GMPCII communication driver for GIPAM115 FI


GMPC II communication driver is the driver to communicate with power meter GIMAC/GIMACII/GIMACIII/GIPAM115 FI model of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea.

GIPAM115 FI model communicate with GMPC controller( GMPC I, GMPC II, GMPC III, GMPC V, ... ) and computer read and write GMPC's data.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for GIPAM115 FI model. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for GIPAM115 FI model

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1 or TCP/IP, UDP/IP, etc), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively according to setting of GMPC.

Baud rate, parity bit, data bit, stop bit can set by using switch of rear or front panel(GMPC controller).


GMPC II communication driver read schedule for GIPAM115 FI

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – GIPAM115 FI controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

2) Controller Model – Model = PAM115FI (when using GIPAM115 FI model).

3) Read data type – Data type = 0, 1, 2, 3.... ( Cmd - 10h, refer to reference manual of GIPAM115 FI )

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read size.  Fixed according to read data type. ( Refer to <Table 1> ~ <Table 2> )

6) Sub1 command - Input Sub1 command according to controller model.

7) Sub2 command - Input Sub 2 command according to controller model.


Read schedule example)

READ,    1, PAM115FI,     0,    0,   1,

FLOAT,   1, PAM115FI,     1,   10,   1,

FLOAT,   1, PAM115FI,     2,   15,   1,

FLOAT,   1, PAM115FI,     3,   20,   1,

FLOAT,   1, PAM115FI,     4,   25,   1,

FLOAT,   1, PAM115FI,     5,   30,   1,


<Table 1> is data saving address and contents for each read command.

<Table 2> is each bit value for I/O status read command.


Note) Data type = Cmd number - 10h. Please refer to GPAM115 FI reference manual for more information about Cmd, Sub1, Sub2, etc.

GIPAM115FI model setting method : Select '4 COMM SETTING' by using  SET or RUN button of GIPAM115FI front panel.

Then select '6 I-NET TYPE' and set 'G115FI' model.

Data type Sub1 Sub2 Contents Data size and unit Data Saving Address



Read of I/O status

9 BYTE ( Bit data )

Refer to <Table 2>


Read of R, S, T phase current

3 Float daa

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : Ir, Is, It  phase current


Read of Vab, Vbc, Vca voltage

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : Vrs, Vst, Vtr voltage


Power factor,active/reactive power

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : power factor,total active/reactive power


Frequency, amount of total active/reactive power

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : frequency, amount of total active/reactive power


Read of Va, Vb, Vc phase voltage

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : Vr, Vs, Vt  voltage


zero-phase sequence voltage,

max zero-phase sequence voltage

2 Float data

Start Add +  0 : zero-phase sequence voltage

Start Add +  1 : max zero-phase sequence voltage




phase difference

3 Float data

Start Add +  0 ~ 2 : phase difference Va-Ia, Vb-Ib, Vc-Ic




Zero-phase sequence  phase difference

2 Float data

Start Add +  0 ~ 1 :  zero-phase sequence phase difference




Number of CB ON, CB ON time


Start Add + 0 : number of CB ON

Start Add + 1 : CB ON time



Relay Setting data


Start Add + 0 : grequency(0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz)

Start Add + 1 : phase wiring method

(0 = 3P4W, 1 = 3P3W, 2 = 1P3W, 3 = 1P2W)

Start Add + 2 : CT 1st

Start Add + 3 : CT 2nd

Start Add + 4 : PT 1st

Start Add + 5 : PT 2nd




Read of OCR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 : time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 4 : time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 : time delay operation characteristic curve

(0 = D2, 1 = D4, 2 = D8, 3 = SI, 4 = VI, 5 = EI, 6 = LI)

Start Add + 6 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of OCGR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 :  time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : Block use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 4 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 :  time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 6 : Block duration time(x 100)

Start Add + 7 :  time delay operation characteristic curve

(0 = D2, 1 = D4, 2 = D8, 3 = SI, 4 = VI, 5 = EI, 6 = LI)

Start Add + 8 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of OVR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 :  time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 4 : time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of UVR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 :  time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : use or don't use of low voltage Lock

