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* Autobase 10 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later must be installed. กก Bugs Fixed (The following bugs are fixed.) 1) Keylock information displays as 256 Tags even though not installed. 2) [CE] Screen flickers when updating value in Analog/Digital detail screen. 3) '%e' and '%E' format not applied in @sprintf mehtod. 4) [CE] The output value is one less in AIO/AO tag's proportional option. 5) The error occurs when delete alarm in AlarmWindow 'File Alarm' option. 6) SUB Folder of Alarm Graphic Module name removed in the Tag property. 7) [CE] Screen update not applied in @ObjectSetTextColor. 8) [CE] The error occurs when use @ModuleInvalidate() method in the PopUp Graphic Module. 9) [CE] @GetDataFreeSpace method return used bytes instead free bytes. 10) [CE] The error occurs using @TimeSetLocalTime(). 11) [CE] Read/Write cycle always applied 1 Second even if set to less than 1 second in Communication. 12) [CE] @MultiGraphSetVisible/@MultiTrendSetVisible method not supported. 13) [CE] Background color always applied even if set to 'Not Used' in MultiTrend object. 14) Write operation of unreaded item is not applied in OpcClient. 15) [CE] @ScreenSave/@ScreenSaveZone methods not supported. 16) [CE] Tag.FileSave member not supported in Script. 17) [CE] Tag.RelayOnDelay / Tag.RelayOffDelay / Tag.RelayPulseTime member not supported in Script. 18) [CE] The error occurs when immediately call @CloseModule after using @LoadModule. 19) [CE] @ModuleCloseAll() method not supported. 20) [CE] The option 'Cancel value' of 'OverFlow value' property not applied in Analog Input/Output Tag. 21) The second is always 0 in @DbTrendGetCursorTime method. 22) [CE] @Script???() methods not supported. 23) [CE] The Memory of Network Memory Server not transmitted in Communication program. (Only WORD memory is fine.) 24) 'Full/Base/DesON/DesOFF/...' member not applied in Analog/Digital object of assigned tag. 25) [CE] Member of assigned tag is not applied in Script. 26) Column size is reset when reopen the AlarmWindow Object after set the column size over than 1000. 27) [CE] Column name not applied in AlarmWindow Object. 28) [CE] @ObjectGetClassName() method not supported. 29) @ScriptSetActiveFile() method not applied in 'Program StartUp' script. 30) [CE] @ObjectSetTag() method not supported. 31) [CE] The date is always set to 1-1-5 after user set the date in MultiTrend object. (It occurs only in English OS.) 32) [CE] Automatic wrap not applied in Text object. 33) It takes a long time to start Program in Data Server. 34) The error occurs when set large the Font size in Studio.
LocalMain Program 1) [CE] LogIn/LogOut menu now supported. 2) The option 'Alarm color by Alarm priority' is supported.
Studio Program 1) The option 'position of pasted object' supported. 2) ZoomIn / ZoomOut menu added.
Data Server Program 1) Data Engine Timer is faster. 2) The 'Enable' option added in Savebase Save Lists.
Communication Program 1) Tray icon mode supported. 2) [CE] Bit Write/Word Write/Virtual Write menu supported. 3) [CE] Config dialog box supported. 4) [CE] Error message box supported.
Script Add/Modify 1) @ReportSave(string report_filename, string output_filename); - Save to rptx or csv of Report result. 2) long @GetDiskFreeSpace(string directory); - Get free space of specified device in MByte. 3) long @GetSecCount(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second); - Get seconds count from 1-1-1 4) void @MultiTrendSetAutoRange(string classname, int option) - Set AutoRange option. 5) int @MultiTrendGetAutoRange(string classname) - Get AutoRange option. 6) int @MultiTrendSetPanelBackColor(string classname, int color) - Change background color of the panel. 7) int @MultiTrendSetPanelTextColor(string classname, int color) - Change text color of the panel. 8) void @DialogScreenSave() - Save the current screen as a bitmap file. 9) void @DialogScreenSaveZone(int x, int y, int width, int height) - Save specified zone of the current screen as a bitmap file. 10) int @MultiGraphSetPanelBackColor(string classname, int color) - Change background color of the panel. 11) int @MultiGraphSetPanelTextColor(string classname, int color) - Change text color of the panel. 12) int @MultiGraphGetCursor1Data(string classname, int member_pos) - Get the data of the Cursor1. 13) int @MultiGraphGetCursor2Data(string classname, int member_pos) - Get the data of the Cursor2 14) int @MultiTrendGetCursor1Data(string classname, int member_pos) - Get the data of the Cursor1 15) int @MultiTrendGetCursor2Data(string classname, int member_pos) - Get the data of the Cursor2 16) void @ObjectSetFont(string classname, string name, float size, int style) - Change a font of the object. 17) void @ObjectSetFontName(string classname, string name) - Change a font name of the object. 18) void @ObjectSetFontSize(string classname, float size) - Change a font size of the object. 19) void @ObjectSetFontStyle(string classname, int style) - Change a font style of the object. (1=Bold, 2=Italic, 4 = Underline, 8 = Strikeout) 20) string @RegGetString(int mainkey, string subkey, string name, string default_value); - Get the String value in Registry. (mainkey: 0=ROOT, 1=CURRENT_USER, 2=LOCAL_MACHINE, 3=USERS) 21) int @RegGetInt(int mainkey, string subkey, string name, int default_value); - Get the Integer value in Registry. 22) void @RegSetString(int mainkey, string subkey, string name, string value); - Set the String value to Registry. 23) void @RegSetInt(int mainkey, string subkey, string name, int value); - Set the Integer value to Registry.
