Import multiple records by using ODBC on localmain

When user wants to see multiple records connected DB by using ODBC on one screen, use the SQL to write the script as follows.
(The important thing is that the DB that will bring up the data to represent multiple rows of records. You must register the tag in the surveillance program as much as the number of cells.)

1) Say the screen is configured as follows

The "*.mdb" file must have ODBC connection and SQL connection settings.
(Field name of "*.mdb": YMD, AI01, AI02 | Bindlist in SQL connection settings is the same as the field name, that is YMD, AI01, AI02)
When you do not know how to set ODBC connection, refer to the SQL connection settings.

After the ODBC / SQL connection is set, follow the procedure to configure as above.

Script is configured as shown in the following figure.
(Condition: Data Source Name(DNS): autobase / name of SQL connection setting: bindlist.lstx / table name of *.mdb (MS Access file): table1 / User ID and password is not set)

Refer to Script function of Help for the function.

The above is the content of fetching the previous record value one by one.

The above is to import three records at a time.