Script Function


The script has the following functions

Function Type Description Version
abs Get absolute value.  
acos Get the value of arccosine.  
AiCurr Get the current calue of the analog Input tag.  
AiHigh Get the High setting of the analog input tag.  
AiHiHi Get the HIHI setting of the analog input tag.  
AiLoLo Get the LoLo setting of the analog input tag.  
AiLow Get the Low setting of the analog input tag.  
AiSetCurr Set the current value of the analog input tag.  
AiSumTotal Get the totalization value of the analog input tag.  
AlarmEventConfirmAll Confirm all event alerts. 10.3.0
AlarmEventDeleteAll Delete all event alerts. 10.3.0
AlarmGetEventCount Get the number of alarms that are displayed in the Alarm Events window.  
AlarmGetSoundFlag Get the alarm sound ON/OFF.  
AlarmGetTotalCount Get the number of alarms that are currently being raised. 10.3.1
AlarmListConfirm Confirm the alarm in the Alarm Window.  
AlarmListDelete Delete the alarm in the Alarm Window.  
AlarmListGetCursor Get the current cursor position of the Alarm Window.  
AlarmListGetValue Get the alarm contents of the current cursor position of the Alarm Window.  
AlarmListSetCursor  Move the current cursor of the Alarm Window to a specific position.  
AlarmListSetFilter Set the search conditions for the Alarm Window.  
AlarmListSetFilterPrepare Add the necessary conditions for the search and set it. 9.5.0
AlarmListSetFilterTimeTo Set the endtime conditions required for the search. 10.2.5
AlarmSetSoundFlag Turn the alarm sound ON/OFF.  
AlarmSoundConfirm Turn off the alarm sound of the event that is currently occurring.  
AnimationSetFile Change the picture of an animation element to its file. CTLX
ApplicationGetProductName Get the name of the currently running program. 10.3.5
ARGB Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue values to 32-bit color values. CTLX
asin Get the value of the arcsine.  
atan Get the value of the arctangent.  
atan2 Get the arctangent value of X,Y coordinates.  
atof Replace strings with float values.  
atoi Replace a string with an integer.  
atox Replace a hexadecimal string with an integer.  
AtsSetLcdBrightness Controls the brightness of the ATS LCD. 10.3.4
AtsSetLcdPower Turn the ATS LCD ON/OFF. 10.3.0
AtsSetPowerReset Reset the ATS power. 10.3.0
BitmapSetFile Change the picture of a bitmap element to its file. CTLX
CheckBoxGetCheck Get the current value of the Check Box.  
CheckBoxSetCheck Set the current value of the Check Box.  
CircleSetAngle Set the starting angle and the angle of movement of a cone or arc. 10.2.1
CircleSetType Set the type of circle/pie/arc. 10.2.1
clock Returns time of milli-second.  
CloseModule Close the current graphics module.  
ComboBoxAddString Add data to the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxDeleteString Delete the data to the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxGetCurSel Get the index of the selected data in the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxGetImeMode Get the IME Mode of the ComboBox. 10.2.1
ComboBoxGetItemCount Get the number of items in the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxGetItemText Get the text of the specified item in the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxGetText Get the text of the currently selected data from the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxResetContent Delete all data registered in the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxSetCurSel Get the data for the corresponding Index of the ComboBox.  
ComboBoxSetImeMode Change the IME Mode of the ComboBox. 10.2.1
ComboBoxSetText Change the text of the ComboBox.  
CommandLineGetCount Get the number of factors used to execute the Local Server. CTLX
CommandLineGetString Get the string value of the argument used when executing the Local Server. CTLX
ContextMenuAddItem Add a menu item to a shortened menu. 10.2.5
ContextMenuAddSubItem Add a menu item as a sub of another menu item. 10.2.5
ContextMenuNew Create a shortcut menu. 10.2.5
ContextMenuNewItem Create a shortcut menu item. 10.2.5
ContextMenuShow Create a prepared shortcut menu on the screen. 10.2.5
ControlBox Create a dialog box to control.  
cos Get a cosine value.  
CreateDirectory Create a directory.  
CsvBlockDelete Deletes a specific column from the comma block memory.  
CsvBlockFree Free up comma block memory.  
CsvBlockGet Copy the tag value to commablock memory.  
CsvBlockGetText Read the value of a specific row/column from commablock memory.  
CsvBlockInsert Insert a new column into a specific column in the commablock memory.  
CsvBlockLoad Read the comma-separated text file and prepare it in memory.  
CsvBlockNew Create a new commablock memory.  
CsvBlockSave Save comma block memory as a file.  
CsvBlockSearchPos Find the location of a column of matching strings in a specific row in commablock memory.  
CsvBlockSet Copy the comma block memory to the tag.  
DatabaseGetCurSel Get the cursor position of the database object.  
DatabaseGetValue Get the data value of the cursor position of the database object.  
DatabaseReLoad Re-reads the data from the database object.  
DatabaseSetConnection Set the connection string of the database object.  
DatabaseSetCurSel Set the cursor position of a database object  
DatabaseSetFilter When Using Database Objects, SQL Conditional Statement Writing Functions  
DatabaseSetSelect Set a SELECT Statement on a database object  
DatabaseSetTable Set a table in a database object.  
