IP Broadcasting Agent Communication Driver


IP Broadcasting Agent  is the driver to communicate with 'Agent program' for IP broadcasting of New Sol Com Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings

<Figure 1> is read setting example of  IP Broadcasting Agent communication driver.

<Figure 1> Read setting example of IP Broadcasting Agent communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input  device type(TCP/IP), IP address(, service port of TCP/IP(33000) respectively.


Read schedule of IP Broadcasting Agent communication driver

IP Broadcasting Agent communication driver's read schedule input 'READ' one line( or blank ).


Read schedule example)



If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>.

<Figure 2> Example of IP Broadcasting Agent communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box



2. Write settings

You can set 'Total broadcasting' data  by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT           Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION     don't care.

3) Address      writing status address of Communication Server.. ( 10 digit unit address )

4) Extra1        Write command : TOTAL.xxxx

TOTAL : 'Total broadcasting' write command,

xxxx : max. 12 character user code. 

5) Extra2        broadcasting type : 33 ~ 47. ( 10 digit unit )


Write example 1)  

PORT : 0   STATION : 0  ADDRESS : 0050  EXTRA1 : TOTAL.123456789012  EXTRA2 : 33

The setting parameter shown above is example of 'Total broadcasting' write, user code = '123456789012'.

After writing, the write status save at 50 1000 WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64 memory.

(status data = 2 : writing, 1 : write OK, 0 : write error(time out, coad bad, ...)