SLR5100 RF Protocol Communication Driver


SLR5100 RF Protocol is the driver to communicate with RF module of SiLion Co. Ltd,. in China.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input com port(COM5), baud rate(115200), data bit(8), stop bit(1)  respectively, accordint to the setting of controller(module).


Read schedule of SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) station – don't care.

2) read command – Command : TEMP, VER, ANT, OUT, MODE, INV_T( refer to <Table 1> ).

3) read start address – sub-command (read option) when ANT, INV_T read command.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5)    Read size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example) 

READ, 0, TEMP, 0, 0, 1,

<Table 1> is data saving address and readed value for each read command.

Read Command


Data saving value of Communication Server  Remarks


read of

current temperature of module 

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : temperature of module

0 : Ok, 1 ~ FFFFh : error
(don't exist temperature value when error)


read of


version information

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : bootloader version info 4byte

Saving Start Address + 2 : hardware version info 4byte

Saving Start Address + 3 : firmware date info 4byte

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error(don't exist info. value when error)
default :13041500h
default :A3000001h
last compiled date 4byte(2013.05.22)


read of operation antenna check

 sub-command = 2 (default)

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : Tx ant number

Saving Start Address + 2 : Rx ant number

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error
(don't exist ant value when error)

read of all antenna read/write

transmission output

sub-command = 3

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 ~ 3 : antenna output value of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 4 ~ 6 : antenna output value of of no. 2

Saving Start Address + 7 ~ 9 : antenna output value of of no. 3

Saving Start Address + 10 ~ 12 : antenna output value of of no. 4

Saving Start Address + 13 ~ 15 : antenna output value of of no. 5

Saving Start Address + 16 ~ 18 : antenna output value of of no. 6

Saving Start Address + 19 ~ 21 : antenna output value of of no. 7

Saving Start Address + 22 ~ 24 : antenna output value of of no. 8

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error
(don't exist ant value when error)

saving order =
antenna number,
read output,
write output value


read of all antenna read/write

transmission output, setting time

sub-command = 4

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 ~ 4 : antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 5 ~ 8 : antenna output, setting time of no. 2

Saving Start Address + 9 ~ 12 : antenna output, setting time of no. 3

Saving Start Address + 13 ~ 16 : antenna output, setting time of no. 4

Saving Start Address + 17 ~ 20 : antenna output, setting time of no. 5

Saving Start Address + 21 ~ 24 : antenna output, setting time of no. 6

Saving Start Address + 25 ~ 28 : antenna output, setting time of no. 7

Saving Start Address + 29 ~ 32 : antenna output, setting time of no. 8

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error
(don't exist ant value when error)

saving order =
antenna number,
read output,
write output,
setting time

read of all antenna connection


sub-command = 5

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : Tx ant number

Saving Start Address + 2 : Rx ant number

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error
(don't exist ant value when error)



read of

transmission output info.

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : current Tx power

Saving Start Address + 2 : max Tx power

Saving Start Address + 3 : min Tx power

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error(don't exist info value when error)
return default value
max transmission output(default : 30 dbm)
min transmission output(default : 19 dbm)


read of

bootloader/app layer info.

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : bootloader/app layer value

0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error(don't exist layer value when error)
11h = bootloader layer, 12h : app layer


read of information for

all the inventoried tags

sub-command :

0 = unconfirmed tag(default)

1= confirmed tag by 29h command

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : number of tag

Saving Start Address + 2 ~ 4 : read count, RSSI, antenna ID

Saving Start Address + 5 : frequency fo inventoried tag

Saving Start Address + 6 : system time of module

Saving Start Address + 7 : RFU value

Saving Start Address + 8 : Tag data

Saving Start Address + 9 : PC word value

Saving Start Address + 10 : Tag EPC ID value

Saving Start Address + 11 ~ 19 : read count, .... of 2nd tag


0 : Ok, 1 ~ 0xFFFF : error
(don't exist tag info. value when error)

unit : KHZ
unit : ms

save also tag string to STRING memory

save also tag string to STRING memory

<Table 1> Data saving address and readed value for each read command

SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64 memory, but the data format are different.

Ttag data and tag EPC ID value also save STRING memory.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of SLR5100 RF Protocol communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can set setting value  by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             setting value for write command. ( refer to <Table 2>)

3)  ADDRESS          saving start addres of read value( status code, ..., 10digit number ).

