SABROE Protocol 0178-400 Communication Driver


SABROE Protocol 0178-400 Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with  Comressor/Chiller of Sabroe Refrigeration in Denmark.


Note) SABROE Protocol 0178-400 Communication Driver's help is written by Comressor equipment.

You can reference to SABROE Protocol 0178-400 manual for Chiller equipment's point address, ... etc.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver

 Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively.



SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – 0 ~ 14 equipment address.

2) Equipment type – DATA or COP.

3) Read Start Address – point no. = 32 ~ 255. (Refer to <Table 1>, <Table 2>)

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Size = Fix to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, DATA, 32, 0, 1,
READ, 1, DATA, 33, 1, 1,
READ, 1, DATA, 34, 2, 1,
READ, 1, DATA, 35, 3, 1,
READ, 1, DATA, 36, 4, 1,
READ, 1, DATA, 37, 5, 1,


<Table 1> is a description of 'DATA' read command's point no. and stored values of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver.

<Table 2> is a description of 'COP' read command's point no. and stored values of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver.

point no. Stored Values(Start Add + 0) Real data Unit or Range Remarks
32 Suction gas temperature  Read value / 10.0 ¡ÆC Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
33 Disch. gas temperature
34 Oil temperature
Suct. pressure,
Disch. pressure
Suct. pressure,
Disch. pressure
39 Capacity position %
40 Volume slide position %
41 Motor current Amps
42 Universal regulator %
43 Oil filter diff.pressure (s) /
intermediate pressure (r)
Suct. gas superheat/
Brine /intermediate temperature
46 Running hours  Read value Hours 0 ~ 65535
 Read value / 10.0 ¡ÆC/R  
50 Set point actual, brine temp  
51, brine temp    
52 ~ 56 Alarm 1 ~ 6  Read value   status value(bit)
57 ~ 61 Warning 1 ~ 6
62 Compressor mode
63 Control mode
64 Startsequence no.
65 ~ 78 Suct.system 1 ~ 14 regulator
79 System for this unit
80 Which control system
81 Oil pressure  Read value / 10.0 BAR Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
82 MultiSab state  Read value    
83 Preceding compr 1~14  
84 Next compr.  
85 Cmp to follow the next  
86 Selected sysregulator  
87 Communication errors %  
88 Not used    
89 Disch.gas superheat  Read value / 10.0 ¡ÆC Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
90 Switch reg. SP1/SP2  Read value 0~1  
91 Set point actual, suct. press.  Read value/ 10.0 ¡ÆC/R Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
92, suct. press.
93 Set point 1, brine temp. ¡ÆC
94 Set point 2, brine temp.
95 P. band, brine temp.
06 Set point actual, discharge ¡ÆC/R
97 Set point 1, discharge
98 Set point 2, discharge
99 N. zone, discharge
100 P. band, discharge
101 Set point actual, external %
102 Set point 1, external
103 Set point 2, external
104 N. zone, external
105 P. band, external
106 Set point 1, oil pressure BAR
107 Set point 2, oil pressure
108 Switch motor SP1/SP2  Read value 0~1  
109 Set point 1, motor curr. Amps  
110 Set point 2, motor curr.  
111 Ext. starting permission - normal 0~1  
112 Ext. starting permission - instant  
113 Start request OK (PMS)  
114 Set point 1, oil temp. -- cooling  Read value / 10.0 ¡ÆC Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
115 Set point 2, oil temp. -- heating
116 N. zone, oil temp.
117 P. band, oil temp.
118 Set point 1, suct. gas superheat
119 Set point 1, disch. gas temp.
120 Set point 1, volume slide %
121 Run time since last start  Read value Sek  
122 Setpoint 1, capacity  Read value / 10.0 % Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
123 N. zone capacity
124 P. band capacity
125 Cap. mode  Read value 0~1  
127 Software version    
130 Start-start delay Sek  
131 Stop-start delay    
132 Delay before start    
133 Delay before stop    
134 Suct. press. ramp function    
135 Slide max. down time (s)/
Delay up (r)
136 Prelubrication (s)/
Delay down (r)
137 Oil flow switch active (s)/
Take over max. time (r)
