DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE Communication Driver


DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE Communication Driver is the driver of solar eRTU controller's 'SLAVE mode' of DONGEIECOS Co., Ltd. in Korea.


1. Read settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM2), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively.

Also you can set 'address of MASTER' (0 ~ 255, default = 0) by using option part.


DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver¡¯s read schedule

DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver's read schedule set a single lien of 'READ,'.


Read schedule example)



<Table 1> is a description of memory position and contents of sending data of DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver.

Command of MASTER memory position and contents of Sending data Remarks
MOD  0 address of WORD memory = phase(1, 3)
1 address of WORD memory = power capacity [0.1kw]
 2 address of WORD memory = rated line voltage[V]
1 ~ 3
0 ~ 9999, real value x 10
0 ~ 999
ST1  10 address of WORD memory =  PV voltage[V]
 11 address of WORD memory =  PV current[0.1A]
 12 address of WORD memory =  PV generated power[0.1kw]
0 ~ 999
0 ~ 9999, real value x 10
0 ~ 9999, real value x 10
ST2  20 address of WORD memory =  A line voltage[V]
 21 address of WORD memory = B line voltage[V]
 22 address of WORD memory =  C line voltage[V]
 23 address of WORD memory = line frequency[0.1Hz]
0 ~ 999
0 ~ 999
0 ~ 999
0 ~ 999, real value x 10
ST3  30 address of WORD memory =  A line current [0.1A]
 31 address of WORD memory =  B line current [0.1A]
 32 address of WORD memory =  C line current [0.1A]
0 ~ 9999, real value x 10
ST4  40 address of WORD memory =  generated power[0.1kW]
 41 address of DWORD memory =  total generated power[kWh]
0 ~ 9999, real value x 10
0 ~ 9999999
ST5  50 address of WORD memory = 1 = line power loss
 51 address of WORD memory =   1 = stop
 52 address of WORD memory =  0 = ready, 1 ~ 9 = system fault number
0 ~ 9
<Table 1> memory position and contents of sending data of DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver.


DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver send data to MASTER. (Refer to <Table 1>)

So you have to set sending data script or etc at 'LocalMain' program.(by virtual write)


Note) 'LocalMain' of virtual write use Extra1 = #MEM#, Extra2 = memory type(0 = WORD memory, 1 = FLOAT memory, 2 = DWORD memory) of Analog/Digital output Tag.


 If you click the icon  in protocol option part, you can see the dialogue box such as <Figure 2>.

you can see sending data memory position and set address of MASTER by using this part.

<Figure 2> Example of DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver¡¯s Option dialogue box



2. Write settings

DONGEIECOS eRTU Inverter SLAVE communication driver don¡¯t support ¡®write settings¡¯.