SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver


SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver is the driver to communicate with wireless dimming controller of SmartOn Techonology in Korea.


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Device type(TCP/IP), IP address of PLC(, service port of TCP/IP protocol ( 4470 ),respectively, according to setting of controller.


SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Dimming switch address and channel number – lower byte = 1 ~ 64 dimming switch address.

higher = 1 ~ 3 dimming switch channel address. ( 0 = 1 channel )

2) Read command – command = STS, PIRID, PIR_A, LOCK, ILLU_A, ILLU, G_SW, PIR, CH. ( refer to <Table 1> )

3) Read index, group, channel address – index/group number or channel number.

STS command : 0 ~ 3 index number,

G_SW command : 1 ~ 10 group ID,

PIR, PIRID, ILLU command : PIR channel number,

other command : don't care.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Lighting ID – lighting ID when PIR, PIRID, ILLU command.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, STS,  0,   0,  1,


<Ç¥ 1> is read command and contents of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver.

<Table 2> ~ <Table 4> is data saving address and contents for STS read command of index 0/1, 2, 3.

<Table 5> ~ <Table 8> is data saving address and contents for PIRID, ILLU, G_SW, PIR read command.

Read command Contents Remarks
STS read of dimming switch status index 0 = 0 ~ 15 lighting switch control LED
index 1 = 16 ~ 32 lighting switch control LED
index 2 = 2 of illumination status, 2 of PIR status
index 3 = 1 ~ 9 group status value
PIRID read of lighting ID status of controlled by PIR sensors channel number, status read of each lighting ID
PIR_A read of PIR auto/manual status Start addr + 0 : auto, manual status
( 0 = auto, 1 = manual )
LOCK read of switch lock/unlock status Start addr + 0 ~ 2 : switch 1 ~ 3 lock/unlock status
( 0 = unlock, 1 = lock )
ILLU_A read of switch illumination auto/manual status Start addr + 0 : auto, manual status
( 0 = auto, 1 = manual )
ILLU read of illumination sensor status channel number, status read of each lighting ID
G_SW read of switch group status 1 ~ 10 group status value
PIR read of PIR sensor status channel number, status read of each lighting ID
CH read of dimming switch zig channel Start addr + 0 : zig channel value
<Table 1> Read command and contents of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0 frequency channel number of 1st lighting  
Start addr + 1 module number of wireless module 0 ~ 1024
Start addr + 2 retention time 0 ~ 255 second
Start addr + 3 dimming time
Start addr + 4 maximum brightness 0 ~ 100%, max. brightness >= min. brightness
Start addr + 5 minimum brightness 0 ~ 100%, max. brightness >= min. brightness
Start addr + 6 auto /manual status 0 = automatic, 1 = manual, dimming control when manual
Start addr + 7 current brightness 0 ~ 100%
Start addr + 8 strength of received signal -127 ~ 128
Start addr + 9 ~ 17 frequency channel number of 2nd lighting ~
..., strength of received signal
Start addr + 18 ~ 26 frequency channel number of 3rd lighting ~
..., strength of received signal
Start addr + 135 ~ 143 frequency channel number of 10th lighting ~
..., strength of received signal
<Table 2> Data saving address and contents for STS read command of index 0, 1
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0  retention time of 1st illumination 0 ~ 255 second
Start addr + 1 dimming time 1 ~ 255 second
Start addr + 2 maximum brightness 0 ~ 100%, max. brightness >= min. brightness
Start addr + 3 minimum brightness 0 ~ 100%, max. brightness >= min. brightness
Start addr + 4 auto /manual status 0 = automatic, 1 = manual, dimming control when manual
Start addr + 5 current brightness 0 ~ 100%
Start addr + 6 strength of received signal -127 ~ 128
Start addr +7 ~ 9 reserved 1 ~ 3  
Start addr + 10 ~ 19  retention time of 2nd illumination ~
..., reserved 1 ~ 3
Start addr + 20 ~ 29  retention time of 1st PIR ~
..., reserved 1 ~ 3
Start addr + 30 ~ 39  retention time of 2nd PIR ~
..., reserved 1 ~ 3
<Table 3> Data saving address and contents for STS read command of index 2
Data saving address Contents
Start addr + 0 ~ 9 status value of 1 ~ 9 group
<Table 4> Data saving address and contents for STS read command of index 3
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0  control period between lighting 0 ~ 255, 30msec unit, 10 = 300msec, 100=3second
Start addr + 1 number of lighting 0 ~ 32 ( default : 32 )
Start addr + 2 ~ 33 lighting ID 1 ~ 32 0 ~ 1024
Start addr + 34 ~ 35 reserved1, 2  
<Table 5> Data saving address and contents for PIRID read command
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0 illumination sensor Level 1 fixed value
Start addr + 1 illumination sensor Level 2 0 ~ 100%
Start addr + 2 strength of received signal -127 ~ 128
<Table 6> Data saving address and contents for ILLU read command
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0 ~ 31 module ID 1 ~ 32 number 0 ~ 1024
<Table 7> Data saving address and contents for G_SW read command
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
Start addr + 0 auto /manual status 0 = automatic, 1 = manual, dimming control when manual
Start addr + 1 PIR(Doppler) sensor Level 0 ~ 255, ´ÜÀ§ 50mV, 100 : 5.0V, Doppler = 0 ~ 100%
Start addr + 2 operation status 0 = ON, 1 = OFF
Start addr + 3 strength of received signal -127 ~ 128
<Talbe 8> Data saving address and contents for PIR read command

SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box

You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can set SmartOn Dimming Module by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Dimming switch address and channel number.

lower byte = 1 ~ 64 dimming switch address.

higher = 1 ~ 3 dimming switch channel address. ( 0 = 1 channel )

3)  ADDRESS          channel number or group number.( decimal unit )

INIT, DIMM, PIR, PIR.1, PIRID write command : channel number,

GROUP, G_SW write command : 1 ~ 10 group number,

other command : don't care.

