MelSer I/O J4 Series Communication Driver


MelSer I/O J4 Series is the driver to communicate with AC Servo J4 series of Mitsubishi Electric  in Japan.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port( COM7 ), Baud rate( 19200 ), Parity Bit ( 2 ), Data Bit ( 8 ), Stop Bit ( 1 ) respectively, accordint to the setting of controller.


Read schedule of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) station – 0 ~ 31 station number.

2) read command – Command : STS, ALARM, G_PARA, CURR, HIGH, LOW, ABB, WRITE, IO, H_ALM, S_ALM, TEST  ( refer to <Table 1> ).  Also you can input 0 ~ FF command number.

3) data number – 0 ~ 255 data number.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5)    Read size – fixed to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, CURR, 1, 0, 1,
READ, 1, CURR, 2, 1, 1,
READ, 1, CURR, 3, 2, 1,
READ, 1, IO, 0, 3, 1,
READ, 1, ALARM, 0, 5, 1,


<Table 1> is read command and readed data saving value MelSer I/O J4 Series for communication driver.

Read Command


Data saving value for Communication Server

Data Number Remarks


read of status display data

Saving Start Address +  0 : unit

Saving Start Address +  1 : name

0 ~ 41 save only STRING memory

Saving Start Address +  0 : status data value

128 ~ 169  value


read of current alarm number or

other status value

Saving Start Address +  0 : readed value

1 : alarm number
112 : software version
144 : absolute position by pulse unit
145 :absolute position by instruction unit
save only STRING memory
when software version read


read of parameter group number

Saving Start Address +  0 : Parameter number

fixed to 1 0 : default setting parameter([Pr.PA_ _ ])
1 : gain filter parameter([Pr.PB_ _ ])
2 : extended setting parameter([Pr.PC_ _ ])
3 : I/O setting parameter([Pr.PD_ _ ])
4 : extended setting2 parameter([Pr.PE_ _ ])
5 : extended setting3 parameter([Pr.PF_ _ ])
11 : linear servo motor/DD motor setting
       parameter([Pr.PL_ _ ])


read of parameter value

Saving Start Address +  0 : current value

1 ~ 255  


high limit setting value of parameter

Saving Start Address +  0 : high limit value

1 ~ 255  


low limit setting value of parameter

Saving Start Address +  0 : low limit value

1 ~ 255  


 abbreviation string read

for each parameter

Saving Start Address +  0 : abbreviation string

1 ~ 255 save only STRING memory


read of writable value for each parameter

Saving Start Address +  0 : writable/not writable

1 ~ 255 0 = writable, 1 = not writable


read of external I/O signal

Saving Start Address +  0 : I/O signal High 16 bit

Saving Start Address +  1 : I/O signal Low 16 bit

0 : Input device status
64 : external Input pin status
96 : Input device status by communication 'ON'
128 : Output device status
192 : external output pin status
status value for each 32 bit


read of history alarm value

Saving Start Address +  0 : history alarm value

16 ~ 47  


read of status display when alarm status

Saving Start Address +  0 : status display value

0 ~ 41 save only STRING memory

Saving Start Address +  0 : status data value

128 ~ 169  value


read of test running mode

Saving Start Address +  0 : running mode value

fixed to 18 0 : normal mode( not test run )
1 : JOG run
2 : direction decision run
3 : not exist motor run
4 : compulsion DO output
<Table 1> Read command and readed data saving value MelSer I/O J4 Series for communication driver


MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT memory, but the data format are different.

However, STS( 0 ~ 41 data number ), ABB, S_ALM( 0 ~ 41 data number ) read command save only STRING memory.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.  

<Figure 2> Example of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can control MelSer I/O J4 Series by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT           Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) Station         0 ~ 31 station number.

3) Address       0 ~ 255 data number when PARA write command, etc command : don't care.

4) Extra1          Write command : C_STS, PARA, G_PARA, IO_I, IO_T, IO_S, H_ALM, C_ALM, I_OFF, DO_BAN, I_REL, DO_REL, MODE, T_VEL, T_CON, T_MOV, T_DIR, T_RUN, T_STO ( refer to <Table 2> ).

