | Create a new commablock memory. | |
CsvBlockSave | Save comma block memory as a file. | |
CsvBlockSearchPos | Find the location of a column of matching strings in a specific row in commablock memory. | |
CsvBlockSet | Copy the comma block memory to the tag. | |
DatabaseGetCurSel | Get the cursor position of the database object. | |
DatabaseGetValue | Get the data value of the cursor position of the database object. | |
DatabaseReLoad | Re-reads the data from the database object. | |
DatabaseSetConnection | Set the connection string of the database object. | |
DatabaseSetCurSel | Set the cursor position of a database object | |
DatabaseSetFilter | When Using Database Objects, SQL Conditional Statement Writing Functions | |
DatabaseSetSelect | Set a SELECT Statement on a database object | |
DatabaseSetTable | Set a table in a database object. | |
DataGetAiDay | Read the daily data of the AI tag stored on the disk. | |
DataGetAiHour | Read the hourly data of the AI tag stored on the disk. | |
DataGetAiMin | Read the minutely data of the AI tag stored on the disk. | |
DataGetAiMon | Read the Monthly data of the AI tag stored on the disk. | |
DataGetAiYear | Read the yearly data of the AI tag stored on the disk. | |
DataGetDiDay | Read the daily data of the DI tag stored on disk. | |
DataGetDiHour | Read the hourly data of the DI tag stored on disk. | |
DataGetDiMin | Read the minutely data of the DI tag stored on disk. | |
DataGetDiMon | Read the monthly data of the DI tag stored on disk. | |
DataGetDiYear | Read the yearly data of the DI tag stored on disk. | |
DataGridAddButtonColumn | Add a Button Column to a DataGrid Object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridAddCheckBoxColumn | Add a checkbox column to a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridAddComboBoxColumn | Add a Combo Box Column to a DataGrid Object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridAddRow | Add a row of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridAddTextBoxColumn | Add a String Column to a DataGrid Object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridClearColumn | Delete all columns of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridComboBoxColumnItemAdd | Add an item from the Combo Box column of the DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridDeleteRow | Delete a row of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetCellData.htm | Get data from a specified cell in a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetCellSel | Get the index of the selected cell of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetColumnName | Get the Column Name of a DataGrid Object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetCurSel | Get the row number for the selected row in a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetRowCount | Get the total number of rows of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridGetRowData | Get the data entered in the specified column and row from a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridInsertRow | Insert a row at the specified row number position on a data grid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridReLoad | Reload data linked to a Datagrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetCellBackColor | Change the background color of a specified cell for a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetCellData | Enter data in the specified cell of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetCellTextColor | Change the font color of a specified cell in a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetColumnAlignment | Align the text of a DataGrid object. | 10.3.5 |
DataGridSetColumnHeadersHeight | Change the height of the header of the column of a DataGrid object. | 10.3.5 |
DataGridSetColumnIndex | Change the Column Index of a Specified Column on a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetColumnReadOnly | Change the ReadOnly property of a specified Column on a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetColumnText | Change the text of a specified column on a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetColumnVisible | Change the Visible property of a specified Column on a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetColumnWidth | Change the width of a specified column on a DataGrid object. | 10.2.6 |
DataGridSetCurSel | Select ROW from a Datagrid Object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetDataTable | Use the data value of a DataGrid object to datatable. | 10.3.5 |
DataGridSetDsn | Define the data to be linked to a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetRowData | Enter data into the specified columns and rows of a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataGridSetRowHeight | Change the height of a DataGrid object's specified ROW. | 10.2.6 |
DataGridSetSelect | Add a String Column to a DataGrid object. | 10.2.4 |
DataSetAiHour | Store the hourly data of a AI tag. | |
DataSetAiMin | Store minutely data of a AI tag | |
DataTableGetRowCount | Get the number of rows of a DataTable object. | 10.3.5 |
DataTableGetRowData | Get the value of the column_name, row_pos in a DataTable object. | 10.3.5 |
DatePickerGetDate | Get the current date of the date picker object. | 10.1.3 |
DatePickerSetDate | Set the current date of the date picker object. | 10.1.3 |
DateTimeAddDays | Add or subtract days from a DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddHours | Add or subtract hours from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddMilliseconds | Add or subtract milliseconds from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddMinutes | Add or subtract minutes from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddMonths | Add or subtract months from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddSeconds | Add or subtract seconds from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeAddYears | Add or subtract years from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeDay | Get the day from a DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeDayOfWeek | Get the day of the week from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeDayOfYear | Get the day of the year from a DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeHour | Get the hour from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeMillisecond | Get milliseconds from a DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeMinute | Get the minutes from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeMonth | Get the month from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeNew | Make a given date and time a DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeNow | Get the current computer's date and time. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeSecond | Get the seconds from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeUtcNow | Get the current computer's date and time. (GMT time) | 10.3.0 |
DateTimeYear | Get the year from the DateTime object. | 10.3.0 |
DbCommand | Execute a query statement on the database. | CTLX |
DbDsClose | Close the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. | CTLX |
DbDsGetRowCount | Get the total number of rows in the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. | CTLX |
DbDsGetRowData | Get data from the specified column and row in
the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. |
DbDsnChange | Change the database connection string. | 10.2.4 |
DbDsOpen | Open the database and execute a SELECT statement, then prepares the data. | CTLX |
DbTrendAddMember | Add one member in "DatabaseTrend" Object. | CTLX |
DbTrendClear | Delete all the members in DatabaseTrend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendClearPatternLine |
Delete all registered Patternline from the DB trend.
