GMPC communication driver for IMC II



GMPC II communication driver is the driver to communicate with power meter GIMAC/GIMACII/GIMACIII/IMC II ( Intelligent Motor Controller ) model of LSIS Co., Ltd.  in Korea.

IMC II model communicate with GMPC controller( GMPC I, GMPC II, GMPC III, GMPC V, ... ) and computer read and write GMPC's data.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for IMC II model. 

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of GMPC II communication driver for IMC II model

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1 or TCP/IP, UDP/IP, etc), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively according to setting of GMPC.

Baud rate, parity bit, data bit, stop bit can set by using switch of rear or front panel(GMPC controller).


GMPC II communication driver read schedule for IMC II

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – IMC II controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

2) Controller Model – Model = IMC2 (when using IMC II model).

3) Read data type – Data type = 0, 1, 13, 14.... ( Cmd - 10h, refer to reference manual of IMC II )

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Read size.  Fixed according to read data type. ( Refer to <Table 1> ~ <Table 8> )

6) Sub1 command - Input 0  ~ 2 Sub1 command when 13 or 14 data type.


Read schedule example)

READ,    1,  IMC2,     0,    0,   1,

READ,    1,  IMC2,    13,   10,   1,   1,   0,

READ,    1,  IMC2,    13,   30,   1,   2,   0,

READ,    1,  IMC2,    13,   50,   1,

FLOAT,   1,  IMC2,     1,    0,   1,

FLOAT,   1,  IMC2,    14,   10,   1,


<Table 1> is read/write data element for IMC II controller.

<Table 2> ~ <Table 8> are data saving address and contents for 0, 1,13, 14 data type.


Data type Sub1 Contents Data unit Data size Remarks
0 Don't care Read of I/O status Bit 6 Byte Refer to <Table 2>
1 Read of current Float 3 Float Refer to <Table 3>
13 0 Read or write of setting value 1 Byte/Bit,... 10 Byte, 1 Bit, 1 Word Refer to <Table 4>
1 Read or write of setting value 2 Byte/Bit,... 10 Byte, 1 Word Refer to <Table 5>
2 Read or write of setting value 3 Word 3 Word Refer to <Table 6>
14 0 Read of fault current Float 3 Float Refer to <Table 7>
1 Read or write of setting value fault ground current current Float/Word/Byte 1 Float, 1 Word, 1Byte Refer to <Table 8>
<Table 1> Read/write data element for IMC II controller