138 Oil flow switch delay (s)/
Take over delay (r)
139 Oil flow max. drop out (s)/
M-press. (r)
140 Lubrication time after start (s)/
not used (r)
141 Difference pressure OK (s)/
not used (r)
142 Oil pressure low -- delay    
143 Oil filter diff. press. high (s)/
oil pressure high (r)
144 Oil temperature low    
145 Oil temperature high    
146 Superheat low    
147 Superheat high    
148 Discharge press. overload    
149 Motor current overload    
150 Compr. motor starting time    
151 PMS feed back    
152 Full flow pump starting time (s)/
not used (r)
153 Oil pump starting time (s)/
not used (r)
154 Oil rectifier start    
155 Oil rectifier delay    
156 Oil rectifier suppress    
157 Start High press.    
158 Communication delay    
159 Cap. negative    
160 factor, start delay 1~10  
161 factor, stop delay  
162 factor, delay up (r)  
163 factor, delay down (r)  
164 Transfer factor, delay down (r)  
165 Transfer zone, delay down (r) %  
166 Take over factor, delay up (r) 1~10  
167 Take over factor, start delay (r)  
168 Take over zone, delay up (r) %  
170 Compressor type 1~50  
171 Refrigerant type 1~9  
172 Regulation mode 0~5  
173 VI-control mode 0~1  
174 Automatic start  
175 Automatic stop  
176 Prelubrication  
177 Full flow pump  
178 Booster  
179 Compressor no. 0~14  
180 Regulation master choice 0~1  
181 Economizer  
182 Economizer min. capacity  Read value / 10.0 % Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
183 Economizer max. suct. press. ¡ÆC/R
184 Common condenser  Read value 0~3  
185 HP compr. on two stage 0~1  
186 Discharge cooling  
187 Oil cooling type 0~4  
188 Motor current range Amps  
189 Swept volume m3/h  
190 Cold store control 0~1  
191 Out door temp. compensation  
192 Total unload  
193 Baud rate baud  
194 Oil rectifier 0~1  
195 Eur./US-units  
196 Factory reset  
197 Language 1-15  
198 Contrast %  
199 Aux. analog input function 0-6  
200 Aux. digital output function 0-5  
201 Cap. lim. low  Read value / 10.0 % Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
202 Cap. lim. high
203 Manual zero
204, 205, 206, 207 Suct. pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm BAR
208, 209, 210, 211 Disch.pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
212, 213, 214, 215 Oil pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
216, 217, 218, 219 Oil filter diff. press. limits (s) / -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
224, 225, 226, 227 Disch.temp. limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm ¡ÆC
228, 229, 230, 231 Oil temp. limits --high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
232, 233, 234, 235 Brine temperature (a) limits /
intermediate temp. (b) limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
236, 237, 238, 239 Suct.gas superheat -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
240, 241, 242, 243 Disch.gas superheat -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
244, 245, 246, 247 External input limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm %
248, 249, 250, 251 Suct. pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm ¡ÆC/R
252, 253, 254, 255 Disch.pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
<Table 1> 'DATA' read command's point no. and stored values of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver


point no. Stored Values(Start Add + 0) Real data Unit or Range Remarks
32 COP  Read value / 10.0   Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
33 COP Carnot
34 COP Mechanical
35 Cooling Power  Read value Kw  
36 Mass Flow kg/h  
37 Shaft Power Kw  
38 Motor COP  Read value / 10.0   Real data =
-99.9 ~ 9999.9
39 Volume Flow  Read value m3/h  
40 Superheated Spec. Volume  Read value / 10.0 l/kg  
41 Saturated Spec. Volume  
42 Enthalpy H1  Read value kJ/kg  
43 Enthalpy H4  
44 Enthalpy H2  
<Table 2> 'COP' read command's point no. and stored values of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver

SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


You can also set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.