DataGetAiDay Read the daily data of the AI tag stored on the disk.  
DataGetAiHour Read the hourly data of the AI tag stored on the disk.  
DataGetAiMin Read the minutely data of the AI tag stored on the disk.  
DataGetAiMon Read the Monthly data of the AI tag stored on the disk.  
DataGetAiYear Read the yearly data of the AI tag stored on the disk.  
DataGetDiDay Read the daily data of the DI tag stored on disk.  
DataGetDiHour Read the hourly data of the DI tag stored on disk.  
DataGetDiMin Read the minutely data of the DI tag stored on disk.  
DataGetDiMon Read the monthly data of the DI tag stored on disk.  
DataGetDiYear Read the yearly data of the DI tag stored on disk.  
DataGridAddButtonColumn Add a Button Column to a DataGrid Object. 10.2.4
DataGridAddCheckBoxColumn Add a checkbox column to a  DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridAddComboBoxColumn Add a Combo Box Column to a DataGrid Object. 10.2.4
DataGridAddRow Add a row of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridAddTextBoxColumn Add a String Column to a DataGrid Object. 10.2.4
DataGridClearColumn Delete all columns of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridComboBoxColumnItemAdd Add an item from the Combo Box column of the DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridDeleteRow Delete a row of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetCellData.htm Get data from a specified cell in a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetCellSel Get the index of the selected cell of a DataGrid  object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetColumnName Get the Column Name of a DataGrid  Object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetCurSel Get the row number for the selected row in a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetRowCount Get the total number of rows of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridGetRowData Get the data entered in the specified column and row from a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridInsertRow Insert a row at the specified row number position on a data grid object. 10.2.4
DataGridReLoad Reload data linked to a Datagrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetCellBackColor Change the background color of a specified cell for a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetCellData Enter data in the specified cell of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetCellTextColor Change the font color of a specified cell in a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetColumnAlignment Align the text of a DataGrid object. 10.3.5
DataGridSetColumnHeadersHeight Change the height of the header of the column of a DataGrid object. 10.3.5
DataGridSetColumnIndex Change the Column Index of a Specified Column on a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetColumnReadOnly Change the ReadOnly property of a specified Column on a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetColumnText Change the text of a specified column on  a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetColumnVisible Change the Visible property of a specified Column on a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetColumnWidth Change the width of a specified column on a DataGrid object. 10.2.6
DataGridSetCurSel Select ROW from a Datagrid Object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetDataTable Use the data value of a DataGrid object to datatable. 10.3.5
DataGridSetDsn Define the data to be linked to a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetRowData Enter data into the specified columns and rows of a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataGridSetRowHeight Change the height of a DataGrid object's specified ROW. 10.2.6
DataGridSetSelect Add a String Column to a DataGrid object. 10.2.4
DataSetAiHour Store the hourly data of a AI tag.  
DataSetAiMin Store minutely data of a AI tag  
DataTableGetRowCount Get the number of rows of a DataTable object. 10.3.5
DataTableGetRowData Get the value of the column_name, row_pos in a DataTable object. 10.3.5
DatePickerGetDate Get the current date of the date picker object. 10.1.3
DatePickerSetDate Set the current date of the date picker object. 10.1.3
DateTimeAddDays Add or subtract days from a DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddHours Add or subtract hours from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddMilliseconds Add or subtract milliseconds from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddMinutes Add or subtract minutes from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddMonths Add or subtract months from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddSeconds Add or subtract seconds from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeAddYears Add or subtract years from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeDay Get the day from a DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeDayOfWeek Get the day of the week from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeDayOfYear Get the day of the year from a DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeHour Get the hour from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeMillisecond Get milliseconds from a DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeMinute Get the minutes from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeMonth Get the month from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeNew Make a given date and time a DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeNow Get the current computer's date and time. 10.3.0
DateTimeSecond Get the seconds from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DateTimeUtcNow Get the current computer's date and time. (GMT time) 10.3.0
DateTimeYear Get the year from the DateTime object. 10.3.0
DbCommand Execute a query statement on the database. CTLX
DbDsClose Close the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. CTLX
DbDsGetRowCount Get the total number of rows in the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. CTLX
DbDsGetRowData Get data from the specified column and row in the database that was opened by using DbDsOpen. CTLX
DbDsnChange Change the database connection string. 10.2.4 
DbDsOpen Open the database and execute a SELECT statement, then prepares the data. CTLX
DbTrendAddMember Add one member in "DatabaseTrend" Object. CTLX
DbTrendClear Delete all the members in DatabaseTrend object. CTLX
DbTrendClearPatternLine Delete all registered Patternline from the DB trend.
(PatternLine is automatically saved even if the SCADA Server is closed.)
