AUTOBASE 10.2.3 Revisions Release: 2011-11-29
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* Autobase 10 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later must be installed.


Bugs Fixed

1) When the position of the cell is more than 255 in the EXCEL REPOTER, "Tag/Time/Command" should not be modified.

2) After changed $AI.format member by script, format returned default value after restart.

3) When use '\' character in the script, compile error occurs.

4) CPU usage is maximize when use 'Network Memory Server' in the PLC_SCAN. (This problem is only occurs in the 10.2.1~10.2.2)

5) When used many TCP/IP Ports in the PLC_SCAN, It takes too much exiting time.

6) When used many TCP/IP Ports in the PLC_SCAN and the error message occurs plentifully, the program is down.

7) When 'List View' had opened up in the ExportServer,  the program is rarely down.

8) After change the tag that does not exist, objects appear blurred in the 'Digital/Analog Object'.

9) When moves the mouse wheel at the small sized 'Alarm Window Object' in the LocalMain, the program is down.

10) When format to 'User Format' in the Reporter, user format is not saved.



1) Supported the 'hot key' of the Main Icon in the studio.

2) 'Horizontal/Vertical Option' is available in the 'Alarm Window Object'.



1) The '*.xlsx file format' was added in the 'Report Auto Print'.


SMS Manager

1) 'Limit message/Day Option' was added in the SMS manager.


Script Add/Modify

1) void @MdiSetWindowState(string modulename, int state); - Modify size of MDI. state(0=normal, 1-minimized, 2=maximized)

2) void @MultiGraphSetVisible(string classname, string tag, int visible); - Hide/Visible of MultiGraph Member

3) void @MultiTrendSetVisible(string classname, string tag, int visible); - Hide/Visible of MultiTrend Member


Communication Driver

1) Xantrex GT3 Series Driver developed.

2) Aerogenerator Board Driver developed.

3) SAMSUNG FARA-N Ethernet Driver developed.

4) SAMSUNG FARA-N Driver developed.

5) SAMSUNG FARA-N Driver developed.

6) JC-2302 Lighting Controller Driver developed.