4)  Extra1                  write command : TEMP, VER, ANT, OUT, MODE, INV_T, APP, BAUD, FREQ, S_ANT, BOOT, DEL, TAG_I. ( refer to <Table 2> )

5)  Extra2                 sub-setting command according to Write command. ( refer to <Table 2> )

6) Output value      setting value according to write command. ( refer to <Table 2> )


<Table 2> is output value and setting parameter for write command.

Write Command(Extra1)

Contents and Station

Data saving value of Communication Server(according to Address)


Output Value


read of temperature current

module, station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : temperature value of module

don't care don't care


read of


version info.,

 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : bootloader version info. 4byte

Saving Start Address + 2 : hardware version info. 4byte

Saving Start Address + 3 : firmware date info. 4byte


read of

operation antenna check,

 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : Tx ant number

Saving Start Address + 2 : Rx ant number


read of all antenna read/write

transmission output


 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 ~ 3 : antenna output value of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 4 ~ 6 : antenna output value of no. 2

Saving Start Address + 7 ~ 9 : antenna output value of no. 3

Saving Start Address + 10 ~ 12 : antenna output value of no. 4

Saving Start Address + 13 ~ 15 : antenna output value of no. 5

Saving Start Address + 16 ~ 18 : antenna output value of no. 6

Saving Start Address + 19 ~ 21 : antenna output value of no. 7

Saving Start Address + 22 ~ 24 : antenna output value of no. 8



read of all antenna read/write

transmission output, setting time


 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 ~ 4 : 1antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 5 ~ 8 : 2antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 9 ~ 12 : 3antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 13 ~ 16 : 4antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 17 ~ 20 : 5antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 21 ~ 24 : 6antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 25 ~ 28 : 7antenna output, setting time of no. 1

Saving Start Address + 29 ~ 32 : 8antenna output, setting time of no. 1



read of all antenna connection


 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : Tx ant number

Saving Start Address + 2 : Rx ant number



read of

transmission output info.,

 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : current Tx power

Saving Start Address + 2 : max Tx power

Saving Start Address + 3 : min Tx power

don't care


read of bootloader/app layer

info.,  station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : bootloader/app layer value


read of information for

all the inventoried tags


 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

Saving Start Address + 1 : number of tag

Saving Start Address + 2 ~ 4 : read count, RSSI, antenna ID

Saving Start Address + 5 : frequency fo inventoried tag

Saving Start Address + 6 : system time of module

Saving Start Address + 7 : RFU value

Saving Start Address + 8 : Tag data

Saving Start Address + 9 : PC word value

Saving Start Address + 10 : Tag EPC ID value

Saving Start Address + 11 ~ 19 : read count, .... of 2nd tag


0 = unconfirmed tag(default)

1 = confirmed tag by 29h command


move to app. layer,

 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>)

Saving Start Address + 1 : bootloader version info. 4byte

Saving Start Address + 2 : hardware version info. 4byte

Saving Start Address + 3 : firmware date info. 4byte

don't care


 baud rate setting command,

 station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write

(refer to <Table 1>) 

output value = 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200, 230400,
460800, 921600


operation frequency setting

command,  station : don't care

1(north america,902-928),
10(china 2, 840-845)


antenna terminal setting command,

 station = don't care

0 : use of 1  logical antenna Tx/Rx Ant Num
(1byte value)

antenna terminal setting command,

 station = 1 ~ 4 no. of antenna

2 : use of 1 ~ 4 logical antenna Tx/Rx Ant Num
(station : 1 ~ 4 = 1 ~ 4 byte value)

antenna terminal setting command,

station = Tx/Rx Ant Num,

logical value of transmission  antenna

3 : setting of antenna
 transmission output
higher 2 byte : read  transmission output,
lower 2 byte : write  transmission output

antenna terminal setting command,

station = Tx/Rx Ant Num,

logical value of transmission antenna 

4 : setting of antenna
 transmission output
and setting time
higher 2 byte : read  transmission output,
lower 2 byte : write  transmission output,
antenna setting time : fixed to 01F4h


setting command to bootloader layer

station : don't care

don't care don't care


delete command for tag cache,

station : don't care

don't care


multi-tag inventory command

( case of don't use filting ),

station : don't care

Saving Start Address + 0 : status code of read/write(refer to <Table 1>) 

Saving Start Address + 1 : select option( 0 )

Saving Start Address + 2 : select flags ( 2byte data )

Saving Start Address + 3 : tag found

inventory time
( 2 byte, unit : ms)
<Table 2> Output value and setting parameter for write command  

Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0010  EXTRA1 : APP  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is layer changing to 'app' mode example. ( after write, writing result value save at 10 addres memory,  normal operation = 0000h )