

The 'DbTrendGetCursorTime' function gets the date and time of cursor that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object.


void @DbTrendGetCursorTime(string class_name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);



string class_name : Class name of DatabaseTrend object.

int year : Variable or tag to store the year.

int month : Variable or tag to store the month.

int day : Variable or tag to store the day.

int hour : Variable or tag to store the hour.

int minute : Variable or tag to store the minute.

int second : Variable or tag to store the second. (This parameter is supported from 10.2.6 or higher.)


Return Value




@DbTrendGetCursorTime("DbTrend1", $YEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR, $MINUTE);

Description : It stores the date and time of cursor that is selected currently at DatabaseTrend object 'DbTrend1', to '$YEAR', '$MONTH', '$DAY', '$HOUR' and '$MINUTE'.


Version Information

Supported Version : 10.2.4 or higher