

The 'AlarmListGetCursor' function returns the currently selected position in Alarm Window.


int AlarmListGetCursor(string alarm_name);



alarm_name : Class name of Alarm Window.


Return Value

Selected position


Example 1

cursor = @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1");

Description : The value of the currently selected position in Alarm Window is stored in the variable named 'cursor'.


Example 2

cursor = @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1");

// The value of the currently selected position in Alarm Window is stored in the variable named 'cursor'.


// The alarm of selected position(= value of 'cursor') is confirmed in Alarm Window.


Example 3

cursor = @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1");

// The value of the currently selected position in Alarm Window is stored in the variable named 'sursor'.


// The alarm of selected position(= value of 'cursor') is deleted in Alarm Window.


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