

AiHiHi function returns the HiHi setting value of AI tag.


float @AiHiHi(string tag);



string tag : AI tag name


Return Value

HiHi setting value of AI tag



value = @AiHiHi("ai03");


Description : The HiHi setting value of AI tag named 'ai03' is stored in the variable named 'value'.


ex1) Assume that the setting value of AI tag is set as follows : HiHi->100, High -> 90, Low -> 30, LoLo -> 20

         In this case, if ' value = @AiHiHi("ai03"); ' is executed, '100' is stored in the variable named 'value'


ex2) If you want to change the HiHi setting value of AI tag named 'ai03', use 'Tag Member'.

          ' $ai03.hihi = 110; ' changes the HiHi setting value of AI tag named 'ai03' into '110'



 Tag Member