5) Extra2          write mode and dot position of output value when PARA write command.

write mode : 10 digit - 1 =  write to EEP-ROM,

                                          0 =  write to RAM,

dot : 0 = integer, 1 ~ 4 = dot 1 ~ 4 digit.


<Table 2> is write command and output value for MelSer I/O J4 Series for communication driver.

Write command


Data number Output value


delete of status display data

fixed to 0 fixed to 1EA5h ( always delete regardless of output value )


write of each parameter value

1 ~ 255 number value
( Extra2  = write mode and dot position of write value )


write of parameter group number

fixed to 0 0 : default setting parameter([Pr.PA_ _ ])
1 : gain filter parameter([Pr.PB_ _ ])
2 : extended setting parameter([Pr.PC_ _ ])
3 : I/O setting parameter([Pr.PD_ _ ])
4 : extended setting2 parameter([Pr.PE_ _ ])
5 : extended setting3 parameter([Pr.PF_ _ ])
11 : linear servo motor/DD motor setting parameter([Pr.PL_ _ ])


write of communication input device signal

fixed to 96 output for each 32 bit status


write of input signal when test mode

fixed to 0 output for each 32 bit status


write of compulsion output value for signal pin

fixed to 160 output for each 32 bit status


delete od history alarm

fixed to 32 fixed to 1EA5h ( always delete regardless of output value )


delete of current alarm data

fixed to 0 fixed to 1EA5h ( always delete regardless of output value )


OFF command for input device,

external analog input signal, pulse input

except EM2, LSP and LSN

fixed to 0 fixed to 1EA5h ( always OFF regardless of output value )


output prohibit command for all DO

fixed to 3 fixed to 1EA5h ( always prohibit regardless of output value )


prohibit release command for input device,

external analog input signal, pulse input

except EM2, LSP and LSN

fixed to 16 fixed to 1EA5h ( always prohibit release
regardless of output value )


output prohibit release command for DO

fixed to 19 fixed to 1EA5h ( always prohibit release
regardless of output value )


setting command running mode

fixed to 0 0 : release of test run mode
1 : JOG run mode
2 : direction decision run mode
4 : compulsion DO output


 write of rotational speed for test mode

fixed to 16 0 ~ 7FFFh (32767 )


 write of acceleration and deceleration constant

fixed to 17 0 ~ 7FFFFFFFh


 write of movement amount for test mode

fixed to 32 0 ~ 7FFFFFFFh


direction command for test mode

fixed to 33 0 : instruction pulse unit, forward rotation
1 : instruction pulse unit, reverse rotation
256 : encorder pulse unit, forward rotation
257 :  encorder pulse unit, reverse rotation


run command for test mode

fixed to 64 fixed to 1EA5h ( always delete regardless of output value )


pause, restart, clear command for test mode

fixed to 65 0 : pause
1 : restart of remaining distance
2 : clear of remaining distance
<Table 2> Write command and output value for MelSer I/O J4 Series for communication driver


Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 0001  EXTRA1 : PARA  EXTRA2 :  0

The setting parameter shown above is current parameter setting example for data number 1, station 1.

( write mode = write to RAM, dot = 0 )


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 0002  EXTRA1 : PARA  EXTRA2 :  11

The setting parameter shown above is current parameter setting example for data number 2, station 1.

( write mode = write to EEP-ROM, dot = 1 )


Write example 3) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : G_PARA  EXTRA2 :  0   Output value = 0

The setting parameter shown above is parameter group setting example to default ( 0 ) setting parameter.


3. Appearance of MelSer I/O J4

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of MelSer I/O J4 controller.

<Figure 4> Appearance of MelSer I/O J4 controller


<Figure 5> is command, data number and contents for read command of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver.

<Figure 5> Command, data number and contents for read command of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver


<Figure 6> is command, data number and contents for write command of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver

<Figure 6> Command, data number and contents for write command of MelSer I/O J4 Series communication driver