SYS-K016 Protocol Setting Method


SYS-K016 communication driver is the driver to communicate with Digital Input card (32 channel) of TechMove Electronics, in Korea.


1. Read settings


Device Setting of SYS-K016 set as CARD and set port number of CARD between 200 and 3FF value to Option part, because SYS-K016 is CARD to be equipped at PC SLOT. (Refer to SYS-K016 manual which is offered when you buy the card, about detailed port settings.)


READ part doesn't be needed other object, it just needs single line as READ,. If there is single line as READ, it reads value of AUTOBASE memory specific area, automatically.


SYS-K016 READ schedule


SYS-K016 communication protocol's read setting just needs single line as READ,.


2. Writing settings


Output settings isn't need, because it is input only card.