Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver


Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver is the driver to communicate with DC Power Supply of Dynatronix Inc. in U.S.A.


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively, according to setting of controller.

In protocol option part, you can set whether to use and check CRC code( 1, use, 0 = don't use, default = 1)


Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Unit address – 0 ~ 99 unit ID number. 0 = global, 1 ~ 99 = unit address.

2) Read command – command = CURR, SET.

CURR = read of current value,

SET = read setting value. 

3) Read start address – 0 ~ 9 setting number when SET command.

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read size – fixed to 1. ( refer to <Table 1>, <Table 2> )


Read schedule example)

READ, 1,  CURR, 0,   0, 1,

READ, 1,     SET,  0, 30, 1,


<Table 1>, <Table 2> are data saving address and contents for CURR, SET read command.

Data saving address Contents Remakrs
start addr + 0 operate state 0=standby, 1=operate, 2=pause, 3=inhibit, 4=trickle,
start addr + 1 active setup number 0 ~ 10, 0=unsaved values
start addr + 2 active recipe number 0 ~ 8, 0=unsaved values
start addr + 3 active recipe step 1 ~ 8
start addr + 4 forward current amps, float data
start addr + 5 forward voltage volts, float data
start addr + 6 reverse current amps, float data
start addr + 7 reverse voltage volts, float data
start addr + 8 XTC mode 0=manual, 1=ATC, 2=RTC (XTC means either ATC or RTC)
start addr + 9 XTC reading Amin/Ahr for ATC or Sec/Min/Hr for RTC, float data
start addr + 10 forward totalizer Amin/,Ahr, float data
start addr + 11 reverse totalizer Amin/Ahr, float data
start addr + 12 ramp time reading Sec/Min, float data
start addr + 13 forward ramp active level setting peak amps/volts
start addr + 14 reverse ramp active level setting
start addr + 15 relay atc left Amin/Ahr, float data
start addr + 16 relay on time left minutes
start addr + 17 alarm flag 1=read the Alarm command to determine which alarm or error
start addr + 18 active setup changed flag 0 = no change, 1 = changed
start addr + 19 active recipe changed flag
start addr + 20 recipe step 1¡¯s ¡®step run count optional
start addr + 21 recipe step n¡¯s ¡®step run count
<Table 1> Data saving address and contents for CURR read command
Data saving address Contents Remakrs
start addr + 0 setup number w0=active, 1-10=saved
start addr + 1 regulation mode 0=current, 1=crossover, 2=voltage
start addr + 2 forward current setting amps, float data
start addr + 3 forward voltage setting volts, float data
start addr + 4 reverse current setting amps, float data
start addr + 5 reverse voltage setting volts, float data
start addr + 6 current tolerance % of setting, 0=disabled
start addr + 7 voltage tolerance
start addr + 8 fwd/rev timing resolution index pulse units : 0=xx.xx ms, 1=xxx.x ms, 2=x.xxx s, 3=xx.xx s
CRSR or DCR units : 0=xxxx sec, xxxx min
start addr + 9 on/off timing resolution index 0=xx.xx ms, 1=xxx.x ms, 2=x.xxx s, 3=xx.xx s
start addr + 10 forward duration mSec or Sec, float data
start addr + 11 forward on time
start addr + 12 forward off time
start addr + 13 reverse duration
start addr + 14 reverse on time
start addr + 15 reverse off time
start addr + 16 RTC timing resolution index 0=xxx.x sec, 1=xxxx sec, 2=xx.xx min,
3=xxx.x min, 4=xxxx min, 5=xx.xx hr, 6=xxx.x hr
start addr + 17 ATC amp-time resolution index 0=x.xxx amp-min, 1=xx.xx amp-min, 2=xxx.x amp-min, 3=xxxx amp-min,
4=x.xxx amp-hr, 5=xx.xx amp-hr, 6=xxx.x amp-hr, 7=xxxx amp-hr
start addr + 18 XTC mode 0=manual, 1=ATC, 2=RTC
start addr + 19 XTC preset Amin/Ahr or Sec/Min/Hr, limited by RTC/ATC resolution index above, float data
start addr + 20 ATC accumulation mode 0=forward, 1=forward-reverse
start addr + 21 totalizer resolution index 0=x.xxx amp-min, 1=xx.xx amp-min, 2=xxx.x, amp-min, 3=xxxx amp-min,
 4=x.xxx amp-hr, 5=xx.xx amp-hr, 6=xxx.x, amp-hr, 7=xxxx amp-hr
start addr + 22 relay amp-time preset Amin/Ahr, float data
start addr + 23 relay on-time minutes
start addr + 24 ramp time resolution index 0=xxxx sec, 1=xxxx min
start addr + 25 ramp mode 0=disable, 1=up, 2=down
start addr + 26 ramp duration Sec/Min
start addr + 27 ramp start offset percent of signal setting, 0=minimum, 99=maximum
start addr + 28 trickle flag 0=disable, 1=enable
start addr + 29 trickle level percent of forward current setting
start addr + 30 end-of-cycle alarm enable 0=disable, 1=enable
start addr + 31 current error alarm enable
start addr + 32 voltage error alarm enable
start addr + 33 ¡°relay on¡± alarm enable
<Table 2> Data saving address and contents for SET read command


Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE memory, but the data format are different.

