[?] Communication Modbus TCP/Modbus rtu gateway EGX100 to AutoBase
Written time
2013-10-23 오후 4:49:28
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Question> I want to connect AutoBase to Mobus gateway Schneider EGX100. EGX100 connect to 10 Modbus RTU slave Power meter. I've been success in config Modbus gateway and test OK. In Communication Server, I've just setup IP and Service port of Modbus Gateway, use MODBUS2 driver, check MODBUS IP Option...After that, I use sample command : READ WORD, Station 255, Address 0, size 250...then AutoBase connect success with Modbus TCP Gateway, I saw data on table. But the problem is i don't know exactly which data of Modbus RTU slave in table. Please help me some instruction for this case : Connect Modbus TCP gateway to AutoBase. Thanks Answer> Change command, set STATION to ID of Modbus RTU then AutoBase connect success to Modbus TCP gateway