2. Write settings

You can write setting values of Comressor/Chiller equipment by using write commands.



Bit write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).



Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : 0 ~ 14 equipment address.

3) ADDRESS : point no. 32 ~ 255. (Refer to <Table 3>)

4) EXTRA 1 : ANA = analog write point, NOR = normal write point.

5) EXTRA 2 : Don't care.


<Table 3> is a description of point no. and contents, EXTRA1, range for write of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver.

Point no(write) Contents Extra1 Write range
32 Start sequence no. NOR 0~14
33 ~ 46 Suct.system 1 ~ 14 regulator 1~14
47, 48 Setp.1 ~ 2, ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
50 Setpoint 1, brine temp
51, brine temp
52 Setpoint for capacity
53 Start compressor NOR 1
54 Stop compressor 0
55 Select suction system 1~14
56 Setpoint 2, brine temp ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
63 Control mode NOR 0~3
92, suct. press. ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
95 P. band, brine temp.
97 Set point 1, discharge
98 Set point 2, discharge
99 N. zone, discharge
100 P. band, discharge
102 Set point 1, external ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
103 Set point 2, external
104 N. zone, external
105 P. band, external
106 Set point 1, oil pressure
107 Set point 2, oil pressure
109 Set point 1, motor curr. NOR  
110 Set point 2, motor curr.  
114 Set point 1, oil temp. -- cooling ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
115 Set point 2, oil temp. -- heating
116 N. zone, oil temp.
117 P. band, oil temp.
118 Set point 1, suct. gas superh.
119 Set point 1, disch. gas temp.
123 N. zone, capacity
124 P. band, capacity
130 Start-start delay NOR  
131 Stop-start delay  
132 Delay before start  
133 Delay before stop  
134 Suct. press. ramp function  
135 Slide max. down time (s)/ Delay up (r)  
136 Prelubrication (s)/ Delay down (r)  
151 PMS feed back  
154 Oil rectifier start  
155 Oil rectifier delay  
156 Oil rectifier suppress  
157 Start High press.  
160 factor, start delay 1~10
161 factor, stop delay
162 factor, delay up (r)
163 factor, delay down (r)
164 Transfer factor, delay down (r)
165 Transfer zone, delay down (r) %
166 Take over factor, delay up (r) 1~10
167 Take over factor, start delay (r)
168 Take over zone, delay up (r) %
172 Regulation mode 0~5
174 Automatic start 0~1
175 Automatic stop
180 Regulation master choice
181 Economizer
182 Economizer min. capacity ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
183 Economizer max. suct. press.
190 Cold store control NOR 0~1
204, 205, 206, 207 Suct. pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm ANA Write range = Real data x 10.0
208, 209, 210, 211 Disch.pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
212, 213, 214, 215 Oil pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
216, 217, 218, 219 Oil filter diff. press. limits (s) / -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
224, 225, 226, 227 Disch.temp. limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
228, 229, 230, 231 Oil temp. limits --high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
232, 233, 234, 235 Brine temperature (a) limits /
intermediate temp. (b) limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
236, 237, 238, 239 Suct.gas superheat -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
240, 241, 242, 243 Disch.gas superheat -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
244, 245, 246, 247 External input limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
248, 249, 250, 251 Suct. pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
252, 253, 254, 255 Disch.pressure limits -- high alarm, high warning, low warning, low alarm
<Table 3> Point no. and contents, EXTRA1, range for write of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver

Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0032, Extra1:NOR, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for Start sequence no.(0 ~ 14) of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 connected with 0 port and 1 equipment address(station).


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0050, Extra1:ANA, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for Setpoint 1, brine temperature of SABROE Protocol 0178-400 connected with 0 port and 1 equipment address(station).

(EXTRA1 : Write range = Real data x 10.0,    ex) write value = 275, then, Real data = 27.5)



Block write

SABROE Protocol 0178-400 communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.