(PatternLine is automatically saved even if the SCADA Server is closed.) |
10.3.6 |
DbTrendGetCursorData | Get the data value of current cursor at DatabaseTrend object. | 10.2.4 |
DbTrendGetCursorSize | Get the area size that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object. | 10.2.4 |
DbTrendGetCursorTime | Get the date and time of cursor that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object. | 10.2.4 |
DbTrendGetMax | Get the maximum of the specified member shown on DatabaseTrend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendGetMemberFlags | Get the 'Member Option' of the specified member in DatabaseTrend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendGetMin | Get the minimum of the specified member shown on Database Trend Object. | CTLX |
DbTrendGetRealPos | Get the current arrangement order of members using given values in DatabaseTrend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendGetShowSize | Get the number of data view ranges from the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendReLoad | Re-reads all graph values of database trend objects. | CTLX |
DbTrendRemoveAt | Delete one of the graph members of the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSaveToCsv | Save the current contents of the database trend object as a text file (CSV). | CTLX |
DbTrendSetAlarmLineStyle | Set the type of alarm boundary for a database trend object. | 10.3.1 |
DbTrendSetAlarmLineThick | Set the thickness of the alarm boundary of a database trend object. | 10.3.1 |
DbTrendSetDataType | Set the data cycle of a database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetDsn | Set the database DSN of the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetLogarithmicScale | Set the 'Logarithmic Scale' option of the database trend object | 10.3.4 |
DbTrendSetMax | Set the maximum range of members specified by the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetMemberFlags | Set the member options of the specified member in the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetMemberTable | Set the table of the specified member in the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetMin | Set the range minimum value of the specified member in the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetPatternLine | Set vertical lines at regular intervals in the database trend object. | 10.3.6 |
DbTrendSetPatternLineVisible | Visible/Invisible the registered PatternLine in the database trend object. | 10.3.6 |
DbTrendSetPatternLineVisibleByColor | Visible/Invisible the PatternLine member with the corresponding color among the registered PatternLines in the database trend object. | 10.3.6 |
DbTrendSetShowSize | Set the number of data view ranges on the Database Trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetStartTime | Set the graph start time of the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendSetTable | Set the base table on the database trend object. | CTLX |
DbTrendShiftTime | Set the graph start time of the database trend object based on the current graph. | CTLX |
DdeChangeItem | Change the service/topic/item of the DDE tag and link automatically. | 10.2.2 |
DialogAlarmFileSearch | Run the Search Alarm File dialog box. | 9.5.2 |
DialogAlarmLevel | Run the Alarm Level dialog box. | |
DialogColor | Run a dialog box where you can choose a color. | |
DialogFileOpen | Open the Select File dialog box. | CTL/CTLX |
DialogFileSave | Open the Save File dialog box. | CTL/CTLX |
DialogScreenSave | Save the current screen as a picture file. Select the file name to save and click Save. | 10.2.9 |
DialogScreenSaveZone | Save the specified portion of the current screen as a picture file. Select the file name to save and click Save. | 10.2.9 |
DialogSetDir | Set initial directory in the FileOpen dialog box | |
DialogSetFilter | Set File Filter to use in the FileOpen dialog box | |
DiCurr | Get the current value of the digital input tag. | |
DiSet | Set the value of the digital input tag | |
DoSetGroup | Set the value of the DO group tag. | |
EditBoxGetImeMode | Get the IME Mode of the EditBox object. | 10.2.1 |
EditBoxGetReadOnly | Get the read-only state of the EditBox object. | 10.3.2 |
EditBoxGetText | Get the data in the EditBox object. | |
EditBoxSelectAll | Select the entire text of the EditBox object. | 9.5.2 |
EditBoxSetFocus | Set the keyboard focus of the EditBox object. | |
EditBoxSetImeMode | Set the IME Mode of the EditBox object. | 10.2.1 |
EditBoxSetReadOnly | Set the read-only state of the EditBox object. | 10.3.2 |
EditBoxSetText | Replace the value of the EditBox object. with a specified value. | |
ExcelReportPrepare | Register the Excel file for printing or viewing. | |
ExcelReportRun | Run Excel. | |
ExcelReportRunDirect | Run Excel Reporter locally or in a web client. | 9.5.0 |
exp | Get the exponential value. | |
FileClose | Close the file. | |
FileCompare | Compare the contents of the two files. | |
FileCopy | Copy the file. | |
FileDelete | Delete the file. | |
FileExists | Check if the file exists. | 10.3.0 |
FileGetSize | Find out the size of a given file | |
FileGetTime | Find out the date information of a given file.. | |
