

Changes the default image size of the image list. The default image list is created with a size of 16*16. This function is used when you want to change the size.


void @ImageListSetSize(object imageList, int width, int height);



object imageList: The image list

int width: The new width

int height: The new height


Return Value




im = @ImageListNew();
@ImageListSetSize(im, 32, 32);
@ImageListAdd(im, "Folder.png");
@ImageListAdd(im, "Module.png");
@TreeViewSetImageList("TreeView1", im);


Description: Adds Folder.png and Module.png files as image items to an image list of size 32*32 and registers it as the image list to be used by the TreeView1 object.


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.3.3 or Higher


Related Helps