DbTrendGetCursorData Get the data value of current cursor at DatabaseTrend object. 10.2.4
DbTrendGetCursorSize Get the area size that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object. 10.2.4
DbTrendGetCursorTime Get the date and time of cursor that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object. 10.2.4
DbTrendGetMax Get the maximum of the specified member shown on DatabaseTrend object. CTLX
DbTrendGetMemberFlags Get the 'Member Option' of the specified member in DatabaseTrend object. CTLX
DbTrendGetMin Get the minimum of the specified member shown on Database Trend Object. CTLX
DbTrendGetRealPos Get the current arrangement order of members using given values in DatabaseTrend object. CTLX
DbTrendGetShowSize Get the number of data view ranges from the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendReLoad Re-reads all graph values of database trend objects. CTLX
DbTrendRemoveAt Delete one of the graph members of the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSaveToCsv Save the current contents of the database trend object as a text file (CSV). CTLX
DbTrendSetAlarmLineStyle Set the type of alarm boundary for a database trend object. 10.3.1
DbTrendSetAlarmLineThick Set the thickness of the alarm boundary of a database trend object. 10.3.1
DbTrendSetDataType Set the data cycle of a database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetDsn Set the database DSN of the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetLogarithmicScale Set the 'Logarithmic Scale' option of the database trend object 10.3.4
DbTrendSetMax Set the maximum range of members specified by the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetMemberFlags Set the member options of the specified member in the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetMemberTable Set the table of the specified member in the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetMin Set the range minimum value of the specified member in the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetPatternLine Set vertical lines at regular intervals in the database trend object. 10.3.6
DbTrendSetPatternLineVisible Visible/Invisible the registered PatternLine in the database trend object. 10.3.6
DbTrendSetPatternLineVisibleByColor Visible/Invisible the PatternLine member with the corresponding color among the registered PatternLines in the database trend object. 10.3.6
DbTrendSetShowSize Set the number of data view ranges on the Database Trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetStartTime Set the graph start time of the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendSetTable Set the base table on the database trend object. CTLX
DbTrendShiftTime Set the graph start time of the database trend object based on the current graph. CTLX
DdeChangeItem Change the service/topic/item of the DDE tag and link automatically. 10.2.2
DialogAlarmFileSearch Run the Search Alarm File dialog box. 9.5.2
DialogAlarmLevel Run the Alarm Level dialog box.  
DialogColor Run a dialog box where you can choose a color.  
DialogFileOpen Open the Select File dialog box. CTL/CTLX
DialogFileSave Open the Save File dialog box. CTL/CTLX
DialogScreenSave Save the current screen as a picture file. Select the file name to save and click Save. 10.2.9
DialogScreenSaveZone Save the specified portion of the current screen as a picture file. Select the file name  to save and click Save. 10.2.9
DialogSetDir Set initial directory in the FileOpen dialog box  
DialogSetFilter Set File Filter to use in the FileOpen dialog box  
DiCurr Get the current value of the digital input tag.  
DiSet Set the value of the digital input tag  
DoSetGroup Set the value of the DO group tag.  
EditBoxGetImeMode Get the IME Mode of the EditBox object. 10.2.1
EditBoxGetReadOnly Get the read-only state of the EditBox object. 10.3.2
EditBoxGetText Get the data in the EditBox object.  
EditBoxSelectAll Select the entire text of the EditBox object. 9.5.2
EditBoxSetFocus Set the keyboard focus of the EditBox object.  
EditBoxSetImeMode Set the IME Mode of the EditBox object. 10.2.1
EditBoxSetReadOnly Set the read-only state of the EditBox object. 10.3.2
EditBoxSetText Replace the value of the EditBox object. with a specified value.  
ExcelReportPrepare Register the Excel file for printing or viewing.  
ExcelReportRun Run Excel.  
ExcelReportRunDirect Run Excel Reporter locally or in a web client. 9.5.0
exp Get the exponential value.  
FileClose Close the file.  
FileCompare Compare the contents of the two files.  
FileCopy Copy the file.  
FileDelete Delete the file.  
FileExists Check if the file exists. 10.3.0
FileGetSize Find out the size of a given file  
FileGetTime Find out the date information of a given file..  
FileMove Move the file to a different location.  
FileNameSplit Split the filename.  
FileOpen Open the file to read or write.  
FileOpenLPT Open the printer port.  
FileRead Read the size specified in the file and puts it in the buf.  
FileSeek Move the read-write position of the file forward or backward.  
FileWrite Write to the file the size you specified.  
FolderCreate Create a folder. 10.3.0
FolderDelete Delete the folder. 10.3.0
FolderExists Check if the folder exists 10.3.0
GetDataFreeSpace Get the remaining disk space for the data directory.  
GetDateDay Get the current day of date.  
GetDateMon Get the current month.  
GetDateYear Get the current year.  
GetDayCount The specified date is calculated from the first year and converted into a number.  
GetDiskFreeSpace Get the remaining storage space capacity of the specified device in MByte. 10.2.9
GetGraphStartYear Get the start year of the graph CTL
GetGraphStartMon Get the start month of the graph CTL
GetGraphStartDay Get the start day of the graph CTL
GetGraphStartHour Get the start hourr of the graph CTL
GetHourCount Converts the specified time to the value in hours from the original year.  
GetLastDay Get the last day of the month you specify.  
GetLastError Get the error that occurred at the end of the script execution. 10.2.1
GetMinCount Converts the specified time to the value in minutes from the original year.  
GetOsPlatform Get the OS type. 10.3.3
GetPercent Get a proportional value.  
GetSecCount Converts the specified time to the value in seconds from the original year. 10.2.9
GetTagValue Get the tag value or the member's value.  
GetTimeHour Get the current hour.  
GetTimeMin Get the current minute.  
GetTimeSec Get the current second..  