FileMove | Move the file to a different location. | |
FileNameSplit | Split the filename. | |
FileOpen | Open the file to read or write. | |
FileOpenLPT | Open the printer port. | |
FileRead | Read the size specified in the file and puts it in the buf. | |
FileSeek | Move the read-write position of the file forward or backward. | |
FileWrite | Write to the file the size you specified. | |
FolderCreate | Create a folder. | 10.3.0 |
FolderDelete | Delete the folder. | 10.3.0 |
FolderExists | Check if the folder exists | 10.3.0 |
GetDataFreeSpace | Get the remaining disk space for the data directory. | |
GetDateDay | Get the current day of date. | |
GetDateMon | Get the current month. | |
GetDateYear | Get the current year. | |
GetDayCount | The specified date is calculated from the first year and converted into a number. | |
GetDiskFreeSpace | Get the remaining storage space capacity of the specified device in MByte. | 10.2.9 |
GetGraphStartYear | Get the start year of the graph | CTL |
GetGraphStartMon | Get the start month of the graph | CTL |
GetGraphStartDay | Get the start day of the graph | CTL |
GetGraphStartHour | Get the start hourr of the graph | CTL |
GetHourCount | Converts the specified time to the value in hours from the original year. | |
GetLastDay | Get the last day of the month you specify. | |
GetLastError | Get the error that occurred at the end of the script execution. | 10.2.1 |
GetMinCount | Converts the specified time to the value in minutes from the original year. | |
GetOsPlatform | Get the OS type. | 10.3.3 |
GetPercent | Get a proportional value. | |
GetSecCount | Converts the specified time to the value in seconds from the original year. | 10.2.9 |
GetTagValue | Get the tag value or the member's value. | |
GetTimeHour | Get the current hour. | |
GetTimeMin | Get the current minute. | |
GetTimeSec | Get the current second.. | |
GetUserName | Get the name of the user who is currently logged in. | |
GetUserRight | Get the permissions of the current user. | |
GetUserRightControl | Find out if the current user has permission to manipulate a particular tag. | |
GetVarValue | Get the value of an internal variable. | |
GetWeekDay | Get the day of the week for a given year, month, and day. | |
GlobalSetVar | Set the value of a global variable | |
IsHoliday | Check whether a given month or day is a public holiday. | |
IsMonitorConnected | Check whether a specific monitor is connected when using multiple monitors. | |
ImageListAdd | Add a new image to the image list. | 10.3.3 |
ImageListNew | Create a new image list. | 10.3.3 |
ImageListSetSize | Change the default image size in the image list. | 10.3.3 |
KeyGetCode | Get the key value at which the event occurred. | |
ListBoxAddString | Add data to the ListBox. | |
ListBoxDeleteString | Delete the data in the ListBox. | |
ListBoxFillDir | Fill the contents of the ListBox with the name of a subdirectory. | |
ListBoxFillFile | Fill the contents of the ListBox with files. | |
ListBoxGetCurSel | Get the currently selected data from the ListBox. | |
ListBoxGetItemCount | Get the number of items in the ListBox. | |
ListBoxGetItemText | Get the string of the specified item in the ListBox. | |
ListBoxGetSel | Get whether the specified item is selected in the ListBox. | 9.3.8 |
ListBoxGetSelCount | Get the total number of currently selected items in the ListBox. | 9.3.8 |
ListBoxGetText | Get the string of the specified item from the ListBox. | |
ListBoxInsertString | Insert data from a ListBox. | 10.2.5 |
ListBoxResetContent | Delete all data in the ListBox. | |
ListBoxSetCurSel | Set the value to the location specified in the ListBox. | |
LoadModule | Load the graphics module file. | |
LoadModulePosition | Open/Position Settings of Graphic POPUP Modules. | |
LoadModulePositionMonitor | Load the POPUP module on the monitor where you specified the display position. | |
log10 | Get Base 10 log values. | |
log | Get the base e logarithm. | |
LogIn | Run the User Login dialog box. | |
LogInChangePassword | Change a user's password. | 9.3.4 |
LogInGetGroupsOfUser | Get the name of the group to which the user belongs. | 10.2.5 |
LogInUser | Login with username. | |
LogInUserPass | Login with username and password. | |
LogOut | Log out the current user. | |
MailSend | Send an e-mail. | 10.2.6 |
MathCeiling | Round up to the nearest decimal point. | |
MathFloatToUint | Change the decimal point to an integer. | 10.2.6 |
MathFloor | Round down decimal points. | |
MathRound | Round/round down decimals. | |
MdiSetViewRatio | Adjusts the viewing ratio of the currently active MDI module window. | |
MdiSetScrollPos | Scroll through the currently active MDI module window. | |
MdiSetWindowState | Change the size of the MDI window. | 10.2.3 |
MenuItemFindByTitle | Find menu items by text. | 10.2.7 |
MenuItemSetBackColor | Set the background color of a menu item. | 10.2.7 |
MenuItemSetCheck | Set the Check Status of Menu Items. | 10.2.7 |
MenuItemSetTextColor | Set the font color of a menu item. | 10.2.7 |
MenuMessage | Selecte text menu as the menu ID. | |
Message | Show a message for 5 seconds. | |
MessageBox | Show the MessageBox dialog box. | |