(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 4 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 :  time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 6 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of OVGR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 : time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 4 : time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of SGR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : use or don't use of GR(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 2 : correction value of voltage(x 100)

Start Add + 3 : correction value of current(x 100)

Start Add + 4 : correction value of phase difference(x 1), fixed to 45

Start Add + 5 : time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 6 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of POR Setting


Start Add + 0 : use or don't use(AAh = use, 55h = don't use)

Start Add + 1 : instantaneous operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 2 : time delay operation value(x 100,  0 = don't use)

Start Add + 3 : instantaneous operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 4 : time delay operating time(x 100)

Start Add + 5 : contact output mode

(0 = don't use, 1 = Alarm, 2 = TRIP)




Read of out of order data


Start Add + 0 : High word of Fault Record content

Start Add + 1 : Low word of Fault Record content

Start Add + 2 : day

Start Add + 3 : hour

Start Add + 4 : minute

Start Add + 5 : second

Start Add + 6 : milli second( 1/100 second )



1 ~ 4

Read of out of order data 1 ~ 4

3 Float data

out of order 1 : Vr, Vs, Vt,       

out of order  2 : Vo, Ir, Is

out of order  3 : voltage unblanced factor of It, Io

out of order  4 : phase difference of voltage, current r, s, t




Read of out of order data 5

1 Float data

Start Add + 0 : phase difference between zero-phase sequence voltage and zero-phase sequence current



Read of SOE data


Start Add + 0 : High word of Fault Record content

Start Add + 1 : Low word of Fault Record content

Start Add + 2 : day

Start Add + 3 : hour

Start Add + 4 : minute

Start Add + 5 : second

Start Add + 6 : milli second( 1/100 second )

<Table 1> Data saving address and contents for each read command

Data Saving Address

Bit value for each bit


Start Add + 0

7 Bit = SOE, 6 ~ 4Bit = -,

3 Bit = L/R, 2 ~ 1 Bit = -,

0 Bit = Calib,

SOE Event : 0 = don't exist, 1 = exist

Calib : 1 = Calibrated status

Start Add + 1

7 Bit = Pick-up, 6 ~ 3 Bit = -,

2 Bit = Aux_DI, 1 Bit = DI_CB Off,

0 Bit = DI_CB On,

Pick-up »óÅÂ : 0 = Normal, 1 = Pick-up

Start Add + 2

7 ~ 2 Bit = -,

1 Bit = L/R DO, 0 Bit = POR,

Remote = 1,

Local = 0

Start Add + 3

7 Bit = OVGR, 6 Bit = UVR,

5 Bit = OVR, 4 Bit = GR,

3 Bit = OCR, 2 Bit = Alarm,

1 Bit = CB Close, 0 Bit = CB Open,


Start Add + 4

7 ~ 1 Bit = -, 0 Bit = POR-H,


Start Add + 5

7 Bit = POR-L, 6 Bit = SGR,

5 Bit = 64H, 4 Bit = 64L,

3 Bit = 27PH-C, 2 Bit = 27PH-B,

1 Bit = 27PH-A, 0 Bit = 27PL-C,


Start Add + 6

7 Bit = 27PL-B, 6 Bit = 27PL-A,

5 Bit = 59PH-C, 4 Bit = 59PH-B,

3 Bit = 59PH-A, 2 Bit = 59PL-C,

1 Bit = 59PL-B, 0 Bit = 59PL-A,


Start Add + 7

7 Bit = 50G, 6 Bit = 51G,

5 Bit = 50P-C, 4 Bit = 50P-B,

3 Bit = 50P-A, 2 Bit = 51P-C,

1 Bit = 51P-B, 0 Bit = 51P-A,


Start Add + 8

Fixed to 93h


<Table 2> Each bit value for I/O status read command

GMPC II communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of GMPC II communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box

 You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of GMPC II communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Writing settings

You can write GIPAM115 FI equipment's setting value by using write settings. 


Note) Write for GIPAM115 FI can control when the equipment's setting is 'remote'.


