Retrieves the day of the year from the given DateTime object.
int @DateTimeDayOfYear(object datetime);
object datetime: The created DateTime object
Return Value
Returns the day of the year. January 1st is 1, January 31st is 31, February 1st is 32, and so on. December 31st can be 365 or 366 depending on the year.
t = @DateTimeNow();
year = @DateTimeYear(t);
month = @DateTimeMonth(t);
day = @DateTimeDay(t);
hour = @DateTimeHour(t);
minute =
second = @DateTimeSecond(t);
millisecond =
dow = @DateTimeDayOfWeek(t);
doy =
@sprintf(buf, "%d-%d-%d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d
dow=%d,doy=%d", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, dow, doy);
Description: Gets the current time, creates a DateTime object, and reads each element to display it as a message.
Version Information
Supported Version: 10.3.0 or Higher
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