GetUserName Get the name of the user who is currently logged in.  
GetUserRight Get the permissions of the current user.  
GetUserRightControl Find out if the current user has permission to manipulate a particular tag.  
GetVarValue Get the value of an internal variable.  
GetWeekDay Get the day of the week for a given year, month, and day.  
GlobalSetVar Set  the value of a global variable  
IsHoliday Check whether a given month or day is a public holiday.  
IsMonitorConnected Check whether a specific monitor is connected when using multiple monitors.
ImageListAdd Add a new image to the image list. 10.3.3
ImageListNew Create a new image list. 10.3.3
ImageListSetSize Change the default image size in the image list. 10.3.3
KeyGetCode Get the key value at which the event occurred.  
ListBoxAddString Add data to the ListBox.  
ListBoxDeleteString Delete the data in the ListBox.  
ListBoxFillDir Fill the contents of the ListBox with the name of a subdirectory.  
ListBoxFillFile Fill the contents of the ListBox with files.  
ListBoxGetCurSel Get the currently selected data from the ListBox.  
ListBoxGetItemCount Get the number of items in the ListBox.  
ListBoxGetItemText Get the string of the specified item in the ListBox.  
ListBoxGetSel Get whether the specified item is selected in the ListBox. 9.3.8
ListBoxGetSelCount Get the total number of currently selected items in the ListBox. 9.3.8
ListBoxGetText Get the string of the specified item from the ListBox.  
ListBoxInsertString Insert data from a ListBox. 10.2.5
ListBoxResetContent Delete all data in the ListBox.  
ListBoxSetCurSel Set the value to the location specified in the ListBox.  
LoadModule Load the graphics module file.  
LoadModulePosition Open/Position Settings of Graphic POPUP Modules.  
LoadModulePositionMonitor Load the POPUP module on the monitor where you specified the display position.
log10 Get Base 10 log values.  
log Get the base e logarithm.  
LogIn Run the User Login dialog box.  
LogInChangePassword Change a user's password. 9.3.4
LogInGetGroupsOfUser Get  the name of the group to which the user belongs. 10.2.5
LogInUser Login with username.  
LogInUserPass Login with username and password.  
LogOut Log out the current user.  
MailSend Send an e-mail. 10.2.6
MathCeiling Round up to the nearest decimal point.  
MathFloatToUint Change the decimal point to an integer. 10.2.6
MathFloor Round down decimal points.  
MathRound Round/round down decimals.  
MdiSetViewRatio Adjusts the viewing ratio of the currently active MDI module window.  
MdiSetScrollPos Scroll through the currently active MDI module window.  
MdiSetWindowState Change the size of the MDI window. 10.2.3
MenuItemFindByTitle Find menu items by text. 10.2.7
MenuItemSetBackColor Set the background color of a menu item. 10.2.7
MenuItemSetCheck Set the Check Status of Menu Items. 10.2.7
MenuItemSetTextColor Set the font color of a menu item. 10.2.7
MenuMessage Selecte text menu as the menu ID.  
Message Show a message for 5 seconds.  
MessageBox Show the MessageBox dialog box.  
MilliDataSetEngineCycle Set the storage cycle of a specific list in the Millidata engine. 10.2.5
MilliDataSetEngineFolder Set the storage folder of a specific list in the Millidata engine. 10.2.5
MilliDataSetEngineTitle Set the title of the list of specified locations in the Millidata engine. 10.2.5
MilliDataSetFile Replace the contents of the MilliData Object with the given file.  
MilliDataSetTimeType Set the time display method of the MilliData Object's timebase  
MilliTrendAddMember Add one graph member to the MilliData Trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendClear Delete all graph members of the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendClearPatternLine Delete all registered PatternLines of MilliData trend objects. 10.3.5
MilliTrendGetAutoRange Get the option to use auto-range for MilliData trend objects.
MilliTrendGetCursorData Get the data value of the current cursor from the MilliData trend object. 9.5.3
MilliTrendGetCursorSize Get the size of the currently selected area in the MilliData Trend object. 9.5.3
MilliTrendGetCursorTime Get the date/time of the currently selected cursor from the MilliData Trend object. 9.5.3
MilliTrendGetMax Get the maximum range of members specified by the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendGetMemberFlags Get the member options of the specified member in the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendGetMin Get the minimum range of members specified by the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendGetLevelDevide Get the gridline division value of the MilliData trend object.
MilliTrendGetRealPos Using the values given in the MilliData trend object, get the actual order of the arrangement of the members. 9.4.0
MilliTrendGetScreenData Get the ave./min./max. value of the current screen range from the MilliData trend 10.3.3
MilliTrendGetShowSize Get the number of data view ranges from the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendGetStartTime Get the graph start time from the MilliData trend object. 10.2.1
MilliTrendGetTimeType Get the time range currently being used by the MilliData trend object. 9.5.3
MilliTrendReLoad Re-read all graph values of the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendRemoveAt Delete one of the graph members of the MilliData Trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSaveToCsv Saves the current contents of the MilliData trend object as a text file separated by Comma. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetAutoRange Set the option to use the auto-range of MilliData trend objects.
