EESYS CCU Controller Communication Driver


EESYS CCU Controller Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with CCU equipment of EESYS Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of EESYS CCU Controller communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of EESYS CCU Controller communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM8), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively.



EESYS CCU Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION –  Don't care.

2) Read command – Command = P, D, CHARGE, FARE .(Refer to <Table 1>)

3) Read Start Address – Don't care.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Size = Fix to 1.


Read schedule example)

READ, 0, P, 0, 0, 1,
READ, 0, D, 0, 300, 1,


<Table 1> is a description of read command and stored values of  EESYS CCU Controller communication driver.

Read Command Contents Stored Values or Output value Remarks
P Read of charge operation status Start Add + 0 ~ 2 :  System output voltage/current/power
Start Add + 3 ~ 5 :  System input voltage/current/power
Start Add + 6 ~ 7 :  Charging remain time minute/second
Start Add + 8 ~ 9 :  Total charging time minute/second
Start Add + 10 ~ 11 :  CCU Fault/CCU Run, stop
Start Add + 12 ~ 13 :  Reserved 1/2
Start Add + 14 ~ 16 :  BMS operation status/charging plug connection status/BMS Fault
Start Add + 17 ~ 18 :  Reserved 1/2
Start Add + 19 ~ 21 :  Battery Fault 1/2, Reserved 2
*************** PS 1 ~ 10 status value *******************************
Start Add + 22 ~ 23 :  P/S 1 R  input voltage/current
Start Add + 24 ~ 25 :  P/S 1 S input voltage/current
Start Add + 26 ~ 27 :  P/S 1 Status/end stauts = 1
Start Add + 28 ~ 29 :  P/S 1 T input voltage/current
Start Add + 30 ~ 31 :  P/S 1 DC voltage/output voltage
Start Add + 32 :  P/S 1 end status = 2
Start Add + 33 ~ 34 :  P/S 1 DC current/output current
Start Add + 35 ~ 38 :  P/S 1 Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 39 :  P/S 1 end status = 3
Start Add + 40 ~ 47 :  reserved 1 ~ 8
Start Add + 48 ~ 73 :  P/S 2 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 2 status value)
Start Add + 74 ~ 99 :  P/S 3 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 3 status value)
Start Add + 100 ~ 125 :  P/S 4 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 4 status value)
Start Add + 126 ~ 151 :  P/S 5 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 5 status value)
Start Add + 152 ~ 177 :  P/S 6 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 6 status value)
Start Add + 178 ~ 203 :  P/S 7 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 7 status value)
Start Add + 204 ~ 229 :  P/S 8 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 8 status value)
Start Add + 230 ~ 255 :  P/S 9 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 9 status value)
Start Add + 256 ~ 281 :  P/S 10 R input voltage ~ reserved 8(Module 10 status value)
D Read of current data Start Add + 0 :  setting status of  OP code(F, S, B ...)
Start Add + 1 ~ 3 :  Systen output voltage/current/power
Start Add + 4 ~ 6 :  Systen input voltage/current/power
Start Add + 7 ~ 8 :  Charging remain time minute/second
Start Add + 9 ~ 10 :  Total charging time minute/second
Start Add + 11 ~ 12 :  CCU Fault/CCU Run, stop
Start Add + 13 ~ 14 :  Reserved 1/2
Start Add + 15 ~ 17 :  BMS operation status/charging plug connection status/BMS Fault
Start Add + 18 ~ 19 :  Reserved 1/2
Start Add + 20 ~ 22 :  Battery Fault 1/2, reserved 2
*************** PS 1 ~ 10 Fault value *******************************
Start Add + 23 ~ 26 :  P/S 1 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 27 ~ 30 :  P/S 2 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 31 ~ 34 :  P/S 3 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 35 ~ 38 :  P/S 4 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 39 ~ 42 :  P/S 5 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 43 ~ 46 :  P/S 6 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 47 ~ 50 :  P/S 7 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 51 ~ 54 :  P/S 8 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 55 ~ 58 :  P/S 9 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 59 ~ 62 :  P/S 10 R Fault 1 ~ 4
Start Add + 63 ~ 72 :  Reserved  1 ~ 10
CHARGE Write data of charger operation status to Server Don't save read data.
( Write data of charger operation status to Server)
Refer to <Table 2>
FARE Read of basic fare from Server Start Add + 0 :  basic fare You can read also 'Write Command' after
invalid 'Read Command'( ' ; ' character insert )
<Table 1> Read commands type and stored values of EESYS CCU Controller communication driver


AD Power M2M4 Meter communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64 memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: ¼³¸í: 2 in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.


<Figure 2> Example of EESYS CCU Controller communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can also set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of EESYS CCU Controller communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.



2. Write settings

You can set EESYS CCU controller by using write commands.



Bit write

Bit write and word write have the same setting parameters except output value(0 or 1).



Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : Don't care.