MilliDataSetEngineCycle | Set the storage cycle of a specific list in the Millidata engine. | 10.2.5 |
MilliDataSetEngineFolder | Set the storage folder of a specific list in the Millidata engine. | 10.2.5 |
MilliDataSetEngineTitle | Set the title of the list of specified locations in the Millidata engine. | 10.2.5 |
MilliDataSetFile | Replace the contents of the MilliData Object with the given file. | |
MilliDataSetTimeType | Set the time display method of the MilliData Object's timebase | |
MilliTrendAddMember | Add one graph member to the MilliData Trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendClear | Delete all graph members of the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendClearPatternLine | Delete all registered PatternLines of MilliData trend objects. | 10.3.5 |
MilliTrendGetAutoRange | Get the option to use auto-range for MilliData trend objects. | |
MilliTrendGetCursorData | Get the data value of the current cursor from the MilliData trend object. | 9.5.3 |
MilliTrendGetCursorSize | Get the size of the currently selected area in the MilliData Trend object. | 9.5.3 |
MilliTrendGetCursorTime | Get the date/time of the currently selected cursor from the MilliData Trend object. | 9.5.3 |
MilliTrendGetMax | Get the maximum range of members specified by the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendGetMemberFlags | Get the member options of the specified member in the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendGetMin | Get the minimum range of members specified by the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendGetLevelDevide | Get the gridline division value of the MilliData trend object. | |
MilliTrendGetRealPos | Using the values given in the MilliData trend object, get the actual order of the arrangement of the members. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendGetScreenData | Get the ave./min./max. value of the current screen range from the MilliData trend | 10.3.3 |
MilliTrendGetShowSize | Get the number of data view ranges from the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendGetStartTime | Get the graph start time from the MilliData trend object. | 10.2.1 |
MilliTrendGetTimeType | Get the time range currently being used by the MilliData trend object. | 9.5.3 |
MilliTrendReLoad | Re-read all graph values of the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendRemoveAt | Delete one of the graph members of the MilliData Trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSaveToCsv | Saves the current contents of the MilliData trend object as a text file separated by Comma. | 9.4.0 | MilliTrendSetAutoRange | Set the option to use the auto-range of MilliData trend objects. | |
MilliTrendSetAutoUpdate | Turn on/off the automatic update function of MilliData trend objects. | 10.2.1 |
MilliTrendSetData | Set the data of the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetDataType | Set the data cycle of the MilliDatatrend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetLevelDevide | Set the gridline division value of the MilliData trend object. | |
MilliTrendSetLogarithmicScale | Enable/disable the 'Logarithm Scale' option of the MilliData Trend Object. | 10.3.4 |
MilliTrendSetMax | Set the maximum range of members specified in theMilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetMemberFlags | Set the member options of the member specified in the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetMin | Set the minimum range of members specified in the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetPatternLine | Display vertical lines at regular intervals on the MilliData trend object. | 10.3.5 |
MilliTrendSetPatternLineVisible | Visible/Invisible the PatternLine registered in the MilliData trend object. | 10.3.5 |
MilliTrendSetPatternLineVisibleByColor | Visible/Invisible members of the PatternLine registered in the MilliData trend object with the corresponding color. | 10.3.5 |
MilliTrendSetShowSize | Set the number of data viewing ranges on the MilliData Trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetStartTime | Set the graph start time of the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
MilliTrendSetStartTimeAuto | Set the graph start time of the MilliData trend object to automatic mode. | 10.3.6 |
MilliTrendSetTimeType | Set the type of time range currently used by the MilliData Trend object. | 9.5.3 |
MilliTrendShiftTime | Move the graph start time by the number set in the MilliData trend object. | 9.4.0 |
ModuleCloseAll | Close all open graphics module files. | 10.2.5 |
ModuleCloseName | Close the module file with a specific name. | |
ModuleInvalidate | Redraw a module file with a specific name. | |
ModuleIsAlive | Find out if a module with a specific name is currently running. | |
ModuleMouseSleep | The script module does not receive mouse input for a specified period of time. | 10.3.4 |
ModuleSetSize | Set the window size of the specified module. | 10.3.4 |
MouseGetPositionFromScreen | Calculate the current mouse position as the window screen coordinate value. | 10.2.4 |
MouseGetPositionFromModule | Calculate the current mouse position as the coordinate value on the module. | 10.2.4 |
