Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver


Flotron NF560 Batch Controller Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with NF560 Batch Controller  of Flotron CO., LTD. in Korea.

1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver .


<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver


Device Setting of <Figure 1> are input, Com Port(COM6), Com Speed(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1).



Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Equipment ID = 0 ~ 99.

2) Read Command – Command = ID, BS, T?, R?, O?, B?, C?, P?. (Refer to <Table 1>)

3) Read Start Address – don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saveing start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – read size = 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 1, BS, 0, 0, 1,
READ, 1, T?, 0, 5, 1,
READ, 1, R?, 0, 10, 1,
READ, 1, B?, 0, 15, 1,


<Table 1> is a description of read commands type and stored values of  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver.

Read Command Content Stored Values Remarks
ID Read of Connected Equipment ID Start Add + 0 :  Equipment ID When only one equipment connecting
BS Read of Batch Status Start Add + 0 :  Batch Status 1 = Completion (R1 : Off, R2 : Off)
2 = Pause (R1 : Off, R2 : Off)
3 = Slow Start (R1 : On, R2 : Off)
4 = Pre Stop (R1 : On, R2 : Off)
5 = Flow Full (R1 : On, R2 : On)
6 = Wait for Completion (R1 : Off, R2 : Off)
7 = Time Out (R1 : Off, R2 : Off)
T? Read of Total Value Start Add + 0 :  Batch Count
Start Add + 1 :  rst Total(float)
Start Add + 2 :  acc Total(float)
R? Read of Current Value Start Add + 0 :  Current Value(float)  
O? Read of Total, Current Value Start Add + 0 :  Batch Count
Start Add + 1 :  rst Total(float)
Start Add + 2 :  acc Total(float)
Start Add + 3 :  Current Value(float)
 B? Read of Batch Quantity Start Add + 0 :  Batch Quantity(float)  
 C? Read of Temperature Start Add + 0 :  Temperature(float)  
P? Read of Pressure Start Add + 0 :  Pressure(float)  
<Table 1> Read commands type and stored values of  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver


Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.


<Figure 2> Example of  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller Communication Driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can setting Batch value and control Batch start, stop etc of  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller  by using write commands.


Bit write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value.



Word Write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : Equipment  ID = 0 ~ 99.

3) ADDRESS : don't care. 

4) EXTRA 1 : Write Command = BV(setting of Batch Quantity) , BH(Batch Pause/Stop), BR(Batch Reset), BC(Batch Start).

       BV Write Command  format : BV.x  , x = 0 ~ 5  dot position.(default = 2)

5) EXTRA 2 : don't care.


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:BV.2, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for 'Batch Quantity' setting of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller connected with 0 port, set to 1 Equipment ID.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:BH, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for 'Batch Pause/Stop' control of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller connected with 0 port, set to 1 Equipment ID.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:BC, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of word write for 'Batch Start' control of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller connected with 0 port, set to 1 Equipment ID.



Block Write

Flotron NF560 Batch Controller communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.


3. Communication cable connection of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller

You have to connect serial communication cable in the following ways.


Connection of RS-422 communication cable

You must connect RS-422 Rx+, Rx-, Tx+, Tx- terminal  of Flotron NF560 Batch Controller and Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx- terminal of PC Respectively.

<Figure 4> is example of RS-422 communication cable connection to  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller.

<Figure 5> shows the appearance of   Flotron NF560 Batch Controller

<Figure 4> Example of RS-422 communication cable connection to Flotron NF560 Batch Controller


<Figure 5> Appearance of  Flotron NF560 Batch Controller