MilliTrendSetAutoUpdate Turn on/off the automatic update function of MilliData trend objects. 10.2.1
MilliTrendSetData Set the data of the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetDataType Set the data cycle of the MilliDatatrend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetLevelDevide Set the gridline division value of the MilliData trend object.
MilliTrendSetLogarithmicScale Enable/disable the 'Logarithm Scale' option of the MilliData Trend Object. 10.3.4
MilliTrendSetMax Set the maximum range of members specified in theMilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetMemberFlags Set the member options of the member specified in the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetMin Set the minimum range of members specified in the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetPatternLine Display vertical lines at regular intervals on the MilliData trend object. 10.3.5
MilliTrendSetPatternLineVisible Visible/Invisible the PatternLine registered in the MilliData trend object. 10.3.5
MilliTrendSetPatternLineVisibleByColor Visible/Invisible members of the PatternLine registered in the MilliData trend object with the corresponding color. 10.3.5
MilliTrendSetShowSize Set the number of data viewing ranges on the MilliData Trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetStartTime Set the graph start time of the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
MilliTrendSetStartTimeAuto Set the graph start time of the MilliData trend object to automatic mode. 10.3.6
MilliTrendSetTimeType Set the type of time range currently used by the MilliData Trend object. 9.5.3
MilliTrendShiftTime Move the graph start time by the number set  in the MilliData trend object. 9.4.0
ModuleCloseAll Close all open graphics module files. 10.2.5
ModuleCloseName Close the module file with a specific name.  
ModuleInvalidate Redraw a module file with a specific name.  
ModuleIsAlive Find out if a module with a specific name is currently running.  
ModuleMouseSleep The script module does not receive mouse input for a specified period of time. 10.3.4
ModuleSetSize Set the window size of the specified module. 10.3.4 
MouseGetPositionFromScreen Calculate the current mouse position as the window screen coordinate value. 10.2.4
MouseGetPositionFromModule Calculate the current mouse position as the coordinate value on the module. 10.2.4
MultiClear Deledte all tags registered with MultiRegister.  
MultiData Show the data view screen with the set tag.  
MultiGraphAddTag Add a graph member of a Multi Graph object.  
MultiGraphClear Delete all graph members of a Multi Graph object.  
MultiGraphDeleteTag Delete a graph member from a Multi Graph object. 9.5.0
MultiGraphGetCursor1Data Get the data value of cursor 1 from the Multi Graph object. 10.2.9
MultiGraphGetCursor2Data Get the data value of cursor 2 from the Multi Graph object. 10.2.9
MultiGraphGetCursorData Get the data value of cursor from the Multi Graph object.  
MultiGraphGetDataSize Get the number of data views of a MultiGraph object.  
MultiGraphSetAlarmLineStyle Set the Alarm Boundary Type  of a Multi Graph object 10.3.1
MultiGraphSetAlarmLineThick  Set he Alarm Boundary Thickness  of a Multi Graph object 10.3.1
MultiGraphSetBackColor Set the background color of a Multi Graph object  
MultiGraphSetBasicLevel Replace the base tag of a Multi Graph object  
MultiGraphSetDataCycle Set the data cycle of a Multi Graph object 10.3.6
MultiGraphSetDataSize Set the number of data views of a Multi Graph object  
MultiGraphSetGridLine Set the spacing of the gridlines of a Multi Graph object 10.3.6
MultiGraphSetLogarithmicScale Enable/disable Logarithmic Scale option of a Multi Graph object 10.3.6
MultiGraphSetPanelBackColor Set the background color of the Multigraph panel. 10.2.9
MultiGraphSetPanelTextColor Set the font color of the Multigraph panel. 10.2.9
MultiGraphSetStart Start/stop the multigraph.
MultiGraphSetVisble Show or hide tags that are set as members of the Multi Graph object 10.2.3
MultiRegister  Set the tag of MultiData(DataView) or MultiTrend(Analog Trend)  
MultiTrend Show the historical data trend screen with the set tag.  
MultiTrendAddTag Add a graph member for a Multi Trend object.  
MultiTrendClear Delete all graph members of a Multi Trend object.  
MultiTrendGetAutoRange Get the AutoRange option for Multi Trend objects 10.2.9
MultiTrendGetCursor1Data Get the data value of Cursor 1 of the Multi Trend object. 10.2.9
MultiTrendGetCursor2Data Get the data value of Cursor 2 of the Multi Trend object. 10.2.9
MultiTrendGetCursorData Get the data value of the cursor of the Multi Trend object.  
MultiTrendGetCursorSize Get the size of the currently selected area of the MultiTrend object. 9.3.8
MultiTrendGetCursorTime Get the cursor selection time of the MultiTrend object. 8.5.0
MultiTrendGetDataSize Get the number of data views of the MultiTrend object.  
MultiTrendGetEndTime Get the time at the end of the graph of the MultiTrend object. 10.2.5
MultiTrendGetScreenData Get the minimum/maximum/average of the range visible on the screen of the MultiTrend. 10.3.4
MultiTrendGetStartTime Get the graph start time of the MultiTrend object.  
MultiTrendGetStartTimeMode Get the view mode of the MultiTrend object. (Auto / Manual)  
MultiTrendGetTimeType Get the type of time range of the MultiTrend object. 9.3.8
MultiTrendReLoad Re-read the data of a MultiTrend object to update it.  