Communication Driver 1) CIP-7000 Server driver developed. 2) GS-500F Master driver developed. 3) E364xA Series DC-Power Supply driver developed. 4) DAIKIN SUT Series driver developed. 5) Smart Eye R4 driver developed. 6) XGT Serial driver modified. 7) Read Multi ASCII Data driver modified. 8) Sunny Net driver modified. 9) MCS 200 Series driver developed. 10) MODBUS-RTU Mode driver modified. 11) SF6 3800 Series driver developed. 12) ETLC Lighting Controlle driver developed. 13) NCBOY-200(Toshiba) driver developed. 14) SIEMENS S7-200 PPI driver modified. 15) AP-3604BA Controller driver developed.
3) @GlobalSetVar Function not applied in ViewMain.exe. 4) [CE] Constant value -1 is converted as 0 in Script. 5) [CE] The Variable not updated in Script Detail Screen of CompactMain Program. 6) The error occurs when print alarm list in Alarm Event Window. 7) 'Mouse Response On Visible' Option is not applied in Group object. 8) Changed value is overlapped in 'Display Changes' Object. 9) [CE] #MEM# String Output not applied in CompactScan Program. 10) [CE] Right Angle Rotation(90/180/270) of object is not applied. 11) [CE] Graph_type argument of @MultiGraphAddTag and @MultiTrendAddTag is not applied. 12) Alarm Window/Web Browser Object not displayed after '90 degree rotation' 13) [CE] Immediately disconnected the connection when using TCP Server Device in CompactScan Program. 14) [CE] Immediately disconnected the connection when using Network Memory Server in CompactScan Program. 15) MainMenu is pushed down when add toolbar(@ToolBarAdd) to top positon. 16) [CE] @ToolBarAdd Function is not applied. 17) The error occurs when using -1 as 'array_size' argument in @PlcScanWriteBlock Function.
LocalMain Program 1) [CE] SMS Fuction added. 2) [CE] Port communication status is saved when change the day in CompactScan program. 3) Milli-Second option added in Database Trend object. 4) [CE] Station Information is now available in CompactScan Program
Studio Program 1) [CE] Project Import menu added to get Smart Device (Project->File->Import from Smart Device).
Web Server Program 1) Event alarm now available in Web Client.
Script Add/Modify 1) [CE] @SmsSend() method supported. 2) We can use @TestGraphSetStartPosition on running status. 3) @ObjectSetRect(string classname, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) - Changes positon of object 4) @TagSetUpdateOption(int option) - Tag current value update option (1=Sync/Now, 0=Async) 5) @ObjectSetVisible(int flag) - Show/Hide object (1=Show, 0=Hide) 6) [CE] @AlarmListSetFilterTimeFrom() @AlarmListSetFilterTimeTo() method now available in CE. 7) @StringUnicodeToAnsi(byte[] target, string source) - Convert Unicode string to Ansi string
Communication Driver 1) Dynatronix DP/DPR Series driver developed. 2) SmartOn Dimming Module driver developed. 3) HanYoung SM100 driver modified. 4) LS Remote Metering driver developed. 5) EnerPulse Power Supply driver modified. 6) Wizit Dongdo Calorimeter driver developed. 7) Utisol Lighting Controller driver developed. 8) ZW Protocol driver developed. 9) BAMS DC System driver developed. 10) Kubota KF-C3000 Weight Meter driver developed. 11) Autobase Open Bus driver developed. 12) MODBUS-RTU Mode driver modified.
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