

Read the int value from the registry.


int @RegGetInt(int mainkey, string subkey, string name, int default_value);



int mainkey : Registry Main Key (0=ROOT, 1=CURRENT_USER, 2=LOCAL_MACHINE, 3=USERS)

string subkey : Registry key name

string name : Item Name

int default_value : The default value when the registry value does not exist


Return Value

Returns the registry value (int) read.



buf = @RegGetString(1, "Software\\AOB_Master\\Config", "ComPort", "Hello");
@ObjectSetText("Text1", buf);
$AI_0000 = @RegGetInt(1, "Software\\AOB_Master\\Config", "DeviceType", 99);


Description :  Read the integer value of the DeviceType entry from the CURRENT_USER's SoftwareAOB_MasterConfig key. If the value doesn't exist, it returns 99.


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.2.9 or higher


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