MultiTrendSetAlarmLineStyle Set the type of alarm boundary for a MultiTrend object. 10.3.1
MultiTrendSetAlarmLineThick Set the thickness of the alarm boundary of a MultiTrend object. 10.3.1
MultiTrendSetAutoRange Set the option to use auto-range for MultiTrend objects.  
MultiTrendSetBackColor Set the background color of a MultiTrend object  
MultiTrendSetBasicLevel Set the reference level of a MultiTrend object with a specific tag.  
MultiTrendSetDataSize Set the number of data views for a MultiTrend object.  
MultiTrendSetDataType Set the data cycle and interval of the MultiTrend object. 10.3.4
MultiTrendSetGridLine Set the spacing of the gridlines of the MultiTrend object. 10.3.6
MultiTrendSetLogarithmicScale Enable or disable the 'Logarithmic Scale' option for MultiTrend objects. 10.3.4
MultiTrendSetPanelBackColor Set the background color of the MultiTrend object's panel. 10.2.9
MultiTrendSetPanelTextColor Set the font color of the MultiTrend object's panel. 10.2.9
MultiTrendSetStartTime Set the graph start time for a MultiTrend object.  
MultiTrendSetStartTimeMode Set the view mode of the Multi Trend object. (Auto / Manual)  
MultiTrendSetTimeType Set the type of time range of the MultiTrend object. 9.3.8
MultiTrendSetVisble Show or hide tags that are set as members of multitrend. 10.2.3
ObjectGetClassName Get the current class name of the object. 10.2.1
ObjectGetRect Get the current square-shaped coordinates value of the object.
ObjectGetTag Get the tag name used in the class. 10.3.3
ObjectSetBackColor Set the background color of an object. CTLX
ObjectSetFillColor Set the fill color of an object. CTLX
ObjectSetFillOption Set the fill property of an object into the specified property. CTLX
ObjectSetFont Change the font of the object. 10.2.9
ObjectSetFontName Change the font name of the object. 10.2.9
ObjectSetFontSize Change the font size of the object. 10.2.9
ObjectSetFontStyle Change the font style of the object. 10.2.9
ObjectSetLineColor Change the line color of an object into the specified color. CTLX
ObjectSetLineOption Change the Line property of an object into the specified property. CTLX
ObjectSetLineThick Change the line thickness of an object into the specified thickness. CTLX
ObjectSetRect Change the location of the object. 10.2.8
ObjectSetRotationAxis Change the base of rotation axis of object. 10.2.6
ObjectSetTag Change the tag used in the object. 10.2.4
ObjectSetText Change the text of an object into the specified text. 9.5.2
ObjectSetTextColor Change the text color of an object into the specified color. CTLX
ObjectSetToolTipText Change the tooltip contents of an object. 9.3.8
ObjectSetVisible Show or hide the object. 10.2.8
OFF Outputs the DO Tag to OFF.  
ON Outputs the DO Tag to ON.  
PlaySound Play audio files.  
PlcScanSetPortActive Enable/disable the specified port of PLC_Scan.exe. 10.3.6
PlcScanSetReadDelay Specify the number of reads for each read request.  
PlcScanWriteBit Write bit to plc_can program. 10.2.0
PlcScanWriteBlock Write block (array) to plc_scan program. 10.2.0
PlcScanWriteWord Write analog value to plc_scan program 10.2.0
pow pow(x,y) : find the y power of x.  
PrintModule Print the specified module file to the printer  
PrintModuleDialogBox Use the dialog box to print the specified module file to the printer. 10.2.6
PrintScreen Hardcopy (print) the current screen.  
PrintScreenWithConfig Print the screen directly using the given environment file. 10.3.6
ProcessKill Force the running process to shut down. 10.0.4
ProcessStart Run the executable file.  
ProxyMongoClose Close the MongoDB 10.3.5
ProxyMongoDeleteMany Delete all such entries from MongoDB 10.3.5
ProxyMongoDeleteOne Delete the first item in MongoDB. 10.3.5
ProxyMongoFill Returns the MongoDB equivalent as a DataTable object. 10.3.5
ProxyMongoInsert Add data to MongoDB. 10.3.5
ProxyMongoOpen Open MongoDB. 10.3.5
ProxyMongoUpdateMany Update all applicable entries in MongoDB. 10.3.5
ProxyMongoUpdateOne Update the first item in MongoDB. 10.3.5
RadioButtonGetPos Get the currently selected position of the Radio Button object.  
RadioButtonSetPos Set the value of the Radio Button object to the specified location.  
rand Get a random integer value.  
RegGetInt Get an integer value from the registry. 10.2.9
RegGetString Get the string value from the registry. 10.2.9
RegSetInt Set the integer value in the registry. 10.2.9
RegSetString Set the string value in the registry. 10.2.9
ReportCloseAll Close all open report modules.
ReportCloseName Close the report module.
ReportIsAlive Check if the reporter file is currently running.
ReportPrint Print the reporter file to your printer.  
ReportPrintPDF Save the report results as a PDF.
ReportPrintMulti Print the specified report file over multiple days.  
ReportSave Save the results of the report as an RPTX file or CSV file. 10.2.9
ReportSetTime Set the Report data time before printing  
ReportSetTimeMinListFrom Set the starting time of the Report minute data before printing.  
