GMPC communication driver for uRTU


GMPC II communication driver is the driver to communicate with power meter GIMAC/GIMACII/GIMACIII/uRTU(or uRTU II) model of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea.

uRTU or uRTU II model communicate with GMPC controller( GMPC I, GMPC II, GMPC III, GMPC V, ... ) and computer read and write GMPC's data.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for uRTU model. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for uRTU model

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1 or TCP/IP, UDP/IP, etc), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively according to setting of GMPC.

Baud rate, parity bit, data bit, stop bit can set by using switch of rear or front panel(GMPC controller).


GMPC II communication driver read schedule for uRTU or uRTU II

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – uRTU or uRTU II controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

2) Controller Model – Model = uRTU or uRTU2  (when using uRTU, uRTU II model).

3) Read data type – Data type = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... ( Cmd - 10h, refer to reference manual of uRTU )

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read size.  Fixed according to read data type. ( Refer to <Table 1> ~ <Table 2> )

6) Sub1 command - Input Sub1 command according to controller model.

7) Sub2 command - Input Sub 2 command according to controller model.


Read schedule example)

READ,    2,  uRTU,     0,    0,   5,

READ,    2,  uRTU,     1,   10,   4,

READ,    3, uRTU2,     0,   20,   6,

READ,    3, uRTU2,     1,   30,   5,

READ,    3, uRTU2,     2,   40,   5,

READ,    3, uRTU2,     3,   50,   5,


<Table 1>, <Table 2> are data type and contents for uRTU, uRTU II model.

<Table 3> ~ <Table 6> are data saving address and contents of '0' ~ '3' data type for uRTU II.

Data type Contents Data format Data size Remarks
0 Contact input/output & Count BYTE/WORD 5 3 BYTE contact input/output,
2 WORD Count value
1 Analog input value WORD 4  
<Table 1> Data type and contents for uRTU model
Data type Contents Data format Data size Remarks
0 Status value of contact input/putput BYTE 6 Refer to <Table 3>
1 Coefficient value WORD 5 Refer to <Table 4>
2 Analog input current WORD 5 Refer to <Table 5>
3 Analog input current WORD 5 Refer to <Table 6>
<Table 2> Data type and contents for uRTU II model
Data Saving Address Contents Point Remarks
0 I/O Type   0 : NONE,   1 : DI16, 2 : AI8,   3 : AI8DO8
1 Input status 1 DIN07 ~ DIN00  
2 Input status 2 DIN17 ~ DIN10
3 Input status 3 DIN27 ~ DIN20 use only when I/O Type = 1
4 Input status 4 DIN37 ~ DIN30 use only when I/O Type = 1
5 Output status DOUT07 ~ DOUT00 use only when I/O Type = 31
<Table 3> Data saving address and contents of '0' data type for uRTU II
Data Saving Address Contents Point Remarks
Start Add + 0 I/O Type   0 : NONE,   1 : DI16, 2 : AI8,   3 : AI8DO8
Start Add + 1 ~ 4 Coefficient value 1 ~ 4 DIN04 ~ DIN07 Count  
<Table 4> Data saving address and contents of '1' data type for uRTU II
Data Saving Address Contents Point Remarks
Start Add + 0 I/O Type   2 : AI8,   3 : AI8DO8
Start Add + 1 ~ 4 Analog input current information 1 ~ 4 AIN00 ~ AIN03 use only when I/O Type = 2 or 3
ratio of 4~20mA, data = 0~8000
<Table 5> Data saving address and contents of '2' data type for uRTU II
Data Saving Address Contents Point Remarks
Start Add + 0 I/O Type   2 : AI8,   3 : AI8DO8
Start Add + 1 ~ 4 Analog input current information 5 ~ 8 AIN04 ~ AIN07 use only when I/O Type = 2 or 3
ratio of 4~20mA, data = 0~8000
<Table 6> Data saving address and contents of '3' data type for uRTU II
2. Writing settings

You can write uRTU equipment's setting value by using write settings. 


Note) Write for uRTU can control when the equipment's setting is 'remote'.


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             uRTU controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS          Control command number(hex-decimal unit), refer to <Table 7>.

Model(EXTRA1) =  uRTU.

0000 ~ 000F – digital output 0 Bit ~ F Bit,

EXTRA2  : 0 = ON/OFF control,  1 : 2000 mSec pulse output.

Model(EXTRA1) =  uRTU2.

0000 ~ 0007 – digital output 0 Bit ~ 7 Bit.

EXTRA2  : 0 = ON/OFF control,  1 : 2000 mSec pulse output,  2 : 1000 mSec pulse output,  3 : 1500 mSec pulse output,  4 : 2000 mSec pulse output.

0008 ~ 000B – Coefficient value remote Clear,  Àû»ê point 1 ~ 4.

000F – all Coefficient value remote Clear. 

4)  Extra1                   Model name.

uRTU – uRTU,

uRTU2 – uRTU II.

5)  Extra2                   Selection of normal or pulse output, refer to <Table 7>.

Value of Extra2


Pulse time


ON/OFF control



Pulse control

500 mSec


1000 mSec (1 second)


1500 mSec


2000 mSec (2 second)

<Table 7> Write control type according to Extra2 for uRTU II model

Write example 1)

PORT : 0  Station : 7,  ADDRESS : 0000,  EXTRA1 : uRTU2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is a digital control example for 0(1st) digital output. ( 7 controller station uRTU II )


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  Station : 8,  ADDRESS : 0003,  EXTRA1 : uRTU,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is a digital control example for 3(4th) digital output. ( 8 controller station uRTU )


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  Station : 7,  ADDRESS : 0001,  EXTRA1 : uRTU2,  EXTRA2 : 2

The setting parameter shown above is a digital control example for 1(2nd) digital output with 1000 mSec pulse time. ( 7 controller station uRTU II )


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  Station : 8,  ADDRESS : 0002,  EXTRA1 : uRTU,  EXTRA2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is a digital control example for 2(3rd) digital output with 2000 mSec pulse time. ( 8 controller station uRTU )


Analog Write

GMPC II communication driver for uRTU model don't support analog write.