MultiClear | Deledte all tags registered with MultiRegister. | |
MultiData | Show the data view screen with the set tag. | |
MultiGraphAddTag | Add a graph member of a Multi Graph object. | |
MultiGraphClear | Delete all graph members of a Multi Graph object. | |
MultiGraphDeleteTag | Delete a graph member from a Multi Graph object. | 9.5.0 |
MultiGraphGetCursor1Data | Get the data value of cursor 1 from the Multi Graph object. | 10.2.9 |
MultiGraphGetCursor2Data | Get the data value of cursor 2 from the Multi Graph object. | 10.2.9 |
MultiGraphGetCursorData | Get the data value of cursor from the Multi Graph object. | |
MultiGraphGetDataSize | Get the number of data views of a MultiGraph object. | |
MultiGraphSetAlarmLineStyle | Set the Alarm Boundary Type of a Multi Graph object | 10.3.1 |
MultiGraphSetAlarmLineThick | Set he Alarm Boundary Thickness of a Multi Graph object | 10.3.1 |
MultiGraphSetBackColor | Set the background color of a Multi Graph object | |
MultiGraphSetBasicLevel | Replace the base tag of a Multi Graph object | |
MultiGraphSetDataCycle | Set the data cycle of a Multi Graph object | 10.3.6 |
MultiGraphSetDataSize | Set the number of data views of a Multi Graph object | |
MultiGraphSetGridLine | Set the spacing of the gridlines of a Multi Graph object | 10.3.6 |
MultiGraphSetLogarithmicScale | Enable/disable Logarithmic Scale option of a Multi Graph object | 10.3.6 |
MultiGraphSetPanelBackColor | Set the background color of the Multigraph panel. | 10.2.9 |
MultiGraphSetPanelTextColor | Set the font color of the Multigraph panel. | 10.2.9 |
MultiGraphSetStart | Start/stop the multigraph. | |
MultiGraphSetVisble | Show or hide tags that are set as members of the Multi Graph object | 10.2.3 |
MultiRegister | Set the tag of MultiData(DataView) or MultiTrend(Analog Trend) | |
MultiTrend | Show the historical data trend screen with the set tag. | |
MultiTrendAddTag | Add a graph member for a Multi Trend object. | |
MultiTrendClear | Delete all graph members of a Multi Trend object. | |
MultiTrendGetAutoRange | Get the AutoRange option for Multi Trend objects | 10.2.9 |
MultiTrendGetCursor1Data | Get the data value of Cursor 1 of the Multi Trend object. | 10.2.9 |
MultiTrendGetCursor2Data | Get the data value of Cursor 2 of the Multi Trend object. | 10.2.9 |
MultiTrendGetCursorData | Get the data value of the cursor of the Multi Trend object. | |
MultiTrendGetCursorSize | Get the size of the currently selected area of the MultiTrend object. | 9.3.8 |
MultiTrendGetCursorTime | Get the cursor selection time of the MultiTrend object. | 8.5.0 |
MultiTrendGetDataSize | Get the number of data views of the MultiTrend object. | |
MultiTrendGetEndTime | Get the time at the end of the graph of the MultiTrend object. | 10.2.5 |
MultiTrendGetScreenData | Get the minimum/maximum/average of the range visible on the screen of the MultiTrend. | 10.3.4 |
MultiTrendGetStartTime | Get the graph start time of the MultiTrend object. | |
MultiTrendGetStartTimeMode | Get the view mode of the MultiTrend object. (Auto / Manual) | |
MultiTrendGetTimeType | Get the type of time range of the MultiTrend object. | 9.3.8 |
MultiTrendReLoad | Re-read the data of a MultiTrend object to update it. | |
MultiTrendSetAlarmLineStyle | Set the type of alarm boundary for a MultiTrend object. | 10.3.1 |
MultiTrendSetAlarmLineThick | Set the thickness of the alarm boundary of a MultiTrend object. | 10.3.1 |
MultiTrendSetAutoRange | Set the option to use auto-range for MultiTrend objects. | |
MultiTrendSetBackColor | Set the background color of a MultiTrend object | |
MultiTrendSetBasicLevel | Set the reference level of a MultiTrend object with a specific tag. | |
MultiTrendSetDataSize | Set the number of data views for a MultiTrend object. | |
MultiTrendSetDataType | Set the data cycle and interval of the MultiTrend object. | 10.3.4 |
MultiTrendSetGridLine | Set the spacing of the gridlines of the MultiTrend object. | 10.3.6 |
MultiTrendSetLogarithmicScale | Enable or disable the 'Logarithmic Scale' option for MultiTrend objects. | 10.3.4 |
MultiTrendSetPanelBackColor | Set the background color of the MultiTrend object's panel. | 10.2.9 |
MultiTrendSetPanelTextColor | Set the font color of the MultiTrend object's panel. | 10.2.9 |
MultiTrendSetStartTime | Set the graph start time for a MultiTrend object. | |
MultiTrendSetStartTimeMode | Set the view mode of the Multi Trend object. (Auto / Manual) | |
MultiTrendSetTimeType | Set the type of time range of the MultiTrend object. | 9.3.8 |
MultiTrendSetVisble | Show or hide tags that are set as members of multitrend. | 10.2.3 |
ObjectGetClassName | Get the current class name of the object. | 10.2.1 |
ObjectGetRect | Get the current square-shaped coordinates value of the object. | |
ObjectGetTag | Get the tag name used in the class. | 10.3.3 |
ObjectSetBackColor | Set the background color of an object. | CTLX |
ObjectSetFillColor | Set the fill color of an object. | CTLX |
ObjectSetFillOption | Set the fill property of an object into the
specified property. |
ObjectSetFont | Change the font of the object. | 10.2.9 |
