MilliTrendGetStartTime (Only in .ctlx)


This function can get the start time of a MilliTrend object.


void @MilliTrendGetStartTime(string classname, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);



string classname : classname of the Milli-Data Trend object

int year : var name where to save the year of start time

int month : var name where to save the month  of start time

int day : var name where to save the day of start time

int hour : var name where to save the hour of start time

int minute : var name where to save the minute of start time

int second : var name where to save the second of start time


Return Value




@MilliTrendGetStartTime("MilliDataTrend1", year, month, day, hour, minute, second);


Description : You can get the graph start time of MilliDataTrend1 and save the values partially to follwing vars; year, month, day, hour, minute, second


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.2.1


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