4)  Extra1                  writte command = INIT, DIMM, GROUP, PIR_A, LOCK, ILLU, G_SW, PIRID, PIR.1, PIR, CH, CLEAR. ( refer to <Table 9> )

5) Extra2                   wireless module address( 0 ~ 1024 ) when DIMM, PIR, PIR.1, PIRID write command.


<Table 9> is write command and setting parameter of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver.

Write command Contents ADDRESS EXTRA 2 Output value
INIT setting of dimming LED inital value channel number don't care 0 ~ 999 file number for setting value reading,
refer to <Table 10>
DIMM control of indivisual dimming 0 ~ 1024 wireless module address 0 ~ 100%
GROUP groug dimming control 1 ~ 10 group number don't care 0 ~ 100%
PIR_A PIR automatic/manual control don't care 0 = automatic, 1 = manual
LOCK write of switch lock/unlock status 0 = unlock, 1 = lock
ILLU  illumination sensor automatic/manual control   0 = automatic, 1 = manual
G_SW switch group setting 1 ~ 10 group number 0 ~ 999 file number for setting value reading,
refer to <Table 10>
PIRID lighting ID setting of controlled by PIR sensor channel number 0 ~ 1024 wireless module address
 PIR PIR sensor inital value setting to 'manual' PIR = 0 ~ 255, unit 50mV, 100 : 5.0V,
Doppler = 0 ~ 100%
PIR.1 PIR sensor inital value setting to 'automatic'
CH dimming switch zig channel value seting don't care don't care zig channel value
CLEAR memory_all group clear command don't care
<Table 9> Write command and setting parameter of SmartOn Dimming Module communication driver
Command Filename Input method Remarks
INIT work folder\SCAN\INIT_LED_%03d.ini refer to <Table 11> %03d = 0 ~ 999 output value
G_SW work folder\SCAN\GROUP_SWITCH_%03d.ini
PIRID work folder\SCAN\PIR_ID_%03d.ini
<Table 10> Filename and contents for INIT, G_SW, PIRID write command
±¸ºÐ Input method
input method input all setting value at 1st line.
each argument  is a comma-delimited.
number of input element INIT = 9
G_SW = 32
PIRID = 34
contents of
INIT command
setting wireless module address(0 ~ 1024),
retention time(0 ~ 255),
dimming time(1 ~ 255),
maximum brightness (0 ~ 100),
minimum brightness (0 ~ 100),
auto /manual (0 = automatic, 1 = manual),
current brightness(0 ~ 100),
Reserved 1,
Reserved 2
contents of
G_SW command
input 32 zig lighting address ID value(0 ~ 1024)
contents of
PIRID command
0 or 1 index number,
0 ~ 255 lighting control time,
input 32 module ID value(0 ~ 1024)
<Table 11> Setting value input method of INIT, G_SW, PIRID write command

Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1:DIMM,  Extra2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is indivisual dimming setting( 0 ~ 100 % ) example for 1 switch, 1 switch channel, 1 channel, 1 indivisual ID.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1:GROUP,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is group dimming setting( 0 ~ 100 % ) example for 1 switch, 1 switch channel, 1 group.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0015, Extra1:INIT,  Extra2 : 0, Output value = 1,

The setting parameter shown above is dimming LED inital value setting example for 1 switch, 1 switch channel, 15( 0Fh ) channel.

The setting value read 1st line( 9 setting data ) of 'work folder\SCAN\INIT_LED_001.ini' file. ( refer to <Table 10> ~ <Table 11> )


Write example 4)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1:G_SW,  Extra2 : 0, Output value = 2,

The setting parameter shown above is switch group setting setting example for 1 switch, 1 switch channel, 1 group.

The setting value read 1st line( 32 setting data ) of 'work folder\SCAN\GROUP_SWITCH_002.ini' file. ( refer to <Table 10> ~ <Table 11> )


Write example 5)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0015, Extra1:PIRID,  Extra2 : 1, Output value = 999,

The setting parameter shown above is lighting ID setting of controlled by PIR sensor example for 1 switch, 1 switch channel, 15( 0Fh ) cannel, 1 module address.

The setting value read 1st line( 32 setting data ) of 'work folder\SCAN\PIR_ID_999.ini' file. ( refer to <Table 10> ~ <Table 11> )


3. Appearance of SmartOn Dimming Module

<Figure 4> is appearance of SmartOn Dimming Module.

<Figure 5> is appearance of wireless module.

<Figure 4> Appearance of SmartOn Dimming Module
<Figure 5> Appearance of wireless module