ObjectSetFontName | Change the font name of the object. | 10.2.9 |
ObjectSetFontSize | Change the font size of the object. | 10.2.9 |
ObjectSetFontStyle | Change the font style of the object. | 10.2.9 |
ObjectSetLineColor | Change the line color of an object into the
specified color. |
ObjectSetLineOption | Change the Line property of an object into
the specified property. |
ObjectSetLineThick | Change the line thickness of an object into
the specified thickness. |
ObjectSetRect | Change the location of the object. | 10.2.8 |
ObjectSetRotationAxis | Change the base of rotation axis of object. | 10.2.6 |
ObjectSetTag | Change the tag used in the object. | 10.2.4 |
ObjectSetText | Change the text of an object into the
specified text. |
9.5.2 |
ObjectSetTextColor | Change the text color of an object into the
specified color. |
ObjectSetToolTipText | Change the tooltip contents of an object. |
9.3.8 |
ObjectSetVisible | Show or hide the object. | 10.2.8 |
OFF | Outputs the DO Tag to OFF. | |
ON | Outputs the DO Tag to ON. | |
PlaySound | Play audio files. | |
PlcScanSetPortActive | Enable/disable the specified port of PLC_Scan.exe. | 10.3.6 |
PlcScanSetReadDelay | Specify the number of reads for each read request. | |
PlcScanWriteBit | Write bit to plc_can program. | 10.2.0 |
PlcScanWriteBlock | Write block (array) to plc_scan program. | 10.2.0 | PlcScanWriteWord | Write analog value to plc_scan program | 10.2.0 |
pow | pow(x,y) : find the y power of x. | |
PrintModule | Print the specified module file to the printer | |
PrintModuleDialogBox | Use the dialog box to print the specified module file to the printer. | 10.2.6 |
PrintScreen | Hardcopy (print) the current screen. | |
PrintScreenWithConfig | Print the screen directly using the given environment file. | 10.3.6 |
ProcessKill | Force the running process to shut down. | 10.0.4 |
ProcessStart | Run the executable file. | |
ProxyMongoClose | Close the MongoDB | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoDeleteMany | Delete all such entries from MongoDB | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoDeleteOne | Delete the first item in MongoDB. | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoFill | Returns the MongoDB equivalent as a DataTable object. | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoInsert | Add data to MongoDB. | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoOpen | Open MongoDB. | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoUpdateMany | Update all applicable entries in MongoDB. | 10.3.5 |
ProxyMongoUpdateOne | Update the first item in MongoDB. | 10.3.5 |
RadioButtonGetPos | Get the currently selected position of the Radio Button object. | |
RadioButtonSetPos | Set the value of the Radio Button object to the specified location. | |
rand | Get a random integer value. | |
RegGetInt | Get an integer value from the registry. | 10.2.9 |
RegGetString | Get the string value from the registry. | 10.2.9 |
RegSetInt | Set the integer value in the registry. | 10.2.9 |
RegSetString | Set the string value in the registry. | 10.2.9 |
ReportCloseAll | Close all open report modules. | |
ReportCloseName | Close the report module. | |
ReportIsAlive | Check if the reporter file is currently running. | |
ReportPrint | Print the reporter file to your printer. | |
ReportPrintPDF | Save the report results as a PDF. | |
ReportPrintMulti | Print the specified report file over multiple days. | |
ReportSave | Save the results of the report as an RPTX file or CSV file. | 10.2.9 |
ReportSetTime | Set the Report data time before printing | |
ReportSetTimeMinListFrom | Set the starting time of the Report minute data before printing. | |
ReportSetTimeMinListTo | Set the end time of the Report minute data before printing | |
ReportSetTimeMultiFrom | Set the starting time to print the specified report file over multiple days. | |
ReportSetTimeMultiTo | Set the end time to print the specified report file over multiple days | |
ReportSetVar | Change the value of the string variable in
the report. |
ReportView | View the specified report file on screen
after activate the report program. |
RGB | Get a color value | |
ScheduleGetActive | Get the active status of the schedule. | 10.2.6 |
ScheduleModelGetTime | Get the setting time of a specific item in the schedule model. | |
ScheduleModelSave | Save all models in the schedule to a file. | |
ScheduleModelSetTime | Changes the time of the particular item in the schedule models. |
ScheduleReLoad | Applies again the schedule. |
ScheduleSetActive | Change the active status of the entire schedule control. | 10.2.6 |
ScreenSave | Save the currently active monitor screen as a file . | |
ScreenSaveZone | A function that saves a specified screen area as a bitmap file. | 10.2.4 |
ScriptGetActiveAll | Get the activation status of the script 'At Program Running'. | 10.2.5 |
ScriptGetActiveFile | Get the activation status of a specific script file in a script 'At Program Running' . | 10.2.5 |
ScriptSetActiveAll | Change the activation status of the script 'At Program Running'. | 10.2.5 |
ScriptSetActiveFile | Change the activation status of a specific script file in a script 'At Program Running' | 10.2.5 |
