X8 PLC Xnet Protocol Communication Driver


X8 PLC Xnet Protocol is the driver to communicate with X8 Series PLC of RS Automation in Korea.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of   X8 PLC Xnet Protocol communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of X8 PLC Xnet Protocol communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input  device type(TCP/IP), ip address of PLC(, service port number of TCP/IP(50000),  accordint to the setting of controller.

Also, you can set whether to use of Ethernet module( 0 : don't use(serial), 1 : use, default = 1), node number of computer(0 ~ 249, default = 0) by using option part (separated by commas each parameter).


Read schedule of X8 PLC Xnet Protocol communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – 0 ~ 249 node number when using serial module. ( Ethernet module : fixed to 254 )

2) Read command – X, Y, SR, B, N, F, L, A, ST, TM, CT, CR  Data Table type and 3 ~ 1535( X, Y, SR : don't use)  Table number. ( refer to <Table 1> )

3) Read start address – 0 ~ 1535 Table Element number. ( X, Y = 0 ~ 96, ST = 0 ~ 779)

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read size – read size by Table type ( word, double word, float, string, etc unit )

X, Y, SR, B, N, A = 1 ~ 111,

F, L = 1 ~ 55,

ST = 1 ~ 2,

TM, CT, CR = 1 ~ 22.

6) Extra2 – Sub-Element address when X, Y, F, L, ST, TM, CT CR Table type.


Read schedule example)

READ, 0, N4, 0, 0, 16,
FLOAT, 0, F5, 0, 0, 10,

<Table 1> is Table name/number and Element address of X8 PLC Xnet PLC.

Read command


Element address Sub-Element address Words of per Element


Table name Table number


0 (fixed)


0 ~ 96 0 ~ 511 (word offset) 1

You can set
Table number,
Element size
at PLC Ladder


1 (fixed)


0 ~ 96 0 ~ 511 (word offset) 1


2 (fixed)

System Register

0 ~ 127 0 (fixed) 1


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 (fixed) 1


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 (fixed) 1


3 ~ 1535

Floating Point

0 ~ 1535 0 ~ 1 2


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 ~ 1 2


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 (fixed) 1


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 779 0 ~ 41 42


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 ~ 4 5


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 ~ 4 5


3 ~ 1535


0 ~ 1535 0 ~ 4 5
<Table 1> Table name/number and Element address of X8 PLC Xnet PLC


If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of X8 PLC Xnet Protocol

communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

Whether to use of Ethernet module and node number of computer can set by using of Protocol Option part in <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of X8 PLC Xnet Protocol communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can set X8 PLC by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             0 ~ 249 node number when using serial module. ( Ethernet module : fixed to 254 )

3)  ADDRESS          writing Element address.

lower 1 digit : 0 ~ F bit position,

higher 3 ~ 7 digit : 0 ~ 1535 Table Element number. ( X, Y = 0 ~ 96, ST = 0 ~ 779)

4)  Extra1                  write command = X, Y, SR, B, N, F, L, A, ST, TM, CT, CR  Data Table type and 3 ~ 1535( X, Y, SR : don't use)  Table number. ( refer to <Table 1> )

when the table type is ST,  write command format = ST??.xxx.  ?? = Table number, xxx = string to be written.

5) Extra2                   Sub-Element address when X, Y, F, L, ST, TM, CT CR Table type.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 005F  EXTRA1 : B3  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is B3 Table, 5 Element number, F bit control(On/Off) example of X8 PLC.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0127  EXTRA1 : B3  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is B3 Table, 12 Element number, 7 bit control(On/Off) example of X8 PLC.



Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             0 ~ 249 node number when using serial module. ( Ethernet module : fixed to 254 )

3)  ADDRESS          0 ~ 1535 Table Element number. ( X, Y = 0 ~ 96, ST = 0 ~ 779)

4)  Extra1                  write command = X, Y, SR, B, N, F, L, A, ST, TM, CT, CR  Data Table type and 3 ~ 1535( X, Y, SR : don't use)  Table number. ( refer to <Table 1> )

when the table type is ST,  write command format = ST??.xxx.  ?? = Table number, xxx = string to be written.

5) Extra2                   Sub-Element address when X, Y, F, L, ST, TM, CT CR Table type.


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0016  EXTRA1 : N4  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is N4 Table, 16 Element number WORD unit setting example of X8 PLC.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0008  EXTRA1 : F5  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is F5 Table, 8 Element number Float unit setting example of X8 PLC.



Block Write

Block write use PlcScanWriteBlock script such as follows.


script function and parameters : @PlcScanWriteBlock(int port, int station, int address, string extra1, string extra2, object array_value, int array_size);


    Block write script example 1 ( N4 Block Write )


ushort  Val[10];


Val[0] = 25;
Val[1] = 55;
Val[2] = 31;
Val[3] = 2347;
Val[4] = 3869;
Val[5] = 5;
Val[6] = 72;
Val[7] = 32756;
Val[8] = 541;

Val[9] = 8845;
@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "N4", 0, Val, 10); 

    Block write script example 1 ( F5 Block Write )


float   Val[10];


Val[0] = 12286.2;
Val[1] = 255.5;
Val[2] = 32.45;
Val[3] = 400.567;
Val[4] = 65.12;
Val[5] = 1026.9;
Val[6] = 327.1;
Val[7] = 3.5;
Val[8] = 4.9;

Val[9] = 91.56;
@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "F5", 0, Val, 10);


    Block write script example 1 ( ST8 Block Write )


string   str;


@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 0, "ST8", 0, str, 72); 



3. Appearance of X8 PLC

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of X8 PLC. 

<Figure 4> Appearance of X8 PLC