PLC-BUS Controller communication driver


PLC-BUS Controller is the driver to communicate with Power Line Communication Bus equipments.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is PLC-BUS Controller communication driver¡¯s read setting examples.

<Figure 1> PLC-BUS Controller communication driver¡¯s read setting examples


<Figure 1> is the screen where Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) are input in DEVICE.

Also whether to save/load WORD memory when uninit/init(0: disable, 1 : enable, default =10) and receive code check time(0 ~ 65535mSec, default =3000) are set by using option part.

Option part of each argument is a comma-delimited.



PLC-BUS Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – input 0 ~ 255 User Code.

2) Read command – command = ONOFF, DIM, BRIGHT.  (refer to <Table 1>)

3) Home/Unit No – 0 ~ 10 = A1 ~ A11 Home/Unit, 16 ~ 26 = B1 ~ B11 Home/Unit, ..., 160 ~ 170 = K1 ~ K11 Home/Unit.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – Input save start address of communication server.

5) Read Size – Fixed the read size = 1, then save 2 WORD data.


Read schedule example

READ,    32,  ONOFF,     0,    0,   1,

READ,    32,  ONOFF,     1,    2,   1,

READ,    32,      DIM,     2,    4,   1,


inportant) PLC-BUS Controller communication driver read current status after write rather than read request.


<Table 1> is a description of read command types and stored values of PLC-BUS Controller communication driver.


Read Command Content Store Values Remarks
ONOFF read Home/Unit status

Start Addr  + 0 : On/Off  status (0 = Off, 100 = On)

Start Addr + 1 : On/Off status 2

PLC-BUS Controller communication driver read current value after write rather than read request.
DIM read Dimmer value Start Addr + 0 : Dimmer value 1
Start Addr + 0 : Dimmer value 2
BRIGHT read Bright value

Start Addr + 0 : Bright value 1

Start Addr + 1 : Bright value 2

<Table 1> Read command types and stored values of PLC-BUS Controller communication driver


If you click the icon ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: 2 in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of PLC-BUS Controller communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: 3, ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: 4, ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: 5 button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

Whether to save/load WORD memory when uninit/init and receive code check time are set by using by using the part of ¡®Save/Load WORD Memory When Uninit/Init¡¯ , ¡®Receive Code Check Time¡¯ shown in <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of PLC-BUS Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.



2. Writing settings


You can change the setting values of PLC-BUS Controller equipment by using write commands. 


Bit Write

Bit write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                  Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION            0 ~ 255 User Code.

3)  ADDRESS            Home/Unit no. 0 ~ 10 = A1 ~ A11 Home/Unit, 16 ~ 26 = B1 ~ B11 Home/Unit, ..., 160 ~ 170 = K1 ~ K11 Home/Unit.

4)  Extra1                  write command = ONOFF, DIM, BRIGHT. (refer to <Table 2>)

5)  Extra2                  1 = 3Phase, 0, etc = normal.



Word Write

Word write and bit write have the same setting parameters except output value.


<Table 2> is a description of write commands and range of the write value for PLC-BUS Controller communication driver.


Write Command Content range of write value
ONOFF write On/Off of Home/Unit

10 = On,  0 = Off

DIM write Dimmer value Dimmer value
BRIGHT write Bright value

 Bright value

<Table 2> Write commands and range of the write value for PLC-BUS Controller communication driver


Write example 1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 32   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : ONOFF  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for changing ¡®A1 Home/Unit' of PLC-BUS Controller connected with 0 port, set to 32 User Code.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0   STATION : 32   ADDRESS : 0001  EXTRA1 : ONOFF  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for changing ¡®A2 Home/Unit' of PLC-BUS Controller connected with 0 port, set to 32 User Code.



Block Write

PLC_BUS Controller communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.



3. Serial cable connection of PLC-BUS Controller


You have to connect serial communication cable in the following ways.


Connection of serial communication cable

You can connect serial communication cable that is provided at the time of purchase PLC-BUS Controller to the computer.


<Figure 4> shows the appearance of  PLC-BUS Comtroller.

<Figure 4> Appearance of  PLC-BUS Controller