3) ADDRESS : Write command = F, Extra2 = 1 :   0 = charging mode, 1 = load select, 2 = charging time, 3 = charging OFF time, 4 = discharging time, 5 = time unit, 6 = charging voltage, 7 = charging current, 8 = discharging current, 9 = reserved value select.

 Write command = C_FAULT :   0 =  CCU Fault, 1 = BSM Fault, 2 = BATT Fault 1, 3 = reserved, 4 = BATT fault 2 value select.

Write command = M_VOLT, M_CURR, M_POWER, M_FAULT1, M_FAULT2, M_FAULT3, M_FAULT4  :   0 ~ 9 selection of charger module number.

                         Other write command  : Don't care. 


5) EXTRA 2 :  Write command = F :   1 = setting of charging plug connection status value(accoding to ADDRESS), 0 = send charging plug status value.

 Other write command  : Don't care. 


<Table 2> is a description of write command and write value of  EESYS CCU Controller communication driver.

Write Command Contents Output value Remarks
R Setting of operation status 0 = Stop,
1 = Run
B Setting of charging plug connection status Don't care  
F Setting of charging plug connection status Don't care Extra2 = 1
ADDRESS = 0 ~ 9 (setting of status).
(0 = charging mode, 1 = load select, 2 = charging time,
3 = charging OFF time, 4 = discharging time, 5 = time unit,
6 = charging voltage, 7 = charging current,
8 = discharging current, 9 = reserved value select.)
Extra2 = 0
send charging plug connection status(saved).
S Write of stand by charging Don't care  
CHARGE Write data of charger operation status to Server Don't care ID1, ID2, CARDID, MONEY, QUANTITY, T_TIME, C_FAULT, R_TIME, C_POWER, C_STATUS,
Command = setting of charging operation status to memory, then use 'CHARGE' command.
FARE Read of basic fare from Server Don't care Save data to memory according to 'read schedule'
((save too at invalid 'Read Command'( ' ; ' character insert ))
ID1 Save City/Do ID value to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 1 : Gyeonggi, 2 = Gangwon, ....  
ID2 Save charger ID value to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) WORD unit  
CARDID Save User  ID value to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) Double WORD unit  
MONEY Save charging amount to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 5dight 10decimal won
QUANTITY Save charging quantity to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 6dight 10decimal W(Watt)
T_TIME Save total charging time to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) WORD unit sec unit
C_FAULT Save CCU Fault, BSM Fault, BATT Fault 1, reserved, ATT Fault 2
to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command)
BYTE unit ADDRESS : saving data type
0 = CCU Fault, 1 = BSM Fault, 2 = BATT Fault 1,
3 = reserved, 4 = BATT Fault 2.
R_TIME Save current charging remain time to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) WORD unit sec unit
C_POWER Save output power to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, KW unit
C_STATUS Save charging status to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) BYTE unit 0 = Ready, 1 = Run, 2 = Stop, 3 = Error
C_INVOLT Save charging input voltage to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, V unit
C_INCURR Save charging input current to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, A unit
C_OUTVOLT Save charging output voltage to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, V unit
C_OUTCURR Save charging output current to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, A unit
M_VOLT Save charging module 1 ~ 10 output voltage to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, V unit
M_CURR Save cahrging module 1 ~ 10 output current to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, A unit
M_POWER Save charging module 1 ~ 10 output power to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) 4dight 10decimal ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
saving value = input value(dot 1) x 10, KW unit
M_FAULT1 Save charging module 1 ~ 10 Fault 1 to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) BYTE unit ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
M_FAULT2 Save charging module 1 ~ 10 ault 2 to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) BYTE unit ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
M_FAULT3 Save charging module 1 ~ 10 ault 3 to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) BYTE unit ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
M_FAULT4 Save charging module 1 ~ 10 ault 4 to internal memory(for 'CHARGE' write command) BYTE unit ADDRESS : 0 ~ 9 = charger module 1 ~ 10,
<Table 2>  write command and write value of  EESYS CCU Controller communication driver


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:R, Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for operation status setting of EESYS CCU Controller connected with 0 port.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:F, Extra2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for saving of charging mode value to internal memory(port = 0).


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0002, Extra1:F, Extra2 : 1

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for saving of charging time to internal memory(port = 0).


Write example 4)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:F, Extra 2: 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for send charging plug connection status value(saved to internal memory) connected with 0 port.


Write example 5)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:FARE, Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for read basic fare from Server and save readed data to memory(WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64).


Write example 6)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:MONEY, Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for saving of charging amount to internal memory(port = 0).

(CHARGE Command = send saved data to Server)


Write example 7)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:CHARGE , Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of write for charger operation status value(saved at internal memory) to Server.

(charger operation status value saving command = ID1, ID2, CARDID, MONEY, QUANTITY, T_TIME, ...)



Block write

EESYS CCU Controller communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®Block write¡¯.



3. Appearance of EESYS CCU Controller

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of EESYS CCU Controller.

<Figure 4> Appearance of EESYS CCU Controller