It is function to calculate the average, maximum, minimum value of cell which you specify.
If you select the 'Insert | Function' after selecting the cell(one or several) to insert the function, Insert Function dialogue box comes up such as <Figure 1>.
<Figure 1> Insert Function dialogue box
You can insert as following function, by selecting the function sample at <Figure 1> dialogue box.
@ave : Calculate the average value in cell which you specify.
@max : Calculate the maximum value in cell which you specify.
@min : Calculate the minimum value in cell which you specify.
@sum : Function to get the total sum value of specified cell.
@LineAve : Calculate the horizontal cell average value of data object for multiple lines that vertical cell is changeable.
@LineMax : Calculate the horizontal cell maximum value of data object for multiple lines that vertical cell is changeable.
@LineMin : Calculate the horizontal cell minimum value of data object for multiple lines that vertical cell is changeable.
@LineSum : Function to add the horizontal cell values of data object for multiple lines that vertical cell is changeable.
@LineSub : Function to subtract the horizontal cell values of data object for multiple lines that vertical cell is changeable.
@AbsAve : Calculate the average of absolute value in cell which you specify.
@AbsMax : Calculate the maximum of absolute value in cell which you specify.
@AbsMin : Calculate the minimum of absolute value in cell which you specify.
@abs : Function to get the absolute value of specified cell.
@MinCellText : It selects the minimum value of specified range for horizontal cells. And get the specified vertical cell text which is situated at minimum value location.
@MaxCellText : It selects the maximum value of specified range for horizontal cells. And get the specified vertical cell text which is situated at minimum value location.
@GetLineCount : Function to get the count of lines which is between start and end cell location, that you specify.
You can edit a function at Cell Text Edit dialogue box, by pressing the ENTER key or double clicking the cell which includes function(including calculation format) data object.
Relate items)
Average Value of Lines(@LineAve)
Data Object for Multiple Lines
Maximum Value of Lines(@LineMax)
Minimum Value of Lines(@LineMin)
Subtracting the Lines(@LineSub)
Average of Absolute Value(@AbsAve)
Maximum of Absolute Value(@AbsMax)
Minimum of Absolute Value(@AbsMin)
Text of Minimum Value Cell(@MinCellText)
Text of Maximum Value Cell(@MaxCellText)
Counting the Number of Lines(@GetLineCount)