Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver


Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet Communication Driver is the driver to communicate with TAU PMAC of DELTA TAU Data System, Inc. in U.S.A.

1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver


<Figure 1> is the screen where Device Type(TCP/IP), TAU PMAC IP no.(, service no.(1025) are input in DEVICE part.



Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) STATION – Don't care.

2)  Read Command – Command (Device Memory Type) = P, Q, M, I. (Refer to <Table 1>)

3) Read Start Address – Address = 0 ~ 8191.

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server – saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Size = 1 ~ 100.


Read schedule example)

READ, 0, P, 0, 0, 16,
READ, 0, Q, 0, 20, 16,
READ, 0, M, 100, 50, 100,
READ, 0, I, 0, 150, 100,


<Table 1> is a description of memory type and valid address of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver.

Memory Type Content Address Range Unit
P  P Memory 0 ~ 8191 Float/Double
Q M Memory 0 ~ 8191 Float/Double
M M Memory 0 ~ 8191 WORD/DWORD
I I Memory 0 ~ 8191 WORD/DWORD
<Table 1> Memory type and valid address of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver


Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, INT64 memory, but the data formats are different.

 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>. you can also set read schedule by using this part.


<Figure 2> Example of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet Communication Driver¡¯s Option dialogue box


You can set read schedule by using , ,  button and listbox of <Figure 2>.

<Figure 3> Example of Delta TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver¡¯s read schedule Add/Edit dialogue box


When you click Add button or Edit button in dialogue box of <Figure 2>, dialogue box of <Figure 3> will be shown.



2. Write settings

You can write memory values of Delta TAU PMAC by using write commands.


Bit write

Bit write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : Don't care. 

3) ADDRESS : Upper 3~4 address = 0 ~ 8191 : memory address, lower 1 address = 0 ~ F : bit position.

4) EXTRA 1 :  Write memory type = P, Q, M, I. (Refer to <Table 1>)

5) EXTRA 2 : Don't care. 


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0057, Extra1:M, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for 7bit of M0005 memory at Delta TAU PMAC connected with 0 port.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:268F, Extra1:M, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for Fbit of M0268 memory at Delta TAU PMAC connected with 0 port.



Word write

Word write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT : Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2) STATION : Don't care. 

3) ADDRESS : 0 ~ 8191 : memory address.

4) EXTRA 1 :  Write memory type = P, Q, M, I. (Refer to <Table 1>)

5) EXTRA 2 : Don't care. 


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0012, Extra1:P, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for P0012 memory of Delta TAU PMAC connected with 0 port.


Write example 2)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0342, Extra1:Q, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for Q0342 memory of Delta TAU PMAC connected with 0 port.


Write example 3)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0459, Extra1:M, Extra : 0

The setting parameter shown above is an example of bit write for M0459 memory of Delta TAU PMAC connected with 0 port.




Block write

Block Write use 'PlcScanWriteBlock' script function.

You can setting 'ushort/uint/float/double' variable(script variable type) unit. (WORD/DWORD/float/double type)


Script name and type : @PlcScanWriteBlock(int port, int station, int address, string extra1, string extra2, object array_value, int array_size);

   Example of secipt 1 (Block Write when write P5 ~ P8 memory to  'WORD' unit, write value  =12, 13, 14, 15  )


ushort   writeVal[4];


writeVal[0] = 12;

writeVal[1] = 13;

writeVal[2] = 14;

writeVal[3] = 15;

@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 5, ¡°P¡±, ¡°¡±, writeVal, 4);


   Example of secipt 2 (Block Write when write Q10 ~ Q13 memory to  'Float' unit, write value  =1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4  )

½ºÅ©¸³Æ® ÀÛ¼º ¿¹2(ºí·Ï ¾²±â·Î Q10 ~ Q13 ¸Þ¸ð¸® ¿µ¿ªÀ» float Çü½ÄÀ¸·Î Ãâ·ÂÇÒ °æ¿ì)


float   fWriteVal[4];


fWriteVal [0] = 1.1;

fWriteVal [1] = 1.2;

fWriteVal [2] = 1.3;

fWriteVal [3] = 1.4;

@PlcScanWriteBlock(0, 0, 10, ¡°Q¡±, ¡°¡±, fWriteVal, 4);



Important) Block Write can use 'WORD /DWORD/FLOAT or DOUBLE' unit of TAU PMAC Ethernet communication driver.

Also you can write 1 ~ 10 data for one Block Write. ( 'PlcScanWriteBlock' script function is Supported or higher version)


3. Appearance of Delta TAU PMAC

<Figure 4> shows the appearance of Delta TAU PMAC.

<Figure 4> Appearance of Delta TAU PMAC