NJTP Server Communication Driver


NJTP Server is the driver to communicate with Teeup Client System.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of NJTP Server communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of NJTP Server communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input  Com port( COM6 ), Baud rate( 19200 ), Parity bit( 2 ), Data bit( 8 ), Stop bit( 1 )  respectively according to settong of controller.


Read schedule of NJTP Server communication driver

NJTP Server communication driver's read schedule input 'READ' one line.



Read schedule example)  



<Table 1> is Address and contents for status information and write elements of NJTP Server communication driver.

Command of Client side

Address and contents for status information and write elements


read of status information

WORD 0 : status code (01 : card not exist, 02 : card exist)

does not exist card( status code = 01  )

WORD 1 : seat status, 0 = empty(waiting card), 1 = using(waiting selection buttion),

                     2 = Shutting down( on sale of ball ), 4 = out of order(Sales completed), 8 = call  ( ) =  BVC status definition,

                     enable multi-status( 12H = out of order + call status )

WORD 2 : number of available ball for inserted card( 0 ~ 9999 )

WORD 3 : seat type of right and left sides ( 0 = right seat, 1 = left seat )


card detected( status code = 02 )

STRING 5 : membership number ( 8 Character )

WORD 6 : membership code ( 0 ~ 9 )

WORD 7 : number of re-issue ( 0 ~ 99 ) 


WORD 10 : 'status information' send data flag ( new send command = set to 1 )

WORD 11 : 'status information + Reset' send data flag ( new send command = set to 1 )


Server driver send each WORD/DWORD 
memory value to Client system.

read of status information + Reset

     Write of card balance ...

 WORD/DWORD 20 : write command flag ( new write command =  set to 1 )

 WORD/DWORD 21 : card balance ( 0 ~ 999999 )

 WORD/DWORD 22 : unit price of ball ( 0 ~ 99 )

 WORD/DWORD 23 : assignment time ( 0 ~ 9999 ) 

WORD/DWORD 24 :  number of ball limit ( 0 ~ 9999 ) 

 WORD/DWORD 25 : seat type of right and left sides ( 0 = right seat, 1 = left seat )

Read command and setting elements when
a new write command received.
After that set the write flag to 0 by using
script or etc.
     write of card invalid

WORD/DWORD 30 : write command flag ( new write command =  set to 1 )

     Write of date/time Setting

WORD/DWORD 40 : write command flag ( new write command =  set to 1 )

 WORD/DWORD 41 ~ 45 : year, month, day, hour, minute

 WORD/DWORD 46 : reserved value

<Table 1>  Address and contents for status information and write elements of NJTP Server communication driver

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>.

<Figure 2> Example of NJTP Server communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


2. Write settings

You can set NJTP Server communication driver don't support 'write settings'.