

The 'CircleSetAngle' function changes an angle of a cicle or fan shape or arc.


void @CircleSetType(string class_name, float start_angle, float sweep_angle);



string class_name : Class name of Circle.

float start_angle : Start angle (0~360)

float sweep_angle : Angle that you want to move. -360~360 (negative number=anticlockwise, positive number=clockwise)


Return Value




@CircleSetType("Circle1", 1);

@CircleSetAngle("Circle1", 45, 30);

Description : The form of Circle named 'Circle1' is set to a fan shape. The start angle of the fan shape is set to 45 and the end angle of the fan shape is set to 75.


Version Information

Supported Version : 10.2.1 or higher.


Related Helps