SetActiveMain | Activates the main window of the SCADA Server(LocalMain.exe). | |
SetBackColor | Set the background color of the Multi-trend, multi-data view | |
SetGraphStartTime | Set the start time of drawing the graph | CTL |
SetReportPrintTime | Set the Printing Time of the Reporter Program. | CTL |
SetTagValue | Change the tag value or the value of the member. | |
SetVarValue | Set the value of the internal variable. | |
SetVipScan | Focus on the manually outputted tags as scripts. | |
SignageListAdd | Add the text of the signage. | 10.3.3 |
SignageListClear | Initialize the Signage's text list. | 10.3.3 |
SignageSetBackColor | Set the background color of the Signage text. | 10.3.3 |
SignageSetSpeed | Set the speed of the signage. | 10.3.3 |
SignageStart | Start Signage. | 10.3.3 |
SignageStop | Stop Signage. | 10.3.3 |
sin | Get the sine value | |
Sleep | Wait for the specified amount of time. ( The entire SCADA Server stops.) | |
SmsSend | Send SMS (text message) through SMS Manager. | |
SmsSendLineNotify | Send a message to LINE App. (End of support after 25.04.01) | 10.3.6 |
SmsWebSend | Send SMS (text message) via the web. | |
sprintf | Store the text in a specific string. | |
SQLConnect | Connect to your database with ODBC. | |
SQLCreateTable | SQL function to create a new data field. | |
SQLDelete | SQL function to delete the data you have set. | |
SQLDisconnect | SQL function to disconnect the database. | |
SQLExecute | Execute the command prepared with SQLPrepate. | |
SQLFirst | SQL function to move data position to the first field | |
SQLGetPos | Get the location of the data field. | |
SQLInsert | SQL function to insert one field. | |
SQLLast | SQL function to move data position to end field. | |
SQLNext | SQL function to move data location to the next field. | |
SQLPrepare | A function that prepares to execute a SQL function. | |
SQLQueryCount | Reads the number of records that satisfy the conditional clause from the database connected by SQLConnect. | |
SQLPrev | SQL function to move data location to the previous field. | |
SQLSelect | SQL function to copy DB data into memory. | |
SQLSetPos | Change the position of the data field to the specified location. | |
SQLUpdate | SQL function to modify DB with changes | |
sqrt | Get the rootvalue. | |
srand | Enter the seed value in the rand function. | |
strcat | Combine the two strings and copy them to the preceding string. | |
strcmp | Compare two strings. (case sensitive) | |
stricmp | Compare two strings. (not case sensitive) | |
strcpy | Copy the following string into the preceding string. | |
strlen | Get the length of the string. (or Get the length of the array) | |
strncmp | Compare two strings by a set size (case sensitive) | |
strnicmp | Compare two strings by a set size (not case sensitive). | |
StringIndexOf | Find the beginning of a particular string in a string. | 10.1.0 |
StringJson | Parse the JSON value specified in the JSON string and get it | |
StringSplit | Truncate from string to separator and return it as a string array. | |
StringSubstring | Get the string by its size from the specified position in the string. | 10.1.0 |
StringTrim | Removes the preceding and following spaces. | 9.5.1 |
StringTrimEnd | Removes the following spaces. | 9.5.1 |
StringTrimStart | Removes the preceding spaces. | 9.5.1 |
StringUnicodeToAnsi | Converts Unicode strings to Ansi Default strings. | 10.2.8 | SVGSetFile | Change the SVG file of the SVG element to the corresponding SVG file. | |
SVGElementColor | Change the element's fill color and outline color, using the element ID of the SVG graphic | |
SVGElementMove | Move the element's position by the specified amount (x, y), using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementReset | Initialize the element's transformation (movement, rotation, scale), using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementRotate | Rotate the element by the set angle using he element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementScale | Increase or decrease the size of the element to each aspect ratio, using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementText | hange the text using the element ID of the SVG graphic | |
SVGElementTextSize | Change the size of the text using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementTransform | Move/rotate/scale the element using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SVGElementVisible | Displays or hides the element using the element ID of the SVG graphic. | |
SystemValueGet | Get the values of various variables in the program. | 9.5.2 |
SystemValueSet | Set the values of various variables in the program. | 9.5.2 |
TagCheckLoop | Run the engine that reads the tag value. | |
TagSaveAll | Save all tags to a file. | |
TagStatusSave | Save the values of all tags to a file. | |
TagSetUpdateOption | Set the tag value update option. | 10.2.8 |
TabControlAddPage | Add a page to the tab control object. | 10.2.5 |
TabControlDeletePage | Deletes the page at that location from the tab control object. | 10.2.5 |
TabControlInsertPage | Inserts a page into the tab control object at the specified location. | 10.2.5 |
tan | Get the tangent value | |
