Tag Members


The following members of tags can be used in scripts


A common tag member that is used equally across all tags (when the tag name is TAG)

Member Type Description MemoryType Remarks Read/Write
$TAG.active tag valid/invalid status Int   R/W
$TAG.tag Name of the tag (if tag belongs to a group tag, you will get the full tag name that represents the group name) string Autobase9 R
$TAG.name Name of the tag (if tag belongs to a group tag, you will only get the name without the group name) string Autobase9 R
$TAG.DeviceQuallity Communication quality of OPC tags Int 0 = Bad
1 = Uncertain
3 = Good
$TAG.DeviceSubStatus Detailed message according to the quality of the OPC tag Int R
$TAG.DeviceLimit Limits in Ops Tags int 0 = Not limited
1 = Low Limited
2 = High Limited
3 = Contant


Analog input tag member (when the tag name is AI)

Member Type Description MemoryType Remarks Read/Write
$AI Current Value Float   R/W
$AI.value Current Value Float   R/W
$AI.des Description String   R/W
$AI.port port of the Communication Sever(PLC_SCAN.exe) WORD


$AI.address Memory address of the Communication Server(PLC_SCAN.exe) WORD   R/W
$AI.hihi HiHi Value Float   R/W
$AI.high High Value Float   R/W
$AI.low Low Value Float   R/W
$AI.lolo LoLo Value Float   R/W
$AI.full Full Value Float   R/W
$AI.base Base Value Float   R/W
$AI.plcfull Maximum conversion ratio of the instrument Float   R/W
$AI.plcbase Minimum conversion ratio of the instrument Float R/W
$AI.viewfull View_Full Value Float   R/W
$AI.viewbase View_Base Value Float   R/W
$AI.unit Unit String Values String   R/W
$AI.assign When used as an indirect tag, if you copy the general tag here, the copied tag will be assigned. String   R/W
$AI.ProtectScan Whether it uses temporary value or not Int   R/W
$AI.ProtectControl Whether or not control is being prohibited Int   R/W
$AI.ProtectAlarmEvent Whether or not Alarm Event is being prohibited Int   R/W
$AI.ProtectAlarmData Whether or not Alarm File Save is being prohibited Int   R/W
$AI.NeedAlarmConfirm ON when alarm is in progress, OFF when user confirmation or alarm is off Int   R
$AI.SumTotal Total Totalization double   R/W
$AI.SumPart Partial Totalization double   R/W
$AI.AlarmLevelStatus Status of the current alarm Int 0 = normal
1 = LoLo
2 = Low
3 = High
4 = HiHi
$AI.Format Display format value float   R/W
$AI.alarm Alarm enabled or disabled int   R/W
$AI.FileSave FileSave enabled or disabled int v10.2 or higher R/W


Analog output tag member (when the tag name is AO)

Member Type Description MemoryType Remarks
$AO Current Value Float  
$AO.value Current Value Float  
$AO.des Description String  
$AO.port Port of the Communication Sever(PLC_SCAN.exe) Int  
$AO.station Station of the instrument Int  
$AO.address Memory address of the instrument Int  
$AO.extra1 Extra1 Value String  
$AO.extra2 Extra2 Value Int  
$AO.full Full Value Float 9.2.0 or higher
$AO.base Base Value Float 9.2.0 or higher
$AO.plcfull Full Value of the instrument Float 9.2.0 or higher
$AO.plcbase Base Value of the instrument Float 9.2.0 or higher
$AO.assign When used as an indirect tag, if you copy the general tag here, the copied tag will be assigned. String  


Digital Input Tag Member (when the tag name is DI)

Member Type Description MemoryType Remarks
$DI Current Value Int  
$DI.value Current Value Int  
$DI.address Memory address of the Communication Server(PLC_SCAN.exe) DWORD 1.F -> 31
$DI.des Description String  
$DI.desON ON Description String String  
$DI.desOFF OFF Description String String  
$DI.port Port of the Communication Sever(PLC_SCAN.exe) Int  
$DI.assign When used as an indirect tag, if you copy the general tag here, the copied tag will be assigned. String  
$DI.ProtectScan Whether it uses temporary value or not Int  
$DI.ProtectControl Whether or not control is being prohibited Int  
$DI.ProtectAlarmEvent Whether or not Alarm Event is being prohibited Int  
$DI.ProtectAlarmData Whether or not Alarm File Save is being prohibited Int  
$DI.NeedAlarmConfirm ON when alarm is in progress, OFF when user confirmation or alarm is off Int  
$DI.alarm Alarm enabled or disabled Int  
$DI.FileSave FileSave enabled or disabled Int  
$DI.RelayOnDelay ON Latency Int 10.2.5 or higher
$DI.RelayOffDelay OFF Latency Int 10.2.5 or higher
$DI.RelayPulseTime Pulse time Int 10.2.5 or higher


Digital output tag member (when the tag name is DO)

Member Type Description MemoryType  
$DO Current Value Int  
$DO.value Current Value Int  
$DO.des Description String  
$DO.desON ON Description String String  
$DO.desOFF OFF Description String String  
$DO.port Port of the Communication Sever(PLC_SCAN.exe) Int  
$DO.station Station of the instrument Int  
$DO.address Memory address of the instrument Int  
$DO.extra1 Extra1 Value String  
$DO.extra2 Extra2  Value Int  
$DO.assign When used as an indirect tag, if you copy the general tag here, the copied tag will be assigned. Int  
$DI.RelayOnDelay ON Latency Int 10.2.5 or higher
$DI.RelayOffDelay OFF Latency Int 10.2.5 or highe
$DI.RelayPulseTime Pulse time Int 10.2.5 or highe


String tag member (when the tag name is ST)

Member Type Description MemoryType
$ST Current Value String
$ST.value Current Value String
$ST.address Memory address of the Communication Server(PLC_SCAN.exe) WORD
$ST.des Description String


Internal tag members for ControlBox

Member Type Description Remarks
$__ControlBox_Tag The value of the ControlBox to be transferred to the current module element Module element with ControlBox


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