

The ViewAlarmList function allows you to view the alarms for the year, month, and day of your choice.


void @ViewAlarmList(int yera, int month, int day);



int year : Year of date

int month : Month of Date

int day : Day of the date


Return Value




@ViewAlarmList (1998, 11, 27);


Description : Show the alarm of November 27, 1998.


ViewAlarmList function's arguments,


 If day is 0, it shows all alarms for the year and month you set,

 If the month is 0, it shows all the alarms for the year and day.

If the year is 0, it shows all the alarms for the month and day.


Examples of functions)


@ViewAlarmList (0, 0, 0);   // This shows all the alarms that have been made,

@ViewAlarmList (1998, 0, 0); // This shows all the alarms of 1998,

@ViewAlarmList (1998, 11, 0);  // This shows all the alarms that were made in November 1998.


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