If you press Entire Tags menu
button, Analog Inputs menu button and
dialog box is shown such as <Figure 1>.
<Figure 1> Example for Alarm Level Setting dialog box
This setting designates the boundary value for dealing with analog input tag alarm. And generally, it is set as HiHi > High > Low > LoLo order.
Alarm level setting for analog input tag is as follows.
HiHi : It means that the current value is very high. Generally, it raises the alarm when it is over HiHi value, and do the special control.
High : It means that the current value is high. Generally, it sets as value less than HiHi value.
Low : It means that the current value is low. Generally, it sets as value higher than LoLo value.
LoLo : It means that the current value is very low. Generally, it raises the alarm when it is below LoLo value, and do the special control.
Also, you can set Alarm Level at Tag Properties dialog box and Tag Editor, etc.
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