

The 'MultiGraphGetCursorData' returns the data of the specified tag to which the cursor points in Multi-graph object.


double @MultiGraphGetCursorData(string class_name, int tag_index);



string class_name : class name of Multi-graph object

int tag_index : tag index (If the number of tags is four[TAG1, TAG2, TAG3, TAG4], the tag index is as follows : TAG1[tag index = 0], TAG2[tag index = 1], TAG3[tag index = 2], TAG4[index = 3])


Return Value

data selected by cursor (If the data doesn't exist, 'Return Value' is '0'.)



value = @MultiGraphGetCursorData("MultiGraph1", 2);

Description : Assume that the number of tags is four[TAG1, TAG2, TAG3, TAG4] and the tag index is as follows : TAG1[tag index = 0], TAG2[tag index = 1], TAG3[tag index = 2], TAG4[index = 3]. Also, assume that the data to which the cursor points are respectively as follows : TAG1[50], TAG2[20], TAG3[70], TAG4[30]. In this case, if you execute the above statement, '70' is stored in the variable named 'value'.







