

The 'CsvBlockSet' function copies the the value of a current comma-block memory to tag. (If copy it, the order of the tags will be used in accordance with the SQL BindList)


void @ CsvBlockSet (int id, string bindlist, int pos);



Int id : Connection ID assigned by a CsvBlockLoad() or CsvBlockNew() function.

string bindlist : SQL connection settings file (the setting file on ¡®Config | SQL Bind List¡¯ menu in the Studio in the Studio program)
int pos : A row position of the comma-block memory


Return Value



@ CsvBlockGet ($ ID, "ex.txt", $ Number);
$ Number = $ Number 1;
@ CsvBlockSet ($ ID, "ex.txt", $ Number);
Description: Put the current tag value in the comma-block memory. And it brings back the next row value to the tag.


Relate items)