Data Saving Address




Start Add +  0

Operating status

1h, 2h, 4h, 8h

0 Bit = On, 1 Bit = Rev,

2 Bit = Stop, 3 Bit = Reset

Start Add +  1

Operating Mode

1h, 2h, 4h, 8h

0 Bit = Local, 1 Bit = MCC,

2 Bit = Remote, 3 Bit = Auto

Start Add +  2

Trip phase display, pre-alarm

1h, 10h, 20h, 30h

0 Bit = over current,

4 ~ 5 Bit = R, S, T phase Trip

Start Add +  3

Trip reason


0 Bit = Timer2 Error(water purification plant mode )

Start Add +  4

1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 10h, 20h, 40h, 80h

0 Bit = over current, 1 Bit = open phase,

2 Bit = unblance, 3 Bit = low current,

4 Bit = Stall, 5 Bit = Lock,

6 Bit = ground, 7 Bit = negative phase,

Start Add +  5


1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 10h

0 Bit = Input Fail, 1 Bit = Output Fail,

3 Bit = eeprom data init, 4 Bit = uncalibrated

<Table 2> Data saving address and contents for 0 data type

Data Saving Address



Start Add +  0 ~ 2

R, S, T phase current

Float value

<Table 3> Data saving address and contents for 1 data type


Data Saving Address




Start Add +  0

Operating time

1 ~ 60


Start Add +  1

CT Type

0 or 1

CT Type 0 : 0.5 ~ 6

CT Type 1 : 5 ~ 60

real value = read value / 10

Start Add +  2

Rated current

5 ~ 60 : CT = 0,

50 ~ 600 : CT = 1

Start Add +  3

Operation method

1, 2, 4, 8


Start Add +  4

Operating time of reactor

1 ~ 60


Start Add +  5

Operating time

of Y


Start Add +  6

Y-D switching time

0, 1, 2


Start Add +  7

CT Ratio

1 ~ 200

real value = read value / 5

Start Add +  8

Lock protection

0 ~ 6


Start Add +  9

Lock delay time

1 ~ 200


Start Add +  10

Stall protection

0 ~ 3


Start Add +  11

Use of open phase protection function

0, 1


<Table 4> Data saving address and contents for 13 data type and 0 Sub1

Data Saving Address




Start Add +  0

Unblanced factor protection function

0 ~ 3


Start Add +  1

Negative phase protection function

0, 1


Start Add +  2

Ground protection function


Start Add +  3

ZCT setting


Start Add +  4

Setting of ground operation current

0 ~ 6


Start Add +  5

Setting of ground operation time

5, 10 ~ 100

real value = read value / 10

Start Add +  6

 Ground Lock function when operating

0, 1


Start Add +  7

Protection of low current

0 ~ 9


Start Add +  8

voltage-dip compensation time

0 ~ 10


Start Add +  9

Restart delay time

0 ~ 300

Word data

Start Add +  10

Over current Mode

0, 1


<Table 5> Data saving address and contents for 13 data type and 1 Sub1

Data Saving Address




Start Add +  0 ~ 2

Timer 1 ~ 3 Set

0 ~ 300


<Table 6> Data saving address and contents for 13 data type and 2 Sub1

Data Saving Address



Start Add +  0 ~ 2

R, S, T phase current

Float data

<Table 7> Data saving address and contents for 14 data type and 0 Sub1

Data Saving Address



Start Add +  0

ground current

Float value

Start Add +  1

Trip cause ( refer to <Table 2> )

0 Bit = Timer2 Error( water purification plant mode )

Start Add +  2

0 Bit = over current, 1 Bit = open phase,

2 Bit = unblanced factor, 3 Bit = low current,

4 Bit = Stall, 5 Bit = Lock,

6 Bit = ground, 7 Bit = negative phase,

Start Add +  3

Trip phase information

0 Bit = over current,

4 ~ 5 Bit = R, S, T phase Trip

<Table 8> Data saving address and contents for 14 data type and 1 Sub1


2. Writing settings

You can write IMC II equipment's setting value by using write settings. 


Note) Write for IMC II can control when the equipment's setting is 'remote'.


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             IMC II controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS          Setting data type.

0000 – Forward ON/Stop operation,

0001 – Reverse ON/Stop operation,

0002 – Reset. 

4)  Extra1                   Model name = IMC2. ( IMC II model )

5)  Extra2                   Don't care.


 Write example 1)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0000,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Forward ON/Stop operation control example for 1 controller station IMC II.

Forward ON/Stop operation write command can control when the controller's setting is 'remote'.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0001,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Reverse ON/Stop operation control example for 1 controller station IMC II.

Reverse ON/Stop operation write command can control when the controller's setting is 'remote'. 


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0002,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Reset control example for 1 controller station IMC II.

Reset write command can control when the controller's setting is 'remote'. 



Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             IMC II controller station number = 0 ~ 255.

3)  ADDRESS          Setting data type.

0000 ~ 0010 – setting 1 ~ 2 (Extra2 = 0 ~ 1 ) writing address.  refer to <Table 9> ~ <Table 10>,

0000 ~ 0002 – setting 3 writing address. refer to <Table 11>. 

4)  Extra1                   Model name = IMC2. ( IMC II model )

5)  Extra2                   Selection of setting 1 ~ 3.

 0 – setting value 1,

1 – setting value 2,

2 – setting value 3.

Address Contents Output range Remarks
0000 Operating time 1 ~ 60  
0001 Rated current 5 ~ 60 : CT = 0,50 ~ 600 : CT = 1 real value = output value / 10
0002 Operation method 1, 2, 4, 8  
0003 Reactor operating time 1 ~ 60  
0004 Y operating time  
0005 Y-D switching time 0, 1, 2  
0006 CT Ratio 1 ~ 200 real value = output value / 10
0007 Lock protection 0 ~ 6  
0008 Lock delay time 1 ~ 200  
0009 Stall protection 0 ~ 3  
0010 Using of open phase protection function 0, 1  
<Table 9> Paramter range of setting value 1 for Analog write



Output range



Unblance protection function

0 ~ 3



Negative phase sequence protection function

0, 1



Ground protection function



Setting of ZCT



Setting of ground operation current

0 ~ 6



Setting of ground operating time

5, 10 ~ 100

real value = output value / 10


Gground Lock function when operation

0, 1



Protection of low current

0 ~ 9



Voltage-dip compensation time

0 ~ 10



Restart delay time

0 ~ 300



Over current mode

0, 1


<Table 10> Paramter range of setting value 2 for Analog write



Output range

0000 ~ 0002

Timer 1 ~ 3 Set

0 ~ 300

<Table 11> Paramter range of setting value 3 for Analog write

Write example 1)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0000,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is Operating time setting( output range : 1 ~ 60 ) example for 1 controller station IMC II.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0006,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is CT Ratio setting( output range : 1 ~ 200 ) example for 1 controller station IMC II.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0009,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is Restart delay time setting( output range : 0 ~ 300 ) example for 1 controller station IMC II.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  Station : 1,  ADDRESS : 0000,  EXTRA1 : IMC2,  EXTRA2 : 2

The setting parameter shown above is Timer 1 setting( output range : 0 ~ 300 ) example for 1 controller station IMC II.


3. Connection of main power and communication cable

 Connection of main power and communication cable are as follows.


Connection of main power

Please connect 110/220 V AC main power to 23, 24 connector at IMC II controller's rear panel such as <Figure 2>.

<Figure 4> Connection example of main power and communication cable to GIMAC-IV controller

Connection of I-NET communication cable

Please connect I-NET RS-485 communication cable to 27(Rx0),  28(Rx1), 29(Tx0) , 30(Tx1) connector such as <Figure 2>.