If you click the icon  in protocol option part at <Figure 1>, you can see the dialog box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part. 

<Figure 2> Example of Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver¡¯s Option dialog box

You can set read schedule by using , , button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

Also, you can setwhether to use and check CRC code by using the part of ¡®Use and Check CRC¡¯ shown in <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialog box

When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> is shown.


2. Write settings

You can set Dynatronix DP/DPR Series controller by using 'write settings'. 


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             0 ~ 99 unit ID number. 0 = global, 1 ~ 99 = unit address.

3)  ADDRESS          0 ~ 32 writing contents when SET write command. ( refer to <Table 3> )

4)  Extra1                  writte command = SET, A_SET, H_SET.

SET : writing of  setting value, ( refer to <Table 3> )

A_SET : writing of activated 'setup' number, ( Output value : 0 ~ 10 setup number )

H_SET : changing of communication mode. ( Output value  : 0=panel, 1=host, 2=analog, 3=panel-analog, 4=host-analog )

5) Extra2                   0 ~ 10 'setup' number when SET write command.


Note) You can write 'setting value', ... when communication mode = 'Host.

Also, 1 ~ 9 setup number can only use the device that installed 'flash' memory.


<Table 3> is setting parameters for SET write command.

Address value Contents Output value
0 regulation mode 0=current, 1=crossover, 2=voltage
1 forward current setting  float value
2 forward voltage setting
3 reverse current setting
4 reverse voltage setting
5 current tolerance 0 ~ 100, 0=disabled
6 voltage tolerance
7 fwd/rev timing resolution index pulse units : 0=xx.xx ms, 1=xxx.x ms, 2=x.xxx s, 3=xx.xx s
CRSR or DCR units : 0=xxxx sec, xxxx min
8 on/off timing resolution index 0=xx.xx ms, 1=xxx.x ms, 2=x.xxx s, 3=xx.xx s
9 forward duration  float value
10 forward on time
11 forward off time
12 reverse duration
13 reverse on time
14 reverse off time
15 RTC timing resolution index 0=xxx.x sec, 1=xxxx sec, 2=xx.xx min,
3=xxx.x min, 4=xxxx min, 5=xx.xx hr, 6=xxx.x hr
16 ATC amp-time resolution index 0=x.xxx amp-min, 1=xx.xx amp-min, 2=xxx.x amp-min, 3=xxxx amp-min,
4=x.xxx amp-hr, 5=xx.xx amp-hr, 6=xxx.x amp-hr, 7=xxxx amp-hr
17 XTC mode 0=manual, 1=ATC, 2=RTC
18 XTC preset  float value
19 ATC accumulation mode 0=forward, 1=forward-reverse
20 totalizer resolution index 0=x.xxx amp-min, 1=xx.xx amp-min, 2=xxx.x, amp-min, 3=xxxx amp-min,
 4=x.xxx amp-hr, 5=xx.xx amp-hr, 6=xxx.x, amp-hr, 7=xxxx amp-hr
21 relay amp-time preset  float value
22 relay on-time integer value
23 ramp time resolution index 0=xxxx sec, 1=xxxx min
24 ramp mode 0=disable, 1=up, 2=down
25 ramp duration nteger value
26 ramp start offset 0 ~ 99, 0=minimum, 99=maximum
27 trickle flag 0=disable, 1=enable
28 trickle level 0 ~ 100
29 end-of-cycle alarm enable 0=disable, 1=enable
30 current error alarm enable
31 voltage error alarm enable
32 ¡°relay on¡± alarm enable
<Table 3> Setting parameters for SET write command

Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:SET,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is regulation mode setting example of unit ID 1 Dynatronix DP/DPR Series controller.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0001, Extra1:SET,  Extra2 : 0

The setting parameter shown above is forward current value setting example of unit ID 1 Dynatronix DP/DPR Series controller.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:1, ADDRESS:0000, Extra1:H_SET,  Extra2 : 0, Output value = 1

The setting parameter shown above is changing to 'Host' mode setting example of unit ID 1 Dynatronix DP/DPR Series controller.


Block Write

Dynatronix DP/DPR Series communication driver don't support 'Block Write'.