Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver


Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver is the driver to communicate with Utisol lighting controller.


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Device type(TCP/IP), IP address of PLC(, service port of TCP/IP protocol ( 5024 ),respectively, according to setting of controller.


Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Private Address – 0 ~ 255 Private Address. ( don't cate )

2) Read command – command = fixed to CURR.

3) Read start address – don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – fixed to 1. ( refer to <table 1> )


Read schedule example)

READ, 22, CURR,  1,   0,  1,


<Table 1> is data saving address and contents for CURR read command.

Data saving address Contents Remarks
start add + 0  private address of controller don't care
start add + 1 RxTx value 1 ~ 7
start add + 2 sensor type
start add + 3 micom type
start add + 4  group address of controller  
start add + 5 high  
start add + 6 low  
start add + 7 watt Level real value = readed value x 10
start add + 8 type  
start add + 9 sensor high rate  
start add + 10 status 1 ~ 6
start add + 11 KWh  
start add + 12 main command 101 = response command
start add + 13 sub command
start add + 14 time  
start add + 15 source private address  
start add + 16 destination private address  
start add + 17 source group address  
start add + 18 destination group address  
start add + 19 ~ 21 destination 1 ~ 3 group address  
start add + 22 reserved  
<Table 1> Data saving address and contents for CURR read command

Utisol Lighting Controller

communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can also set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of Utisol Lighting Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.


2. Write settings

You can set power value of Utisol Lighting controller by using write settings.


Digital write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).


Analog write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION              don't care.

3) ADDRESS            don't care.

4) EXTRA 1                write command =CURR, POWER.

CURR : corrent data reading command,

POWER : power value( KWh ) setting command.

5) EXTRA 2                readed value saving start address when CURR command.


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:CURR,  Extra2 : 100

The setting parameter shown above is an example of current data reading.

After reading, the readed data save 100 ~ 122 WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:POWER,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is power value( KWh ) setting example.


Note) Errors often occur when setting power value( KWh ).

In this case, please set two or more times write command.


3. Appearance of Utisol Lighting Controller

<Figure 4> is appearance of Utisol Lighting Controller.

<Figure 4> Appearance of Utisol Lighting Controller