TelegramFile | Send the file to Telegram. | |
TelegramMsg | Send a message to Telegram. | |
TestGraphAddTag | Add a graph member for a TestGraph object | |
TestGraphBasisGraphAdd | Add a reference graph for the TestGraph object | 9.5.3 |
TestGraphBasisGraphClear | Delete all reference graphs from the TestGraph object. | 9.5.3 |
TestGraphBasisGraphSetType | Set the type of reference graph for the desired location of the TestGraph object. | |
TestGraphBasisGraphTagAdd | Add a member of a specific reference graph in a TestGraph object. | 9.5.3 |
TestGraphBasisGraphTagClear | Delete all members of a specific reference graph from a TestGraph object. | 9.5.3 |
TestGraphClear | Delete all graph members of a TestGraph object. | |
TestGraphClearData | Initialize the graph data of the TestGraph object. | |
TestGraphGetValue | Read the point value of a specific member from the real-time test graph. | |
TestGraphRun | Run the TestGraph object. | |
TestGraphSetData | Set the data in a TestGraph object with a specific column value in the MDB | |
TestGraphSetDataSize | Set the view range of a TestGraph object. | |
TestGraphSetMilliLast | Replace data in a TestGraph object with data in millidata in progress. | |
TestGraphSetStartPosition | Set the initial starting position at the start of the TestGraph object | |
TestGraphSetValue | Set the point value of a specific member in the real-time test graph. | |
TestGraphStop | Stop Progressing a TestGraph Object. | |
TimeFromString | Get the date time from the time string. | 10.3.1 |
TimeGetSunRiseSet | Get the sunrise/sunset time for a given day. | |
TimeGetWaiting | Get the time that the user has not used the mouse. | |
TimeMinusDay | Subtract 1 day from a given time. | |
TimeMinusHour | Subtract 1 hour from a given time. | |
TimeMinusMin | Subtract 1 minute from a given time. | |
TimeMinusMon | Subtract 1 month from a given time. | |
TimeMinusSec | Subtract 1 second from a given time. | |
TimePlusDay | Add 1 day from a given time. | |
TimePlusHour | Add 1 hour from a given time. | |
TimePlusMin | Add 1 minute from a given time. | |
TimePlusMon | Add 1 month from a given time. | |
TimePlusSec | Add 1 second from a given time. | |
TimeSetLocalTime | Change the computer time to the given time. | |
TimeSolarToLunar | Convert the solar calendar to the lunar calendar. | 10.3.1 |
ToolBarAdd | Create a toolbar. | 9.5.2 |
ToolBarChange | Change the properties of the toolbar. | 9.5.2 |
ToolBarDelete | Delete the toolbar for a specified location. | 9.5.2 |
TreeNodeAdd | Add a child node to the tree node. | 10.3.3 |
TreeNodeGetFullPath | Get the full name of the node. | 10.3.3 |
TreeNodeGetText | Get the displayed name of the node. | 10.3.3 |
TreeNodeNew | Create a node. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewExpandAll | Open the entire node of the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewGetSelectedNode | Takes the currently selected node from the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewNodeAdd | Add a child node from the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewNodeClear | Deletes all child nodes from the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewSeekNode | Find a node in the Tree View object that matches the full name. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewSetImageList | Register a list of images to be used in the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
TreeViewSetSelectedNode | Select the node in the Tree View object. | 10.3.3 |
ViewAlarmList | Shows desired alerts by year, month, and day | |
ViewTagData | Display the basic data view screen for the tag of the SCADA Server. | 10.3.3 |
ViewTagTrend | Displays the basic trend screen for the tag of the SCADA Server. | 10.3.3 |
VLCAudioMute | Mute the audio of the VLC Media Player object. | |
VLCAudioVolume | Adjust the volume of the VLC Media Player object. | |
VLCAutoLoop | Turn on/off the playlist loop function of the VLC Media Player object. | |
VLCPlaylistAdd | Add a playlist of VLC Media Player objects. | |
VLCPlaylistClear | Delete all playlists from the VLC Media Player object. | |
VLCPlaylistPlay | Play the playlist of the VLC Media Player object. | |
VLCPlayListStop | Stop the playlist of the VLC Media Player object. | |
WebClientChangeSite | Change the access site in a web client without a dialog box. | 10.3.3 |
WebGoBack | Back function of a web browser. | |
WebGoForward | Forward features of a web browser. | |
WebGoHome | Function as a home of a web browser. | |
WebGoSearch | Search function of a web browser. | |
WebNavigate | Go to the specified URL for a page in a web browser. | |
WebRefresh | Refresh function of a web browser. | |
WebViewNavigate | Navigate to the URL specified in a WebView object's page. | |
WinExec | Run the executable. | |
XYGraphClear | Initialize the contents of an XYGraph object. | |
XYGraphRun | Run a graph of an XYGraph object. | |
XYGraphSetData | Set the data of an XYGraph object | |
XYGraphSetPointData | Change the value of a specific position in an XYGraph Object. | 10.3.1 |
XYGraphStop | Stop the graph Progressing of an XYGraph Object. |
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