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             GIPAM115 FI controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS          Setting control or reset type(hex-decimal unit) number, refer to <Table 3>.

4)  Extra1                   Model name = PAM115FI . ( GIPAM115 FI model )

5)  Extra2                   Don't care.


Command contents



CB Close

control command

you can only control when 'remote mode'


CB Open


Relay Fault Reset

Reset command


Clear WH


Clear VARH


Clear All SOE Data


Clear CB On Counter


Clear CB On Time


Clear VO. Max


Clear Backup Data


Clear All Fault Record

<Table 3> Setting element and command contents for Digital write

Write example 1)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0000,  EXTRA1 : PAM115FI,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is CB Close control example for 1 controller station GIPAM115 FI.

CB Close write command can control when the controller's setting is 'remote'.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0001,  EXTRA1 : PAM115FI,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is CB Open control example for 1 controller station GIPAM115 FI.

CB Open write command can control when the controller's setting is 'remote'.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0002,  EXTRA1 : PAM115FI,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Relay Fault reset example for 1 controller station GIPAM115 FI.


Analog Write

GMPC II communication driver for GIPAM115 FI model don't support analog write.


3. Connection of main power and communication cable

 Connection of main power and communication cable are as follows.


Connection of main power

Please connect 110 V AC or DC main power to B22, B24 connector at GIPAM115 FI controller's rear panel such as <Figure 4>.

<Figure 5> is appearance of  GIPAM115 FI controller.

<Figure 4> Connection example of main power and communication cable to GIMAC-IV controller

<Figure 5> Appearance of  GIPAM115 FI controller

Connection of I-NET communication cable

Please connect I-NET RS-485 communication cable to A16 ( Rx1 ),  A18 ( Rx0 ), A20 ( Tx1 ), A22 ( Tx0 ) connector such as <Figure 4>.


Note) When you connect GIPAM115 FI and GMPC, you have to connect Rx = Tx, Tx = Rx respectively. ( I-NET cable = offered by LSIS Co., Ltd. when you buying GMPC or GIPAM115 FI)


4. Setting of GMPC V

Connection of GMPC V almost equal with GMPC III. So you can refer to connection of GMPC III part.

<Figure 6> is apperance of GMPC V controller.

<Figure 6> Apperance of GMPCV controller

Note) Password input method : you can input 'password' by using 4 button of frong panel. ( Inital(default) Password : press 'FUNCTION', 'SELECT', 'UP', 'ENTER' button 2 times by turns )


Setting of GMPC V)

1. Time & Date   :  Date and Time setting of GMPC V.

2. Model   :  Model, protocol and communication method of  GMPC V.

Model | Protocol  : select GMP(I-NET protocol of GMPC) or MODBUS protocol,

Model | Media   : select communication media of GMPC V.

Model | Main Port :  select Primary(P) or Secondary(S).

3. Serial   :  select Com1 or Com2 port of GMPC V.

4. Network(This)  : select LAN1, LAN2 Ethernet port.

Network(This) | Ethernet Port  : select primary ethernet port of GMPC V.

Network(This) | IP_0  :  input IP Address of Primary Ethernet,

Network(This) | Port_0 No_0  :  input Port number of Primary Ethernet,

Network(This) | Netmask_0  :  input Subnet mask of Primary Ethernet,

Network(This) | Gateway_0  :  input Gateway IP Address of Primary Ethernet,

Network(This) | Host_IP0   :  input Host(PC, etc) IP Address of Primary Ethernet.


After setting GMPC V controller, save the setting by using 'ENTER' button.

Also, you have to reset(power off and power on) in order to apply the setting value. (don't reset, GMPC V use the old setting value)


Note) When you using the 'Ethernet' communication, you have to set Host(PC, etc) IP address at GMPC V controller.

Also if you don't use gateway at network, please set 'Gateway' IP address to ''.


Note) You must input power for the first time of GIMAC-IV, etc, and input power GMPC V.

If you input power GMPC V the first and input GIMAC-IV, etc, GMPC V can't find connected equipment. So it may not be able to communicate with connected equipment.