

void TimeMinusMin(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min, int sec);

Subtract 1 second from a given date variable and return it to each variable. It can also be processed as a leap month.



year - year (Using Tags or Variables)

mon  - month (Using Tags or Variables)

day  - day of date (Using Tags or Variables)

hour - hour (Using Tags or Variables)

min  - minute (Using Tags or Variables)

sec - second (Using Tags or Variables)


Return Value




year = 2000;

mon  = 1;

day = 14;

hour = 12;

min = 55;

sec = 10;

@TimeMinusMin(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec);

Description : After the function is executed, it will be 12:55:09 on January 14, 2000.

                         year = 2000, mon = 1, day = 14, hour = 12, min = 55, sec = 9.



$year = 2000;

$mon  = 1;

$day = 1;

$hour = 0;

$min = 0;

$sec = 0;


@TimeMinusMin($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);

Description : You can use tags directly as arguments to functions.

$year = 1999, $mon = 12, $day = 31, $hour = 23, $min = 59, $sec = 59.


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