TGE OMiD Controller Communication Driver


TGE OMiD Controller Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with OMiD controller of TaeGwang E&C in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Device type(TCP/IP, IP address of equipment(, Service port(4001) respectively.


TGE OMiD Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule 

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Don't care.

2) Read command – Read Command = DATA.

3) Read Start Address Read start address. ( Refer to <Table 1> )

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read word size  = 1 ~ 126.


Read schedule example) 

READ, 1, DATA, 0, 0, 20,

<Table 1> is contents for each general reference register address of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver.

 <Table 2> is a description of controller status for each Byte unit.

Address Contents Read/Write Remarks
0 Count of OMiD Read/Write High Byte : Equipment number,
Low Byte : Total count
1 Current time of controller - Year  
2 Current time of controller - Month 1 ~ 12
3 Current time of controller - Day 1 ~ 31
4 Current time of controller - Hour 0 ~ 23
5 Current time of controller - Minute 0 ~ 45
6 Current time of controller - Milli second 0 ~ 60000 mSec
7 Operation step Read only 0 : Waiting,
1 : Step Seq1
2 : Step Seq2
3 : Step Seq3 (Oil Pumping)
4 : Step Seq3 (Moisture)
5 : Step Seq3 (Hitting)
6 : Step Seq4 (Measuring)
7 : Waiting for restart
8 Control status Read/Write Bit 0 : Sol Valve 1 On/Off
Bit 1 : Sol Valve 2 On/Off
Bit 2 : Sol Valve 3 On/Off
Bit 3 : Fan On/Off
Bit 4 : Gas Heat On/Off
Bit 5 : Shell Heat On/Off
Bit 6 : Oin Pump On/Off
Bit 7 : Air Pump On/Off
Bit 8 ~ 15 : Reserved
9 Hydrogen (ppm) High Word Read only scale = 1/100
10 Hydrogen (ppm) low Word
11 Moisture (ppm) High Word
12 Moisture(ppm) Low Word
13 ~ 14 Reserved  
15 Realtime Hydrogen value( V ) scale = 1/1000
16 Realtime Moisturevalue( % ) scale = 1/100
17 Controller status Byte Unit value, Refer to <Table 2>
18 Operation setting Read/Write 0 : Manual, 1 : Auto, 2 : Stop
19 Hydrogen Over value High Word  
20 Hydrogen Over value Low Word  
21 Hydrogen Danger value High Word  
22 Hydrogen Danger value Low Word  
23 Moisture Over value High Word  
24 Moisture Over value Low Word  
25 Moisture Danger value High Word  
26 Moisture Danger value Low Word  
27 ~ 37 Reserved  
38 Front Index of Record 0 ~ 79 (number of 80 )
39  Rear Index of Record
40 ~ 45 Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Milli second of Record 0 Read only
46 Contents of Record 0  
47 Variables of Record 0  
48 ~ 55 Time(Year, ...), Contents,  Variables of Record 1  
56 ~63 Time(Year, ...), Contents,  Variables of Record 2  
... ...  
672 ~ 679 Time(Year, ...), Contents,  Variables of Record 79  
<Table 1> Contents for each general reference register address of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver
High Byte Low Byte Meaning
0 x Hydrogen Normal
1 x Hydrogen Over
2 x Hydrogen Danger
x 0 Moisture Normal
x 1 Moisture Over
x 2 Moisture Danger
<Table 2> Description of controller status for each Byte unit

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box

You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>. 

<Figure 3> Example of TGE OMiD Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialog box of <Figure 2>, dialog box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Writing settings

You can write TGE OMiD Controller  by using write settings.


Bit Write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value.


Word Write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

2)  STATION             Don't care.

3)  ADDRESS           Write start address. ( Refer to <Table 1> ).

4)  Extra1                   Write command = BIT, WORD, DWORD, TIME.

BIT : bit unit write( bit operation after 1 WORD data read),

WORD : output of Word unit value(0 ~ 65535),

DWORD : output of Double Word value,

TIME : send current date/time to controller(time syncronization). 

5)  Extra2                   Write command : BIT - setting of 0 ~ 15 bit position,

other write command : don't care.


Write example 1) 

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0008, Extra1:BIT,  Extra2 : 3

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for Fan On/Off control. (Bit position = 3 )


Write example 2) 

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0018, Extra1:WORD,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for Operation setting. ( 0 : Manual, 1 : Auto, 2 : Stop )


Write example 3) 

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0019, Extra1:DWORD,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for Hydrogen over value high 2 word setting.


Block write

TGE OMiD Controller communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.


3. Connection of communication cable to TGE OMiD equipment

Please connect UTP(direct) Ethernet communication cable to TGE OMid equipment such as <Figure 4>.

<Figure 4> is connection example of UTP Ethernet communication cable to TGE OMiD equipment.

<Figure 5>  is appearance of  TGE OMiD equipment.

<Figure 4> Connection example of UTP Ethernet communication cable to TGE OMiD equipment
<Figure 5> Appearance of  TGE OMiD equipment