ReportSetTimeMinListTo Set the end time of the Report minute data before printing  
ReportSetTimeMultiFrom Set the starting time to print the specified report file over multiple days.  
ReportSetTimeMultiTo Set the end time to print the specified report file over multiple days  
ReportSetVar Change the value of the string variable in the report.  
ReportView View the specified report file on screen after activate the report program.  
RGB Get a color value  
ScheduleGetActive Get the active status of the schedule. 10.2.6
ScheduleModelGetTime Get the setting time of a specific item in the schedule model.  
ScheduleModelSave Save all models in the schedule to a file.  
ScheduleModelSetTime Changes the time of the particular item in the schedule models.  
ScheduleReLoad Applies again the schedule.  
ScheduleSetActive Change the active status of the entire schedule control. 10.2.6
ScreenSave Save the currently active monitor screen as a file .  
ScreenSaveZone A function that saves a specified screen area as a bitmap file. 10.2.4
ScriptGetActiveAll Get the activation status of the script 'At Program Running'. 10.2.5
ScriptGetActiveFile Get the activation status of a specific script file in a script 'At Program Running' . 10.2.5
ScriptSetActiveAll Change the activation status of the script  'At Program Running'. 10.2.5
ScriptSetActiveFile Change the activation status of a specific script file in a script 'At Program Running' 10.2.5
SetActiveMain Activates the main window of the SCADA Server(LocalMain.exe).  
SetBackColor Set the background color of the Multi-trend, multi-data view  
SetGraphStartTime Set the start time of drawing the graph CTL
SetReportPrintTime Set the Printing Time of the Reporter Program. CTL
SetTagValue Change the tag value or the value of the member.  
SetVarValue Set the value of the internal variable.  
SetVipScan Focus on the manually outputted tags as scripts.  
SignageListAdd Add the text of the signage. 10.3.3
SignageListClear Initialize the Signage's text list. 10.3.3
SignageSetBackColor Set the background color of the Signage text. 10.3.3
SignageSetSpeed Set the speed of the signage. 10.3.3
SignageStart Start Signage. 10.3.3
SignageStop Stop Signage. 10.3.3
sin Get the sine value  
Sleep Wait for the specified amount of time. ( The entire SCADA Server stops.)  
SmsSend Send SMS (text message) through SMS Manager.  
SmsSendLineNotify Send a message to LINE App. (End of support after 25.04.01) 10.3.6
SmsWebSend Send SMS (text message) via the web.  
sprintf Store the text in a specific string.  
SQLConnect Connect to your database with ODBC.  
SQLCreateTable SQL function to create a new data field.  
SQLDelete SQL function to delete the data you have set.  
SQLDisconnect SQL function to disconnect the database.  
SQLExecute Execute the command prepared with SQLPrepate.  
SQLFirst SQL function to move data position to the first field  
SQLGetPos Get the location of the data field.  
SQLInsert SQL function to insert one field.  
SQLLast SQL function to move data position to end field.  
SQLNext SQL function to move data location to the next field.  
SQLPrepare A function that prepares to execute a SQL function.  
SQLQueryCount Reads the number of records that satisfy the conditional clause from the database connected by SQLConnect.  
SQLPrev SQL function to move data location to the previous field.  
SQLSelect SQL function to copy DB data into memory.  
SQLSetPos Change the position of the data field to the specified location.  
SQLUpdate SQL function to modify DB with changes  
sqrt Get the rootvalue.  
srand Enter the seed value in the rand function.  
strcat Combine the two strings and copy them to the preceding string.  
strcmp Compare two strings. (case sensitive)  
stricmp Compare two strings. (not case sensitive)  
strcpy Copy the following string into the preceding string.  
strlen Get the length of the string. (or Get the length of the array)  
strncmp Compare two strings by a set size (case sensitive)  
strnicmp Compare two strings by a set size (not case sensitive).  
StringIndexOf Find the beginning of a particular string in a string. 10.1.0
StringJson Parse the JSON value specified in the JSON string and get it
StringSplit Truncate from string to separator and return it as a string array.
StringSubstring Get the string by its size from the specified position in the string. 10.1.0
StringTrim Removes the preceding and following spaces. 9.5.1
StringTrimEnd Removes the following spaces. 9.5.1
StringTrimStart Removes the preceding spaces. 9.5.1
StringUnicodeToAnsi Converts Unicode strings to Ansi Default strings. 10.2.8
SVGSetFile Change the SVG file of the SVG element to the corresponding SVG file.
SVGElementColor Change the element's fill color and outline color, using the element ID of the SVG graphic
SVGElementMove Move the element's position by the specified amount (x, y), using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementReset Initialize the element's transformation (movement, rotation, scale), using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementRotate Rotate the element by the set angle using he element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementScale Increase or decrease the size of the element to each aspect ratio, using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementText hange the text using the element ID of the SVG graphic
SVGElementTextSize Change the size of the text using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementTransform Move/rotate/scale the element using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SVGElementVisible Displays or hides the element using the element ID of the SVG graphic.
SystemValueGet Get the values of various variables in the program. 9.5.2
SystemValueSet Set the values of various variables in the program. 9.5.2
TagCheckLoop Run the engine that reads the tag value.  
TagSaveAll Save all tags to a file.  
