Controlling the Yearly Schedule


It is function to set and operate the operation schedule about each date, by setting the operation model for day or specified day etc.

If you select 'Config | Schedules' of LocalMain, submenu is shown such as <Figure 1>.



<Figure 1> Submenu of Schedules menu


Schedules menu has submenu, as follows.

             Yearly Fixed Schedules : It registers the model to use as Yearly Fixed Schedules by selecting the set daily model.

             Yearly Additional Schedules : Set the operation model such as specified day, public holiday or designated day etc.

             Models : Set the operation time/tag as each zone.

             Weekly Schedules : Set the fixed schedule such as day, holiday or specified day.


Reference) Setting for specified day and holiday



Relate items)

Setting the Yearly Fixed Schedule

Setting the Yearly Additional Schedule

Setting the Daily Operation Model

Setting the Weekly Schedule

Setting the Specified Day and Holiday

Config menu in LocalMain

LocalMain Main Help