HSPV-3002 Inverter Communication Driver


HSPV-3002 Inverter  is the driver to communicate with Inverter of Hansol technics Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of  HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input  Com port( COM1 ), Baud rate( 19200 ), Parity bit( 0 ), Data bit( 8 ), Stop bit( 1 )  respectively according to controller.


Read schedule of HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) station – 0 ~ 255 station number.

2) read command – 1P, 3P. ( 1P : single phase, 3P : 3 phase,  refer to <Table 1> )

3) read address – don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example) 

READ,   1,   1P,   0,  0,  1,


<Table 1> is data saving address and readed value for each read command of  Heating HSPV-3002 Inverter.

<Table 2> is H/W, S/W Fault data of each bit.

Read command


Data saving value of Communication Server


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Saving Start Address + 0 : communication status (06h : normal, 15h : error)

Saving Start Address + 1 : readed Phase (11h : single phase, 33h : 3 phase)

Saving Start Address + 2 : Error code(00h : normal, E1h : ENQ error, E2h : Kind error, E3h : check sum error, E4h : port error)

Saving Start Address + 3 : present amount of Generation(Word unit)

Saving Start Address + 4 : today amount of Generation(Double Word unit)

Saving Start Address + 5 : total amount of Generation(Double Word unit)

Saving Start Address + 6 : input voltage A (Word unit)

Saving Start Address + 7 : input current A (Float unit, 1 dot)

Saving Start Address + 8 : input voltage B (Word unit)

Saving Start Address + 9 : input current B (Float unit, 1 dot)

Saving Start Address +10 : input voltage R (Word unit)

Saving Start Address +11 : input current R (Float unit, 1 dot)

Saving Start Address +12 : input voltage S (Word unit)

Saving Start Address +13 : input current S (Float unit, 1 dot)

Saving Start Address +14 : input voltage T (Word unit)

Saving Start Address +15 : input current T (Float unit, 1 dot) 

Saving Start Address +16 : H/W Fault data( 16 bit  status value, refer to <Table 2> ) 

Saving Start Address +17 : S/W Fault data( 16 bit  status value, refer to <Table 2>) 

when communication status = 06h
and Error code = 0 only save
Saving Start Address + 3 ~
Saving Start Address +17 data

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<Table 1>  data saving address and readed value for each read command of Heating HSPV-3002 Inverter


Contents of Fault

15 ( F ) Output DC Current
14 ( E ) reserved
13 ( D ) Over Temperature
12 ( C ) Leakage Current
11 ( B ) Under Frequency
10 ( A ) Over Frequency
9 Boost IBGT Fault
8 Inverter IBGT Fault
7 Output Under Voltage
6 Output Over Voltage
5 Output Over Current
4 DCLink Under Voltage
3 DCLink Over Voltage
2 Input Under Voltage
1 Input Over Voltage
0 Input Over Current
<Table 2>  H/W, S/W Fault data of each bit

HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64 memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 


<Figure 2> Example of Heating HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.



2. Write settings

HSPV-3002 Inverter communication driver don't support 'write settings'.