TagStatusSave Save the values of all tags to a file.  
TagSetUpdateOption Set the tag value update option. 10.2.8
TabControlAddPage Add a page to the tab control object. 10.2.5
TabControlDeletePage Deletes the page at that location from the tab control object. 10.2.5
TabControlInsertPage Inserts a page into the tab control object at the specified location. 10.2.5
tan Get the tangent value  
TelegramFile Send the file to Telegram.
TelegramMsg Send a message to Telegram.
TestGraphAddTag Add a graph member for a TestGraph object  
TestGraphBasisGraphAdd Add a reference graph for the TestGraph object 9.5.3
TestGraphBasisGraphClear Delete all reference graphs from the TestGraph object. 9.5.3
TestGraphBasisGraphSetType Set the type of reference graph for the desired location of the TestGraph object.
TestGraphBasisGraphTagAdd Add a member of a specific reference graph in a TestGraph object. 9.5.3
TestGraphBasisGraphTagClear Delete all members of a specific reference graph from a TestGraph object. 9.5.3
TestGraphClear Delete all graph members of a TestGraph object.  
TestGraphClearData Initialize the graph data of the TestGraph object.  
TestGraphGetValue Read the point value of a specific member from the real-time test graph.  
TestGraphRun Run the TestGraph object.  
TestGraphSetData Set the data in a TestGraph object with a specific column value in the MDB  
TestGraphSetDataSize Set the view range of a TestGraph object.  
TestGraphSetMilliLast Replace data in a TestGraph object with data in millidata in progress.  
TestGraphSetStartPosition Set the initial starting position at the start of the TestGraph object  
TestGraphSetValue Set the point value of a specific member in the real-time test graph.  
TestGraphStop Stop Progressing a TestGraph Object.  
TimeFromString Get the date time from the time string. 10.3.1
TimeGetSunRiseSet Get the sunrise/sunset time for a given day.  
TimeGetWaiting Get the time that the user has not used the mouse.  
TimeMinusDay Subtract 1 day from a given time.  
TimeMinusHour Subtract 1 hour from a given time.  
TimeMinusMin Subtract 1 minute from a given time.  
TimeMinusMon Subtract 1 month from a given time.  
TimeMinusSec Subtract 1 second from a given time.  
TimePlusDay Add 1 day from a given time.  
TimePlusHour Add 1 hour from a given time.  
TimePlusMin Add 1 minute from a given time.  
TimePlusMon Add 1 month from a given time.  
TimePlusSec Add 1 second from a given time.  
TimeSetLocalTime Change the computer time to the given time.  
TimeSolarToLunar Convert the solar calendar to the lunar calendar. 10.3.1
ToolBarAdd Create a toolbar. 9.5.2
ToolBarChange Change the properties of the toolbar. 9.5.2
ToolBarDelete Delete the toolbar for a specified location. 9.5.2
TreeNodeAdd Add a child node to the tree node. 10.3.3
TreeNodeGetFullPath Get the full name of the node. 10.3.3
TreeNodeGetText Get the displayed name of the node. 10.3.3
TreeNodeNew Create a node. 10.3.3
TreeViewExpandAll Open the entire node of the Tree View object. 10.3.3
TreeViewGetSelectedNode Takes the currently selected node from the Tree View object. 10.3.3
TreeViewNodeAdd Add a child node from the Tree View object. 10.3.3
TreeViewNodeClear Deletes all child nodes from the Tree View object. 10.3.3
TreeViewSeekNode Find a node in the Tree View object that matches the full name. 10.3.3
TreeViewSetImageList Register a list of images to be used in the Tree View object. 10.3.3
TreeViewSetSelectedNode Select the node in the Tree View object. 10.3.3
ViewAlarmList Shows desired alerts by year, month, and day  
ViewTagData Display the basic data view screen for the tag of the SCADA Server. 10.3.3
ViewTagTrend Displays the basic trend screen  for the tag of the SCADA Server. 10.3.3
VLCAudioMute Mute the audio of the VLC Media Player object.
VLCAudioVolume Adjust the volume of the VLC Media Player object.
VLCAutoLoop Turn on/off the playlist loop function of the VLC Media Player object.
VLCPlaylistAdd Add a playlist of VLC Media Player objects.
VLCPlaylistClear Delete all playlists from the VLC Media Player object.
VLCPlaylistPlay Play the playlist of the VLC Media Player object.
VLCPlayListStop Stop the playlist of the VLC Media Player object.
WebClientChangeSite Change the access site in a web client without a dialog box. 10.3.3
WebGoBack Back function of  a web browser.  
WebGoForward Forward features of a web browser.  
WebGoHome Function as a home of a web browser.  
WebGoSearch Search function of a web browser.  
WebNavigate Go to the specified URL for a page in a web browser.  
WebRefresh Refresh function of a web browser.  
WebViewNavigate Navigate to the URL specified in a WebView object's page.
WinExec Run the executable.  
XYGraphClear Initialize the contents of an XYGraph object.  
XYGraphRun Run a graph of an XYGraph object.  
XYGraphSetData Set the data of an XYGraph object  
XYGraphSetPointData Change the value of a specific position in an XYGraph Object. 10.3.1
XYGraphStop Stop the graph Progressing of an XYGraph Object.  


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