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* Autobase 10 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later must be installed. กก Bugs Fixed 1) Program down when use not existed classname in @DatePickerGetDate() method. 2) When use the program without displaying the menu and window title, the lower part of the MDI module is a little truncated. 3) The value of string tag does not save in MilliData CSV option. 4) Conversion is 1 less values of specific range in Proportional Analog Output 5) Error occurs when getting the start time of process in WatchDog program. 6) Three decimal second or less do not set of analog tag scroll unit. 7) Does not apply when restart the program after set the Analog Alarm Level View Range. 8) Error occurs when compile using the StringSubString method. 9) It treated as Return sentence when start the variable name as return???. 10) Multiple fonts are displayed at the same time in Script Editor.
User options 1) You can Group to manage User. 2) Password security is added. (Minimum number of characters/Alphanumiric Mix/Expire Date/Acount limit when mismatched)
LocalMain 1) Mouse area of the objects that used same tag can displayed simultaneously. (Config->Etc->Graphics) 2) Current state can be displayed when using Digital Input/Output dialog box. 3) The options that to choose the protect menu of shorcut menu is added. (Config->Etc->Graphic) 4) English startup.mnux file supportd as default menu file. Change Startup_Korean.mnux file to Startup.mnux if you use Korean Language.
Graphic Object 1) You can use Unit Display in Analog String object. 2) Horizontal alignment option is added in Analog String Object. 3) Horizontal alignment option is added in Edit Box Object. 4) You can use script after Config Dialog Box in Multi Trend Object. 5) Tab Control Object is added. 6) You can use mouse button as Zoom in/out function in Multi Trend Object. 7) You can select Column to show and change Column name in Alarm Window Object.
Other Programs 1) You can use Notify Icon in Export Server Program. 2) Hide option when starting WatchDog Pogram is added. 3) EMV-8000K CDMA Model developed in SMS Program.
Communication Program 1) Protocol Version 8.9 supported.
Script Add/Modify 1) $TAG.RelayOnDelay(On Delay time) $TAG.RelayOffDelay(OFF Delay time) $TAG.RelayPulseTime(Pulse time) member added in DI/DO Tag. 2) @ScriptGetActiveAll() - Get the active status of all scripts. 3) @ScriptGetActiveFile(string scriptfile) - Get the active status of specified file. 4) @ScriptSetActiveAll(int flag) - Set the active status of all scripts. 5) @ScriptSetActiveFile(string scriptfile, int flag) - Set the active status of specified file. 6) @TimeGetWaiting(int timetype) - timetype paremeter added. (0=Minute Unit, 1=Second Unit) 7) @ModuleCloseAll(int type) - Close all opened module. (type: 0=All MDI, POPUP, 1=MDI, 2=POPUP) 8) @MultiTrendGetEndTime(string classname, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute); - Get the end time of multi trend 9) @AlarmListSetFilterTimeFrom(string classname, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); - Set the start time of Alarm Window to search. 10) @AlarmListSetFilterTimeTo(string classname, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); - Set the end time of Alarm Window to search. 11) String Virtual Write is supported in @PlcScanWriteBlock method. (extra1=#MEM#, extra2=3, value=string Variable) 12) @MultiTrendAddTag(string class_name, string tag, long color, int value_type, int point_type, int line_thick, int axis_pos, int level_from, int level_to, int tag_disp_size, int reverse_y, int graph_type, int flags); - HiHi,High,Low,LoLo Alarm line can display by using flag parameter ( 0x1 = Hihi, 0x2=High, 0x4=Low, 0x8=LoLo, 0x3 = HiHi&High @MultiGraphAddTag method is same) 13) @TabControlAddPage(string class_name, string page_title, string module_name); 14) @TabControlInsertPage(string class_name, int position, string page_title, string module_name); 15) @TabControlDeletePage(string class_name, int position); 16) object @ContextMenuNew(); 17) object @ContextMenuNewItem(string title, string script); 18) @ContextMenuAddItem(object context, object menuitem); 19) @ContextMenuAddSubItem(object menuitem, object subitem); 20) @ContextMenuShow(object context, int x, int y); 21) string @LogInGetGroupsOfUser(string username); - Get the group name of User. 22) @MilliDataSetEngineTitle(int item_pos, string title); 23) @MilliDataSetEngineCycle(int item_pos, int cycle); 24) @MilliDataSetEngineFolder(int item_pos, string folder); 25) @ListBoxInsertString(string classname, int index, string text);
Communication Driver 1) Samsung AHU System driver developed. 2) Adtronic Electric Bulletin driver developed. 3) SUHIL HeatPump System driver modified. 4) SABROE Protocol 0178-400 driver developed. 5) ABI systems LightOn Controller driver developed. 6) AD Power M2M4 Meter driver developed. 7) EESYS CCU Controller driver developed. 8) JL2-F140-M LED Sensor Controller driver developed. 9) YOKOGAWA uR10000/20000 Recorder driver developed. 10) NAM IL NCT-P3 Current Measurement driver developed. 11) Intellex-500 Fire Monitoring System driver developed. 12) TGE OMiD Controller driver developed. 13) KACO XP100-HV Inverter driver modified 14) MODBUS-RTU Mode driver modified
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