

Vertical lines are displayed at regular intervals in mill-data trends.


void @MilliTrendSetPatternLine(string classname, int active, int color, int thick, double pattern_cycle, object start_time, int pattern_count, int start_number, int number_position);



string classname : Class name of object

int active : Display (0=Delete, 1=Registration)

int color : Color

int thick : The thickness of the display line

double pattern_cycle : Use decimal places when using period (seconds) milliseconds

object start_time : Start time to display the pattern line

int pattern_count : Number of pattern lines

int start_number : The beginning number of the number to display at the top of the pattern line

int number_position : Display position of the number to be displayed at the top of the pattern line (0=Left, 1=Right)


Return Value




t = @DateTimeNew(2019,4,3,16,0,4);
@MilliTrendSetPatternLine("MilliDataTrend1", 1, @RGB(0,0,255), 5, 3, t, 5, 200, 0);


Description : Activates the pattern line of Millidatatrend1.


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.3.5


Related Helps






























