MODBUS(NV4016A) Communication Driver


This helps explain how Communication Program communicates with NV4016V of JoongAng Control CO., LTD. in Korea by using DLL-MODBUS2 communication driver.

(For details of MODBUS2 communication driver, refer DLL-MODBUS2.)


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is MODBUS2 communication driver read setting examples for NV4016A.


                                       <Figure 1> Read setting example for NV4016A


Read schedule for NV4016A

1) Station : Equipment  ID. ( 0 ~255 )

2) Read Command : 4

3) Read Start Address : 12288 ~ 12294 (Refer to <Table 1>)

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server : saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size : Fixed to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, 4, 12288, 0, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12289, 1, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12290, 2, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12291, 3, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12292, 4, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12293, 5, 1,
READ, 1, 4, 12294, 6, 1,


<Table 1> is a description of read address and content  NV4016A.

Read Address Content Value Range Data Type
12288 Switch All 0 ~ 63 WORD
12289 Switch 1 0 or 1 WORD
12290 Switch 2 0 or 1 WORD
12291 Switch 3 0 or 1 WORD
12292 Switch 4 0 or 1 WORD
12293 Switch 5 0 or 1 WORD
12294 Switch 6 0 or 1 WORD
<Table 1> Read address and content of NV4016A
2. Write settings

You can control the switch of NV4016 by using write commands.


Bit write

NV4016A doesn't supprot bit write.


Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port Number.

2) STATION : Equipment  ID. ( 0 ~255 )

3) ADDRESS : 12288 ~ 12294 (Refer to <Table 1>)

4) EXTRA 1 : 16

5) EXTRA 2 : don't care.


Example 1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 12288  EXTRA1 : 16  EXTRA2 : 0   /   Value : 1

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for turning on all switch of NV4016A connected with 0 port, set to 1 station.


Example 2)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 12288  EXTRA1 : 16  EXTRA2 : 0   /   Value : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for turning off all switch of NV4016A connected with 0 port, set to 1 station.


Example 3)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 12289  EXTRA1 : 16  EXTRA2 : 0   /   Value : 1

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for turning on first switch of NV4016A connected with 0 port, set to 1 station.


Example 4)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 12289  EXTRA1 : 16  EXTRA2 : 0   /   Value : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for turning off first switch of NV4016A connected with 0 port, set to 1 station.


3. Appearance of NV4016A

<Figure 2> shows the appearance of NV4016A.

<Figure 2> Appearance of NV4016A