KYT-7000 Series Card Reader Communication Driver


KYT-7000 Series Card Reader is driver to communicate with 7000 Series Card Reader of KYTronics Co., Ltd, in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input  Com port( COM1 ), Baud rate( 19200 ), Parity bit( 0 ), Data bit( 8 ), Stop bit( 1 )  respectively according to settong of controller.


Read schedule of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – Don't care.

2) Read Command – DET : read of card detection status.

3) Read Start Address – Don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server - Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Fixed to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ,  0, DET, 0, 0, 1,


<Table 1> is read command and contents KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver.

Read Command


saving address and contents

DET read of card detection status

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

Save addr +  2 ~ 5 : card data,  ( BYTE unit )

                           String Memory of Saving address +  2 : save string data of recved data 

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

<Table 1> read command and contents KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver

<Table 2> is error value and error contents when an error occurs.

Error value Error contents Remarks
01 Command Not Define  
02 No Card  
03 Card Fail  
04 Card Jam  
05 Data Fail  
06 Time Out  
08 M/S Blank Error Magnetic Data
Interpreter Error
09 M/S Preamble Error
10 M/S Parity Error
11 M/S Post amble Error
12 M/S LRC Error
14 IC Card Contact Error IC Card
15 IC Card Control Error
16 Command Cancel  
18 EEPROM Error RF Card
20 Not Detected at the Antenna
21 MIFARE Card Error (On Authentication )
22 MIFARE Card Error (Not Selected RF Card)
23 MIFARE Card Read Error
24 MIFARE Card Write Error
25 MIFARE Card Increment(Decrement) Error
26 Read Data Format Error(Character - Error)
27 RF Initial Error
28 The Carrier wave not emitted in antenna
29 RF Card Contact Error
30 Block Error
40 SLE4442 PSC Modify Error  
41 SLE4442 PSC Read Error  
42 SLE4442 Memory Read Error  
44 SLE Card Control Error  
45 SLE Card Contact Error  
46 SLE4428 PSC Modify Error  
47 SLE4428 PSC Read Error  
48 SLE4428 Memory Read Error  
255 Unknown Error  
<Table 2> Error value and error contents when an error occurs

KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.



2. Write settings

You can set balance, etc of 7000 Series Card Reader by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT           Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) Station       A, B Key Type and 0 ~ F Sector value of READ, W_BAL, W_CHAR, INC, DEC, R_BAL write command.

( 0 ~ 15 = A Key Type, 0 ~ F Sector, 16 ~ 31 = B Key Type, 0 ~ F Sector )

3) Address      Status saving start address of Communication Server.

4) Extra1        Write command = DET, ON, OFF, READ, W_BAL, W_CHAR, INC, DEC, R_BAL, LED, EJECT. ( refer to <Table 3> )

5) Extra2        0 ~ 3 ÀÇ Block number of READ, W_BAL, W_CHAR, INC, DEC, R_BAL write command.

6) Output value Double word unit Card Balance value of W_BAL, INC, DEC write command, 0 = All Off, 1 = Red On, 2= Orange On, 3 = Green On when the LED writing command.


<Table 3> is write command parameter and contents of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver.

Write command

( Extra1 )

Station Extra2 Output value Contents of Command

saving address and contents for Write command

DET don't care don't care don't care read of
card detection status

refer to <Table 1>

ON Power On

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

OFF Power Off
xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
Key Type A = 0 ~ 15
Key Type B = 16 ~ 31
Sector :
0 ~ 15 = 0 ~ F Sector,
16 ~ 31 = 0 ~ F Sector
Block :
0 ~ 3
don't care Read Block

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

Save addr +  2 ~ 17 : card data,  ( BYTE unit )

                           String Memory of Saving address +  2 : save string data of recved data 

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
Block :
0 ~ 2
double word
Balance Data
Balance Write

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
yy~ = 16 byte string data
don't care Character Write
xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
double word
Balance Data
Balance Increment
xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
Balance Decrement
xx = 00 ~ FF Secret Key
don't care Read Balance

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

Save addr +  2 : ÀÐÀº Balance Data.  ( double word ´ÜÀ§ )                  

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

LED don't care don't care 0 = all Off,
1 = Red On,
2= Orange On,
3 = Green On
LED On/Off

Save addr +  0 : card status, ( 1 : Ok status, 0 : error, 4 : comm. error )

when Ok status

Save addr +  1 : STAT value, ( 1 : card Detection, 0 : card Non-Detection )

When an error occurs

Save addr +  1 : error status ( refer to <Table 2> )

EJECT don't care Eject
STS Status Request
<Table 3> Write command parameter and contents of KYT-7000 Series Card Reader communication driver

Write example 1) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 15  ADDRESS : 100  EXTRA1 : W_BAL.123456789012  EXTRA2 : 2  Output value : 10000

The setting parameter shown above is writing example of  Balance Write for card balance = 10,000, Key Type = A, Sector = F, Blocl = 2, Secter Key = '123456789012' ( 6 byte ).

After writing, save the status value at 100 ~ 101 WORD/DWORD/FLOAT/DOUBLE memory of Communication Server.


Write example 2) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 31  ADDRESS : 200  EXTRA1 : W_CHAR.123456789012.1234567890123456  EXTRA2 : 0  

The setting parameter shown above is writing example of  Character Write for writing character string = 1234567890123456, Key Type = B, Sector = F, Blocl = 0, Secter Key = '123456789012' ( 6 byte ).

After writing, save the status value at 200 ~ 201 WORD/DWORD/FLOAT/DOUBLE memory of Communication Server.


Write example 3) 

PORT : 0   STATION : 0  ADDRESS : 300  EXTRA1 : R_BAL.123456789012  EXTRA2 :

The setting parameter shown above is writing example of  Card Balance reading for Key Type = A, Sector = 0, Blocl = 1, Secter Key = '123456789012' ( 6 byte ).

After writing, save the status value at 300 ~ 301 WORD/DWORD/FLOAT/DOUBLE memory of Communication Server.

Also save Balance value at 302 DWORD memory when Ok status.