String Vars


It is data object to show the string vars which is set.

If you select 'String Vars' at 'Insert Basic Data' dialogue box, dialogue box comes up such as <Figure 1>.


<Figure 1> Config String Vars


String Vars data object is inserted such as <Figure 2>, when you select the vars at Config String Vars dialogue box such as <Figure 1>.

Also, If you double click this data object which is inserted in cell, dialogue box comes up such as <Figure 1>.


<Figure 2> Example of inserting data object for String Vars data object


<Figure 3> is 'View as run mode' for <Figure 2> at LocalMain or Reporter Editor.


<Figure 3> Example of 'View as run mode' for <Figure 2>


You can edit String Vars data object by using the cell text edit box, as following the order.

1) Letter for data start(=),

2) Data command(EtcStringVar),

3) String var name,


Example of editing a cell text) =EtcStringVar,Test1,


Notice) It doesn't input the '$' letter in front of string var, when you edit a cell text of String Vars data object.

But, other data object input the '$' letter in front of string var, for making as string var.



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Connecting as Query string

Setting the String Var

Edit a Cell Text

Insert menu in Reporter Editor

Reporter Editor Main Help