Genius GT-600 communication driver


Genius GT-600 communication driver is the driver to communicate with Smart Exhaust Throttle Valve controller of Genius Technologies Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Genius GT-600 communication driver. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of  Genius GT-600 communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(115200), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively according to setting of controller. 


Genius GT-600 communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Don't care.

2) Read command – Command = S0~S4, PV, VP, ASS, P1~P2, SP, I0~I5, VT, AR, T0~T5, SR, SU, SS, SV, XM, X0~X4, M0~M4. ( Refer to <Table 1> )

3) Read start address – Don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read size. Fixed to according to read command. ( Refer to <Table 1> )


Read schedule example)

READ, 0,  S0,  0,  0,  1,

READ, 0, S1,  0,  1,  1,

READ, 0, PV,  0,  2,  1,


<Table 1> is data saving address and contents for each read command.

Read Command

Data Saving Address

Contents Saving value Range
S0 ~ S4 Start Add + 0 Read of Set Point A~E Set Point A~E value Float value
PV Start Add +  0 Read of Pressure Measurement Measurement Pressure value 0 ~ Range
VP Start Add +  0 Read of Measurement position Measurement position value 0 ~ 100.0 %
ASS Start Add +  0 Read of Alternate System Status X value 0~4 = Set Point A~E
Start Add +  1 Y value 0 = stop, 1 = open,
2 = close, 3 = run
P1 ~ P2 Start Add +  0 Read of Low/High threshold process limit Low/High threshold process limit value Float value
SP Start Add +  0 Read of Analog Set Point Analog Set Point value
I0 ~ I5 Start Add +  0 Read of Softstart rate value for Set Point A~E  Softstart rate value for Set Point A~E
VT Start Add +  0 Read of Value Type Value Type value Default = 3
AR Start Add +  0 Read of Analog Set Point(10V) ramge Analog Set Point range Default = 1
T0~T4 Start Add +  0 Read of Set Point A~E Type Set Point A~E Type 0 = position,
1 = pressure
T5 Start Add +  0 Read of Set Point Analog Type Set Point Analog Type
SR Start Add +  0 Read of Sensor Range Sensor Range 0 = 0.1,        1 = 0.2,        2 = 0.5,
3 = 1,           4 = 2,          5 = 5,
6 = 10,         7 = 50,         8 = 100,
9 = 500,       10 = 1000,   11 = 5000,
12 = 10000,  13 = 1.33,    14 = 2.66,
15 = 13.33,   16 = 133.3,   17 = 1333,
18 = 6666,    19 = 13332
SU Start Add +  0 Read of Sensor Unit Sensor Unit 0 = Torr, 1 = mTorr,
2 = mBar, 3 = µµbar,
4 = kPa, 5 = Pa,
6 = cmH2O, 7 = inH2O
SS Start Add +  0 Read of System Status X value 0 = Local,
1 = Remote
Start Add +  1 Y value 0 = open, 1 = close,
2 = stop,
3~7 = set point A~E
SV Start Add +  0 Read of Software Version Software Version Save at STRING memory
XM Start Add +  0 Read of Analog Lead and Gain Lead 5 value Float value
Start Add +  1 Gain 5 value
X0 ~ X4 Start Add +  0 Read of Lead A~E Lead A~E value
M0 ~ M4 Start Add +  0 Read of Gain A~E Gain A~E value
<Table 1> Data saving address and contents for each read command

Genius GT-600 communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data formats are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of Genius GT-600 communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>. 

<Figure 3> Example of Genius GT-600 communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can write setting value by using write settings.


Digital Write

Digital write and Analog write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).


Analog Write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Don't care.

3)  ADDRESS           Don't care.

4) Extra1                    Write command = S0~S4, D0~D4, SR, SU, O, C, H, I0~I5, P1~P2, Z1~Z2, ZX, Y1~Y2, LD, QS, T0~T5, X0~X5, M0~M5, V. ( Refer to <Table 2> )

5) Extra2                     Number of decimal point(0 ~ 3) when R0 ~ R4, I0 ~ I5, P1 ~ P2, X0 ~ X5, M0 ~ M5 Write command.


<Table 2> is setting range and contents for each write command.

Write Command(Extra1) Contents Extra2 Range of output value
S0 ~ S4 Write of Set Point A~E value 0 ~ 3 : Number of decimal point Float
D0 ~ D4 Set Point A~E selection Don't care Don't care
SR Write of Sensor Range 0 = 0.1,        1 = 0.2,        2 = 0.5,
3 = 1,           4 = 2,          5 = 5,
6 = 10,         7 = 50,         8 = 100,
9 = 500,       10 = 1000,   11 = 5000,
12 = 10000,  13 = 1.33,    14 = 2.66,
15 = 13.33,   16 = 133.3,   17 = 1333,
18 = 6666,    19 = 13332
SU Write of Sensor Unit 0 = Torr, 1 = mTorr,
2 = mBar, 3 = µµbar,
4 = kPa, 5 = Pa,
6 = cmH2O, 7 = inH2O
O Open Valve command Don't care
C Close Valve command
H Stop ValVe command
I0 ~ I5 Write of Softstart rate for Set Point A~E 0 ~ 3 : Number of decimal point Float
P1 ~ P2 Write of Low/High threshold process limit
Z1 Zero the Sensor command Don't care Don't care
Z2 Zero the Analog Set Point Input command
ZX Zero Cancellation command
Y1 Sensor Span Calibration command
Y2  Analog Set Point Span Calibration command
LD Load Default setting command
QS Calibration & Setup Data Save function command
T0~T4 Write of Set Point A~E Type 0 = position,
1 = pressure
T5 Write of Set Point Analog Type
X0 ~ X4 Write of Lead A~E value 0 ~ 3 : Number of decimal point Float
X5 Write of Analog Point Lead value
M0 ~ M4 Write of Gain A~E value
M5 Write of Analog Point Gain value
 V Valve Calibration  Execution command Don't care Don't care
<Table 2> Setting range and contents for each write command


Write example 1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : R1  EXTRA2 : 2

The setting parameter shown above is setting example for Set Point B value(output value's number of decimal point = 2).


Write example 2)

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : C  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is control example of Close Valve.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0   STATION : 0   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : X2  EXTRA2 : 2

The setting parameter shown above is setting example for Lead C value(output value's number of decimal point = 2).


3. connection of communication cable and main power

Connection of communication cable and main power are as follows.


Connection of communication cable

Please connect RS-232C communication cable to 25 pin RS-232C socket of Genius GT-600 controller.


Connection of main power

Please connect 15 V DC main power to 25 pin RS-232C socket such as <Figure 4>.

<Figure 4> is appearence of Genius GT-600 controller.

<Figure 4> Appearence of Genius GT-600 controller