AUTOBASE 10.2.7 Revisions Release: 2014-02-21
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* Autobase 10 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later must be installed.


Bugs Fixed (The following bugs are fixed.)

1) More than Address:5000 can not be readed using Modbus driver in Export Server.

2) [CE] Column width of Alarm Event Window that changed by user can not be reloaded when program restarted.

3) [CE] Alarm list of  Alarm Event Window can not be reloaded when program restarted.

4) [CE] Confirmed alarm list of Alarm Event Window can not be reloaded when program restarted.

5) When the value is large, does not display below digits in Analog Input Tag List.

6) Day/Month/Year option not apply in DataBase Trend Object.

7)  Always message displayed as COM Port after set to Printer in Line-Printer Manager.

8) Properties apply to source object after copy object by 'Ctrl+Mouse Copy' in Studio.

9) The error occurs when click modify button without select Port in Studio.

10) [CE] POPUP module of the same name is displayed in duplicate

11) [CE] The title of POPUP Module alwayes displayed as "FormPopupFrame"

12) [CE] Only MDI Modules are closed when click 'Module Close menu' in Context Menu of POPUP Module.


Object Add/Modify

1) '!=' Contidion is now available in Extension Options (Visible/Blinking/Colors).


LocalMain Program

1) Sunrise/Sunset Control is now available in the Model of Schedule Control.

2) User can modify the Font of Calendar in Schedule Control Screen. (Config->Other->Fonts and Colors)

3) You can send the E-mail on Alarm. (Config->Alarm->Mail)

4) New Analog Alarm condition (Low<=value<=High) is added.


WatchDog Program

1) OPC Client Program is monitored by WatchDog


Reporter Program

1) User can select Start Time of a Day when using daily Max-Sub (Studio->Config->Report Etc->Start Hour of the day)

2) User format is available in Display Format (Sample : {0:MM/dd/yyyy H:mm:ss zzz dddd} )


Script Add/Modify

1) You can use Tag member after assign Indirect-Tag.

2) Error fixed when using "(" string in @sprintf method.

3) MilliTrendSetDataType() - Now can use Milli-Second.

4) object MenuItemFindByTitle(string title) - Seek menu item by name in MainMenu

5) void MenuItemSetBackColor(object menuitem, int color) - Set Background color of Menu Item

6) void MenuItemSetCheck(object menuitem, int check) - Change check-state of Menu Item

7) void MenuItemSetTextColor(object menuitem, int color) - Set Text color of Menu Item


Communication Driver

1) ShinWoo AHU Controller driver developed.

2) Read Multi ASCII Data driver modified.

3) BacNet IP Protocol driver modified.

4) MELSEC ENET 3E driver modified.

5) Glofa Ethernet driver modified.

6) YAMATAKE SDC/DMC controller driver modified.

7) JOAS DALI Lighting Controller driver developed.

8) HNS Smart I/O I Read/Write driver developed.

9) Hando USB IO Module driver developed.

10) AB LOGIX 5000 Series Ethernet driver modified.

11) KNX EIB 485 Protocol driver developed.

12) SDD-OT Controller driver developed.

13) TCU for Standby Power driver developed.

14) Dynatronix DP/DPR Series driver developed.

15) SmartOn Dimming Module driver developed.

