Alarm Window - Example (UI)


When user wants to see the alarm window on the user graphic screen, the user interface (UI) can be configured as shown below.


<Figure 1> Alarm Windows user Interface Screen 


Object Description            


<Confirm/Delete Button>

chosen alarm confirm             Confirm the unidentified alarms selected in the alarm list on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.

entire alarm confirm               Confirm all unidentified alarms in the alarm list on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.

chosed alarm delete               Delete the alarms selected in the alarm list on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.

entire alarm delete                 Delete all alarms in the alarm list on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.


<Alarm Filter Setting>

entire alarm view                   Show all alarms on the tags set as an alarm on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.

select PORT                          Show the alarms of the selected PORT on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.

alarm priority                        Show the alarms of the alarm-priority on the alarm window of <Figure 1>.



How to configure screen


Insert alarm window object in the module by clicking ¡®Studio | Object | Alarm Window¡¯.

Insert script button of chosen alarm confirm / entire alarm confirm / chosen alarm delete / entire alarm delete.

Insert analog memory tag that will show the value of select PORT / alarm-priority.

Insert object that can change the value of select PORT / alarm priority. It can be    button like <Figure 1>, bitmap or etc.



Script in Each Button / Bitmap


¨ª                  script of chosen alarm confirm

cursor = @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1");

@AlarmListConfirm("Alarm1", cursor);

ÂüÁ¶1 : @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1")

ÂüÁ¶2 : @AlarmListConfirm("Alarm1",cursor)


¨ª                  script of entire alarm confirm

@AlarmListConfirm("Alarm1", -1);


¨ª                  script of chosen alarm delete

cursor = @AlarmListGetCursor("Alarm1");

@AlarmListDelete("Alarm1", cursor);

ÂüÁ¶1 : @AlarmListDelete("Alarm1",cursor)


¨ª                  script of entire alarm delete

@AlarmListDelete("Alarm1", -1);


¨ª                  script of alarm view by PORT (simultaneously decrease the PORT number by 1)

if( $ALMPORT == 0 ) return;


@AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1", 1, $ALMPORT);

ÂüÁ¶1 : @AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1",1,$ALMPORT)


¨ª                  script of alarm view by PORT (simultaneously increase the PORT number by 1)

if( $ALMPORT == 255 ) return;


@AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1", 1, $ALMPORT);



¨ª                  script of alarm view by alarm-priority (simultaneously decrease the alarm-priority by 1)

if( $ALMFILTER == 0 ) return;


@AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1", 2, $ALMFILTER);



¨ª                  script of alarm view by alarm-priority (simultaneously increase the alarm-priority by 1)

if( $ALMFILTER == 999 ) return;


@AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1", 2, $ALMFILTER);



¨ª                  script of entire alarm view

@AlarmListSetFilter("Alarm1", 0, 0);