Tele Touch Client Communication Driver


Tele Touch Client is the driver to communicate with client controller for integrated monitoring.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of Tele Touch Client communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of Tele Touch Client communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input device type(TCP-Server), service port of TCP/IP(6100) respectively, accordint to the setting of server.


Read schedule of Tele Touch Client communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1)    STATION – don't care.

2)    Read command – don't care.

3)    Read start address – don't care.

4)    Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5)    Read size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example)


<Table 1> is data saving address and contetns of Tele Touch communication driver. 


Data saving address


read of current status

start address + 0

65 : calling

66 : incoming

67 : response

68 : termination


69 : fire

70 : rescue

71 : emergency

72 : normal

73 : release


74 : receiving call

75 : transferring call

76 : Mute transferring

77 : HS broadcasting

78 : MIC broadcasting

79 : broadcasting

80 : notice broadcasting

81 : emergency call

82 : TTS output

83 : TTS release

84 : inital status

current time : ¤Ñmonth, day, hour, minute, second

start address + 1 ~ 5


<Table 1> Data saving address and contetns of Tele Touch Client communication driver

Tele Touch Client communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data format are different.


2. Write settings

You can send status of client  by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             don't care.

3)  ADDRESS          don't care.

4)  Extra1                  write command.

e : selection of fire module,

f : selection of rescue module,

g : selection of emergency module,

h : selection of normal module,

i : selection of release module,

5)  Extra2                 don't care.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0  EXTRA1 : e  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is 'selectoin of fire module' setting example.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0  EXTRA1 : f  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is 'selectoin of rescue module' setting example.